Smart spawn controller 1.0.2

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Changes in-game spawn controller to allow you set the maximum number of alive bots on map, change the spawn radius of bots, despawn bots that are too far away from you.

This is the CLIENT/SERVER mod and it is developed to be client independent.

Tested on EFT,,, Should work on versions 12.10 - 12.11

The server also can be 1.4.0 - 2.0.0 (there is a comment with confirmed work on 1.1.0)


* Limit the number of alive bots on the map
* Spawn new bots within a certain radius from the player
* Despawn alive bots when they too far from the player (dead bodies remain untouched)
* Setting the probability of spawn in the available zones and limiting the number of bots in the zone
* Customize the zones available for bosses
* Setting the maximum number of alive bots in the zone (does not apply to bosses and their followers)
* Setting the roles of bots that are being changed (by default, marksman-bots is not affected by the mod)
* Setting parameters separately for each map
* For now mod is using map waves settings, so you need enough scav waves if you plan using despawn mechanism (there is a solution to quick create a lot of scav waves)

If for a some reason new version is not working, try old one. And create a issue report HERE.

For easier configuring use my BotMonitor that you can find in my profile on

More details in README.MD

  • Please keep in mind that config provided with the mod requires fine tuning for your system and your preferences.

    • Hey there,

      didn't tried until now because of lack of time.

      But your standard config should already boost the FPS in comparsion to vanilla, right?

    • You don't get fps boost actually, but your game performance wont reduce during a raid. You can manage your fps by changing the amount of alive bots. The default value in mod config for most of the maps is 15. Other parameters are intended to make better game experience.

    • you are right, meant boosting "during the raid", because it's not going so hard downwards :) Thnx a lot <3

  • if possible to keep updating this mod it seems to be really good considering the FPS issue with bots spwan?

  • Hi, i used your mod previously and it helped me a lot with frames ingame and i was wondering if you planned on updating it to 2.1.2 or if you plan on waiting to update it later? thanks again and have a nice day.

  • for 2.1.2 users, try Chomp's build instead.…ealz-SmartSpawnController

    • Someone reported at Chomp's repo an error with it. I too have received that error. It creates a file "SmartSpawnController.txt" in the EFT root:

      [2022-01-22 16:54:08.995] [INFO] SmartSpawnController: Loading: astealz-SmartSpawnController
      [2022-01-22 16:54:09.022] [INFO] SmartSpawnController: Request GET json: a7a920e38892bd373ff64136:
      [2022-01-22 16:54:09.041] [INFO] SmartSpawnController: Request was successful
      [2022-01-22 16:54:09.178] [ERROR] SmartSpawnController: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'astealz.SmartSpawnController.Patches.BotSpawnerPatches' threw an exception. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one element
      at System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) [0x00070] in <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0
      at astealz.SmartSpawnController.Patches.BotSpawnerPatches..cctor () [0x00099] in <e7032e0f5278440386bcccbaf642f91c>:0
      --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
      at astealz.SmartSpawnController.Module.Main () [0x00051] in <e7032e0f5278440386bcccbaf642f91c>:0
      [2022-01-22 16:54:37.514] [INFO] SmartSpawnController: An error occurred while loading!
  • This mod work for anyone on current SPT build? Seems like on's a ghost town despite adjusting the spawn radius super close and jacking up bot count.

  • Update Plz Maaan


    For Aki 2.1.0, Not tested may have some bugs.

    Thanks 3
    • I love you

    • Hi, for me the mod doesnt load and in the console it says that it failed to load, any suggestions?

    • same I didn't get an error until now but just from playing it I could tell the mod wasn't working.

      right now the best thing to do is either wait for astealz to update the mod or to see if Lua can fix it

    • Do you know any other mod that can solve the annoying fps drops and lag?

    • I mean there are other mods like Lua's CP Spawn Rework Lua's CP Spawn Rework - Reborn or fins AI but there not as effective at solving fps drop and lag compared to this mod

  • 404 page not found...?

  • Update the mod pretty please!

