Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
This mod can change all extracts that usually require you to either:
- have a friendly Scav with you (impossible in Single Player),
- require payment (cash always vanished from my pockets when I need it),
- need you to drop your backpack, or
- need you to have a red rebel and paracord
Into normal extracts that require none of those things.
The probability of the extract being active, and the time taken to extract from are configurable in the config file. See below.
⚠️ Warnings
- Some types of extracts are not affected by default (red rebel and backpack-less ones). You'll need to turn them on in the config.json.
- May interfere with, or be interfered with by, other mods that modify extracts. Rename to zzzz-AlterExtracts if you need to.
📝 Config
Please see for info on the config file. Or check the Readme in the download.
Verified on 3.7.6 but shout if you find any issues.
Version 2.0.3
- Jiblet
Update for 3.8.0.
No functionality changes.
Tested across a handful of maps, including the vehicle extract quest that Skier gives you in Ground Zero. Using this mod does not conflict with that quest and you are able to complete it without handing over 5000R
Let me know here if you do see any issues with it and I'll try to take a look.
Version 2.0.2
- Jiblet
Updated for 2.0.2
Version 2.0.1
- Jiblet
Ported to TypeScript for the newer versions of SPT AKI.
No functionality changes; the config file works as before.
Version 1.3.0
- Jiblet
Updated to include Red Rebel extracts and those where you need to remove your backpack.
Options galore now, so please check out the config.json.
- Red Rebel and Backpack type extracts are not affected by default.
You'll need to turn them on in the config.json.
- May interfere with, or be interfered with by, other mods that modify extracts.
Rename to zzzz-AlterExtracts if you need to.
Version 1.2.0
- Jiblet
Now with bonus config file:
Code"Logging": true, - Turns logging ot the console on and off. Default on. "ScavCoopEnabled": true, - Enables the changing of Scav Cooperation extracts. "PaidEnabled": true, - Enables the changing of Paid extracts. "Chance" : 66, - Set the probability off the extract being open. "ExfiltrationTime" : 8 - Set the time taken to exit.
Version 1.1.0
- Jiblet
Turns out I'm a lazy idiot.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention Mamoru.
You should also now see in the console at server start that it is altering the correct exits:
Code[INFO] AlterExtracts : Altering extract: 0 : UN Roadblock [INFO] AlterExtracts : Altering extract: 2 : PP Exfil [INFO] AlterExtracts : Altering extract: 5 : Interchange Cooperation [INFO] AlterExtracts : Altering extract: 2 : tunnel_shared [INFO] AlterExtracts : Altering extract: 6 : V-Ex_light [INFO] AlterExtracts : Altering extract: 2 : EXFIL_ScavCooperation [INFO] AlterExtracts : Altering extract: 5 : South V-Ex [INFO] AlterExtracts : Altering extract: 6 : Factory Gate
Version 1.0.0
- Jiblet
Interested in doing a version or 2nd mod where all the extracts are opened?
Refringes "Open Extract" mod has long gone dusty...
Jiblet Author
How do you mean?
If you just want all extracts, no matter what type, the normal probability, or your spawn point, you can do that with Server Value Modifier.
Or am I missing something?
Seems to be throwing the below error when using a coop or vehicle extract. I've not actually seen any issues occur and my fence rep is going up. I just thought I would let you know. Tried a raid with AlterExtracts removed, extracted through a vehicle extract and no error came up. I've got nothing else controlling extracts or rep.
Jiblet Author
Thanks, do you mean youre extracting ok, but youre seeing this error in the server console at the point of extraction?
Yep the extracts work fine, I do not see any issue. It is just that error that shows in console after extract.
I forgot to mention that that error repeats its self even while not in raid until the server has been restarted.
Jiblet Author
Righto, i'll have a look. I've not paid any attention to the console other than at the point of loading, so didn't notice anything.
I've a feeling this is going to be a rabbit hole...
If you can't seem to get the error as well then I might have to do a re-read of my mods to see if something is conflicting. Should this be the case then I am sorry. I am fairly certain none of my current mods will/should conflict with this.
Jiblet Author
Ok, vehicle extracts seem to work fine for me, no console errors.
I do see the same error as you with SCAV extracts though!
What I cvan't do though is figure out if its actaully my code causing it, or just triggering it becauuse now you can take a coop extract, whereas without this they don't work at all. For all I know you might get the same error without my mod if you could take a coop extract. Perhaps the core code simply doesnt cope with it neatly.
