Doc's Gangstalker Spawn Config 1.0.2

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Adds over 300 possible spawns (that make sense) for aiPMC's Scavs and Bosses. Adds to Rezerv, Interchange, Shoreline and Customs.

This is a set of configs for Lua's Custom Spawn points. It adds spawns to these maps;

This download goes in Lua-CustomSpawnPoints root folder.

59 New spawns for Scavs and aiPMCs
Including, but not limited to:
- Woods and Campsites near dorms-
-Every Unlocked Room in Dorms.-
-Woodland area Behind New gas station-
-Near hidden caches and supply crates-

Interchange: 42 New Spans for Scavs and aiPMCs, 12 New Spawns for Players

Including, but not limited to:

--Food, Clothing and Utility Stores on 2F-
--Areas around Object #21WS-
--Tech Rooms near OLI and IDEA-
--Corners of Goshan-

Rezerv: 75 New spawns for Scavs and aiPMCs, 17 New Spawns for Players and 2 New Boss Spawns

Including, but not limited to:
--Areas in and around D2 Exfil
--Sniper Towers-
-In and around Dome-
--Wooded Area Behind Barracks-
--Pretty much every single room that doesn't need a key to be unlocked.-

Shoreline: 129 New Spawns for Scavs and aiPMCs

Including, but not limited to:
--Areas leading to and from the Resort-
--Unlocked and open rooms in 1F, 2F, and 3F, of the resort-
--Areas in and around Power Station-
--Areas In and Around Bus Station-


  • Version 1.0.2


    56 New possible bot spawns

    -In and around lumber mill-

    -In and around USEC Camp

    -In and Around BridgeTown-


    -More that I'm not telling you about-


    12 more spawns added to base config


    -In and around Big Red-

    -In and around Main Bridge-


    Also doesn't break the game like 1.0.1

  • Version 1.0.0

  • How do install??

  • ^hey man what do u mean by root folder? the main folder off his mod or??

  • There are some spawns where the bots get stuck, is there a way for me to fix it by my self?

  • Mods Installed:
    Fins AI

    Not sure if its because of the recent AKI update or I'm doing something wrong my end however seems to me the config is still spawning scavs and PMCs at usual locations as when LUA-spawn rework was installed. How often should i expect PMCS or Scavs to spawn outside of default locations?

    Like example on customs, main spawn points with LUA installed would be dorms, gas station or tank square. With this installed as well, I was expecting PMCs to spawn in locations i wouldn't expect however they still spawn where they would usually be.

    Is this normal? :/

    • This config mod doesn't need require SpawnRework, Need to install CustomSpawnPoints mod.

  • FYI, this mod doesn't need updates, this mod contains simple spawn point configs nothing else, you have to worry about CSP mod's version only.

    Therefore you can ignore version label on this mod.

    Heart 1 Thumbs Up 1
  • Thanks very much for putting in the work on this. I can't wait to start using your mod, I just have one question specifically on which folder to put where. Right now my folder structure looks like this: \mods\Lua-CustomSpawnPoints\config\spawnpoints\MCWitchDoctor. Is this the correct location for the MCWitchDoctor folder?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Hope to see this mod updated anytime soon! Thank you for your mod!

  • Hopefully you make some more for the new update will be looking forward to it!!!!

  • Would love to see an update for this soon! Lighthouse needs some love. Especially around Water treatment and with the rogues if possible.

  • Does this fix the issue with no sniper scavs spawning on customs?

  • Do i have to customize a pattern to use your spawns?

  • this works with 2.1.1?

    • Yes, you just need to drop the json files into the folder with the custom spawn points mod


    The boss who needs to be sponsored in the dorm appears around "ZB-1012" and gets stuck in the corner.

    I want to delete that.

    can I know the coordinates?

  • A little question ~

    Which location tag is the big ball in the reserve station inside the Dome? I want to find it, and then let PMC spawn on it through Lua's spawn reborn mod,

    ZoneRailStrorage, ZonePTOR1, ZonePTOR2, ZoneBarrack, ZoneBunkerStorage, ZoneSubStorage, ZoneSubCommand :/

    This is very amazing setting! You have made outstanding contributions! animeproudclap

    Like 1
    • There's no zone there. I'll endure this screenshot.…a051dcc9770e5d08360a8a825

    • AI has indeed been generated on the slope. Although it is not on the dome, it will die immediately after generation. There are some bugs in some reserve stations, and similar situations will occur at many generation points, all of which are killed by unknown, show on dogtag

  • FYI there is a typo in bigmap.json

    First spawnpoint says "bigmap - brige"

    ( should be bridge I assume )

    Just wanted to let you know

    • It must be Brige! If kinda mistake from BSG. Just check original spawn points in server\locations\bigmap json file_)

      Thanks 1
  • These settings work well with the new version of Lua Custom Spawn for AKI 2.1.0/2.1.1?

  • great mod, wondering can you add some around the extracts on Customs, anytime i have to run all the way back to Crossroads or even just Dorms exit or the Boat exit, there's never any PMCs or scavs. Online you'd have people always around exits, etc. It seems like most the ai are bunched together (always gas station and dorms) and easy to learn where they are and just avoid them after a few raids. Anyway overall great mod, makes it feel more like Live.