  • So i use this and Fins AI tweaks, and at first when I installed Smart Spawn Controller I would not get any PMCs in the raid. I had like 25 bots alive on customs with 7 per zone and like 30 extra scav waves, with the min size being 2 and the max being 4. I then disabled all spawn changes on FINs AI tweaks and was able to get one PMC to spawn on my next customs match. Are there any specific settings that would help my PMC spawn chances out? I also thought that since I had "Evenly space all spawns over time," that might be affecting me because my raids are 16 hours and I had 30 scav waves.

  • I have played around 40+ raids so far with a new character and I haven't seen 1 Scav sniper yet and rarely any PMC's, can anyone explain this? I am using the current version of this mod and the latest AKI I will attach my config file with this comment so you can see-

    I really like this mod as it helps with FPS and spawn times but the lack of Snipers and PMC's is ruining the experience for me as my raids aren't lively or a little chaotic, hopefully someone can help me.

  • Hey guys. Managed to download it before it went down:…

    Like 1 Thanks 9
  • Bro fix the dl link, its been 404 for over a week...

  • LINK doesn't work. Error 404

  • Hello! The download link is 404 ded :(

  • Hello! Can i use your mod with official 2.0 release or should i wait for an update? Thanks :)

    • it works, initially i thought it didnt because of another conflict but its fine.

      Thanks 2
  • been visiting from time to time.. any update? download link is down.. please fix :(

  • Either way as it is right now it does not seem to work with 2.0.0, cant wait for the update

    Like 1
    • have you tried it? description says it will work on server 2.0.0

    • i tied it, on factory it seemed ok but on cystoms i didnt dinf any bots in 3 runs.

    • if it's not too much trouble can you upload it somewhere and pm the link i've been looking for it for days...

    • Im going to run more tests without any mods turned on today,

      hopefully i will find the culprit.

      Like 1
  • The Download is giving a 404

  • Download link not working! 404 error occurs! Would you give another link please?

  • Can you give another download link?

    I keep getting error 404 [The page you are trying to reach either does not exist or you are not authorized to view it]

  • download link is broken
    404 error

  • Hi mate, i am trying to "friendship" Fin ai tweaks+lua+smart spawn, any tips how i can make it? I figured out, that even with fixed latest lua sometimes bots stay still, very slow or just too stupid. My target - Smart hardcore AI from Fins mod+spawn "unspawner" from your mod and custom waves from lua spawn rework (but probably Lua+spawn controller cant work together - same botzone spawn system).
    Thx for Advise) Спасибо за крутой мод

  • Does this mod add random spawns around you? Is that what I'm reading with the spawn bots in a radius from you?

  • Is there a way to reduce the amount of PMC bot spawns, while maintaining the default amount of scavs and bosses?

  • Few inputs:

    I ran mainly customs at the moment, and I noticed that it always spawns all sniper scavs. With boss spawns there are few slots left for normal bots. I don't need to despawn them but it's better that sniper scavs spawn with a probability. Which also showed that Add_IgnoreMaxBots_ToBossWaves does not really work, but that's probably BSG issue...

    Then the calculation of current nearby zones seems a bit wonky, most of the times when I'm in ZoneFactory* they are never in zone candidates even they had zero bots. For some reason ZoneTankSquare always gets all bot slots while ZoneScavBase having higher MulCoef but have none. ZoneDormitory has max three bots and does not seem significantly favored over other zones. Also it would be better to have a per zone max bots because it's common to have over 7 bots in ZoneTankSquare and bots still keep spawning there.

    Here's my config for your reference:

    • Hi!

      By default mod doesn't affect snipers (marksman role) and vanilla bosses except raiders. So you need to handle them manually or using other mod like "Lua's spawn rework". "Add_IgnoreMaxBots_ToBossWaves" is useful when raiders or PMCs are spawned as bosses. Vanilla bosses are spawned at the beginning of the raid and they actually don't need that setting.

      And I thought it was obvious but "MaxDistanceToUnspawn" should be greater than "MaxDistanceToSpawn", otherwise bot will spawn and despawn at once.