More investigation required
(Or a note in the readme telling users not to worry about the errror :D)
Does this work when playing as a scav and taking a coop extract?
I have enabled scav extract and set chance to 100% but have been unable to extract as a scav, this is happening on Reserve.
Jiblet Author
I've just returned from a long hiatus and updated the mod to 3.8.0 (no actual functional changes needed). Coop extracts work just fine as a scav.
I tested Interchange, Ground Zero and Reserve:
That's excellent, thanks for letting me know. Appreciate your work and hope you're enjoying your time back!
Hey Jiblet,
Very helpful mod! You might want to update the instructions and README to explain what enabling each extract type does. I figured it out, but was confused at first:
For ExtractTypesEnabled config, what does true/false do? ie. does setting Scav_Coop_Extract to true mean I'll need a scav with me or does true mean the mod overrides the default extract requirements? Does false mean the extract is disabled, like it's never available?
Something as simple as "Enabling each extract type will override that type's requirements, making it a normal extraction point, using the extraction time and chance from the config file. Setting it to false will not alter that extract type"
Jiblet Author
Added your text to the readme for 2.0.1
installed the mod and successfully used co-op extract once (side tunnel on lighthouse) - now it appears all other co-op extracts are fully broken
i recieve the prompt "exit located!" when walking into one, but no extraction popup - tested with woods factory gate & reserve scav lands after extracting once on side tunnel lighthouse
Jiblet Author
Is AlterExtracts your only mod? If not, could you disable other mods and try with just this one please?
Could you also enable logging in the config file "Logging": true, and send me both the contents of config file and the output from the console? It will look something like:
Once I've got that I'll try replicating your issue, thanks.
i'll make a test profile and report my findings asap
I have multiple extracts no longer working with your mod.
1. Reserve D2 lever doesn't work at all. It is like the lever is disabled.
2. Labs elevator extract doesn't work. I pull the lever, push the button but the elevator never comes.
I removed your mod and both now work again.
Jiblet Author
I'll check, though first, are you using the latest version of the mod?
Jiblet Author
I've just tried D2 and both Labs elevators (Cargo and Medical Block) and all three worked fine for me.
If you're using the latest version, and I suspect you're not, you should see this in the console log when the server starts:
Those are the only extracts that this mod affects.
I suspect you're using the original version though since that would explain the problem you're seeing. Please update
Sorry, I didn't see the notification of your reply. I will try again tonight if my wife doesn't yell at me...
Latest (as of last night), worked properly.
Jiblet Author
Good to hear, thanks for checking.
I've updated again today to extend the functionality over other extract types as well, so you may be interested in that. Check the readme though as it needs a bit of configuration to make it work on those
Can add all the same for this weekend the amount required for the exit? After all, money can be taken in advance and so that it is not too easy. Perhaps as a config or a second version of the mod?
I'll just leave it here as an idea =)
Jiblet Author
Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Please explain again?
I see that the mod is developing further and this is no longer relevant) Thank you)
Your mod disables normal exits. fix it) (The exit zone just stops working)
Jiblet Author
Can you give me more detail?
1. Which exit on which map isn't working for you?
2. Can you replicate the behaviour every time?
I've also seen a bug with exists in the past without my mod, where no exit on Customs would work. I believe this is (ow was) a known issue. I only saw that once.
Map Forest - UN South Post (Google translator, sorry if something is not like in the game)
Checked in 3 different outings. Other than that, all outputs are marked with ?? ?? ?? like exits that are not known to be open or not.
Yes, I didn’t check on other exits, but it seemed to me that the action goes to the exit zone in general, and this also affected other exits (I didn’t look into the code, I’m afraid I don’t understand the point)
I don't have any other exit mods. Version 2.2.1. Maybe of course this is the problem, but I think here you still need to see the answers of other users. But unfortunately I can't use the modification - and its idea is actually very good.
Jiblet Author
Was it the exit marked as "UN Roadblock" on this map?
I've just tried all three along the bottom of that map and all work ok. Here's me extracting at UN Roadblock.
Please let me know if it was a different exit though?
Can you confirm that if you remove my mod from your mods folder, everything works ok and you can exit as normal?
I mixed up the names of the exits. It was "Northern un road". And yes, after removing the mod, the output worked again.
Tomorrow I can make videos/screenshots that the exit didn't work.