  • Hey.

    Can you tell me which spawn is for D2?
    Since AI is getting stuck on the doors i would like to remove that one so they could spawn on other locations. Thanks <3

    • I honestly don't remember which one excatly it is, but reserve and IC underground spawns are all getting reworked in the next version. I've noticed alot of "door stuck" incidents.

  • Hope your still working on this :)

    • I am! Just been focusing on prepping KMC weapons for our next release.

      Thanks 1
  • I find this mod is best played with "AI amount" set to either high or horde because the new spawn points result in the AI being thinly spread across the map

  • Awesome! finally some spawns in ressort!

    Could you add even more in Ressort on Shoreline? SCAVS or PMCs seam to NEVER chase me up to second or third floor, its always like a ghost area where you can loot freely without any fear. Would love to have some more scavs in ressort west and eastwing on all levels, even in Administration building, right now its like a DMZ if you make it up the stairs.

    For example on Reserve scavs often get even to the upper levels of the building, you have always to be careful, i miss that on Shoreline :). Thanks!

    Thanks 2
    • True!
      I saw a SCAV that tried to shoot me in a upper level of a building on Reserve.
      Have you see someone in the "Ball Tower"?
      It could be great in Shoreline anyway :)

  • In Which Folder i have to Extract the jsn. ? I would like to test the new spawns :)

    • this goes in Luas-CustomSpawns/config/spawnpoints

      Like 1
    • can i ask where is this folder or do i need to make a new one?

      sorry for asking but i am lost...

    • You have to download the mod Luas-CustomSpawns then put this mod into Luas-CustomSpawns's folder.

    • UprootedSeeker, i get that but is that folder in the aki data/server or something i dont understand where the folder is specifically.

      like with mods its


      but for here is it in the

      AKI data/server or something?

    • You just got to drag the 'spawnpoints' folder into 'Lua-CP-SpawnReworkReborn/config' and it should work

  • Really enjoying the mod so far, only problem I have had is AI not spawning as much on Shoreline. I can usually tell when the AI start spawning because my FPS will start dropping and I will hear fights happening between the PMC AI and Scavs. I do find scavs and pmcs but its in very low amounts compared to other maps and it seems they take a long time to spawn in.

    Does this mod conflict with LUA's CP Spawn Rework Reborn? It's the only other mod I have that affects spawns.

    • According to others who have run it, it does not conflict, but has an additive effect.

      It will increase the number of available spawns, but does nothing to affect bot numbers.

    • It's a life saver!
      Without Lua Spawn Rework Reborn my FPS are very low (40 FPS)
      Now i'll try without it, and see if there are some differences.
      My fear is that it will interfere with the DOC spawns

    • This is 100% compatible with Spawn Rework.
      Spawn Rework changes when and how many bots.
      This only changes where.

      Heart 1
  • Man I was working on one of these. And you beat me to it.

    Like 1
    • Who says you can't make one too? This is like the second iteration and is far from perfect!

      Like 1
    • No problem man!
      Keep working on it, new mods and spawn point are always a good news!
      Thanks Doc and Ragnar

  • What are the 2 glukhar spawns in reserve?

  • The only problem is AI still trying to move to the default zones.

    Not much different i have seen yet, will try somemore times

    • Are they doing that or not? I want them to be doing that.

    • Yeah, pretty much they all trying to move to the default zone

      They do spawn at the new location, I found some dead body Scav and PMC there. But after spawn and killing each other, the moment I move there - I just can't find any alive Scav nearby, I guess they all move back to the default zone

      There some place they do standstill, because they don't have the way point

      In D2' s extract point, they spawn 4-5 guys there, but not moving at all.

      Anyway, I saw the new patch have new AI implement.

      Maybe it can fix this ?

    • The getting stuck thing is a side effect. Them moving back to their default zones is the intention.

  • I'm wondering the same thing as Truck. Do the AI move around in the new spawn zones or just stand still?

    My understanding is the AI have pathing waypoints associated with their spawn zone. How do they how they behave outside of that

    • It kinda depends. On what, im not sure yet. We don't currently have a way to vizualise the navmesh afiak, so this is guesswork and trial and error at the moment.

  • Yo this sounds awesome gonna try this out, been getting dull with the normal spawns and really did not want to put the time into making new ones.

    You da man ^^

    Thanks 1
  • Curious about your solution to AI's pathing to default to their zones. They may spawn at different locations, but they will try to reach to their zone.

    However, I haven't tried this yet so I'll check the botmon and thermal mapping.

    Nevertheless, this is great.

    Like 1 Thanks 1
    • Yeah that's the idea!

      Doesn't work as intended 100% of the time and bots do get stuck in some doorways (especially D2 area).

      But it does work.

    • Ahh... Alright, just curious.

      If only we can dynamically have the AI path to various locations... maybe ghetto fix this with despawning and respawning AI at different spawnpoints.

      Food for thought.

  • does this increase the amount on the game or just increase the spawn locations?

    • Adds additional spawn loactions, does nothing to the number of bots in a map.