      Next, there is a bot hard limit for zone: add `"MaxPersonsOnPatrol": <NUMBER>` to zone.

      Just keep in mind that "MaxPersonsOnPatrol" does not affect bosses, they can spawn in certain zone even if it's full.

      Also you actually don't need "ScavWaveCount" to be set to 120, default game behavior leads to trying to spawn each wave until it actually spawn, so it influences to performance. So set ScavWaveCount to value around 50, tune spawn distance (I think for customs default 350/400 is more than ok) and add "MaxPersonsOnPatrol" to each zone, or take "Updated zones" from log file and change values there.

    • I installed Lua's spawn rework and make some corrections to got rid of most of the problems, calculation of current nearby zones still weird to me though, thank you for the reply!

  • Hi, im loving the mod, i have a question, i would like to remove PMC bots, can i just remove pmcBot from the json?

    • Hi! If you want to completely remove pmc bots from a map you need to remove them from location's base.json. BossRoles in mod config simply defines which roles to manage.

      Thanks 1
    • Hi, i have found the .json but i don't understand what i need to remove. there is a lot of stuff and its frying my brain... im using notepad++, what do i need to search in order to remove the correct line? like, in config.json they are called pmcBot, what are they called in the rest of the base.json? Also, im guessing i need to remove them completelly, manually from every base.json?

      Thank you for your help and have a nice day.

    • Also, i would love to know if the inverse can be done too, only spawn pmcBot.


    • So i was looking in the wrong folders, changed some values and still pmcBot spawned in raid, then i re-read your comment about locations base.json but on the opened text file i don't understand what i need to remove/change...

  • First raid with this mod and I can already tell it's essential. I just left it default for now and it's doing wonders. Rarely drop below 70fps (locked) and it's a smooth pleasurable experience. Still have firefights in the distance, still have excellent density around me. Not too many, not too little.

    I use the default game (no other mods) and I wanted to know if PMC will spawn if I have the "Spawn Bosses" ticked off in game when I start a raid? I don't like the idea of "bosses" in a game like Tarkov and I don't want to encounter them. I want to keep the PMC ai's of course. Is this possible without a mod?

    • AKI by default replaces scav by pmc on bot profile generation, so you can disable spawn bosses checkbox.

  • Hey the mod is amazing and keeps my fps from plummeting into 40's later in the raid. Thank you!

    Also is there a way to make this work with Fin's AI? Tested it on Customs and Factory - and With Fin's mod being the only mod enabled I get both scavs and PMC's but if I install this mod + FIN's AI I only get scavs. Also if both mods are installed and I choose any other option rather than "As online" in AI amount I get no bots to spawn at all. Game is v I also did not touch any configs. I also tried the method posted by RedNukem in this comment section but it didn't work for me :(

    • So I figured it out myself - in FIN's AI mod folder go to config.json and switch "disableAllSpawnChanges" to true. Now it works all together but you have to always choose "As online" AI amount, otherwise the map will be empty! :)

    • You can use my mod with any other mod that modifies spawn, but you need to disable the option `ReplaceLocationsWaves` in `config.json` and make sure that you have enough scav waves (in case of using despawn).

      Thanks 1
    • Quick related question: how many waves is enough for scavs if were using this with FINs? I want to keep the raiders and PMCs from fins, but want to make sure there will be enough for this to function properly.

      Like 1
    • Quote

      Quick related question: how many waves is enough for scavs if were using this with FINs? I want to keep the raiders and PMCs from fins, but want to make sure there will be enough for this to function properly.

      If you ever get te answer to your question, I'm interested ;)

    • @Ozburne Didn't get an answer, but i set the scav waves in FINs to space evenly across the raid, then bumped waves to 30 and size of wave from 1-3 and it seems to work well.

  • I have a question to anyone who has delved in to configuring this mod a bit, I downloaded this mod a couple of hours ago and I am unsure on what to edit to get a good mix of AI units on each map. If you have a rough idea of how to make it more like online or at the very least have a good mix of AI units please let me know, thanks.