Fin's Realistically Equipped Traders 1.5.0

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You've been spoiled by traders with infinite stocks and perfect weapons. No more.

This mod attempts to make traders an interesting part of the SPT world, instead of just a way to get infinite copies of your favourite loadout over and over and over. Traders will sell you only a limited amount of gear, and the weapons they have to offer won't be in pristine condition.

I HIGHLY recommend this mod be used in conjunction with mods or game settings that give the AI damaged weapons, as well.

This mod is not guaranteed to be compatible with other economy mods

So what exactly does it do?

This mod takes a random selection of items that the trader could normally sell you (IE. If you're LL2 with Prapor, it will only pick from items he sells at or below LL2) and gives them to the trader in limited quantities. You might get, for instance, two AKMs, one PP19, and one mosin as the weapons available for purchase from that trader for that reset. These are the ONLY weapons that will be sold by them for the next three hours, and once you've purchased all four, no more will be available for purchase from that trader. Most other items will be similarly limited: If you see a stack of 59 LPS GzH rounds for sale, those 59 are all there are from that trader.

Weapons will also be sold damaged. The exact level of damage depends on your loyalty level with the trader, but at LL1 they'll be between 55% and 91.8% durability, improving to between 70% and 97.2% durability at LL4.

Armor is sold at full durability.

The flea market is, obviously, disabled by this mod.

Traders don't reset when you restart the server. They require three IRL hours to pass, before they'll restock. They also require three IRL hours to pass before any price updates made in the config take effect, at the moment.

  • Version 1.5.0

    Version 1.5.0 for AKI 3.1.x

    • Compatibility update for AKI 3.5.x
  • Version 1.4.1a

    Version 1.4.1a for AKI 3.1.x

    • Should no longer add extra FIR items to purchases
  • Version 1.4.1

    Version 1.4.1 for AKI 3.1.x

    • Fence should once more be disabled by this mod
    • Better integrates with the Unlock Weapons mod
  • Version 1.4.0

    Version 1.4.0 for AKI 3.1.x

    • Compatibility update for AKI 3.1.x
  • Version 1.3.3

    Version 1.3.3 for AKI 3.0.x

    1.3.3 - (July 15, 2022)

    • Added an option to multiply the damage done to weapons found in-raid. This option can only increase damage, at the moment, it cannot decrease it due to the particular math involved.
      • If a weapon would be lowered to 80% durability, then setting this multiplier to '2' would lower it to 40%
  • Version 1.3.2

    Version 1.3.2 for AKI 3.0.x

    1.3.2 - (July 15, 2022)

    • Added an option to reduce durability of weapons found in-raid by an amount comparable to barter-trade items from traders
  • Version 1.3.1

    Version 1.3.1 for AKI 3.0.x

    1.3.0 - (June 26, 2022)

    • Should no longer always assume you're LL1 with all traders
  • Version 1.3.0

    Version 1.3.0 for AKI 3.0.x

    1.3.0 - (June 26, 2022)

    • Updated to work with AKI 3.0.x
  • Version 1.2.2

    -Slightly rebalanced item availability when barters are enabled.

  • Version 1.2.1c


    • Added an option to shrink the size of any given category
      • The option is called 'reduce_quantities_in_these_categories'
      • To halve the number of weapons offered, you would use the following entry
      • "guns": 2


    • Fixed the math that happens with the durability of barter trades


    • Hard capped the maximum durability items can be sold at, just in case


    • FRET is now compatible with mods that add new traders to the game, or modify trader inventories, via three new config options
      • I_am_using_a_mod_to_alter_trader_stock_and_want_FRET_to_play_nice_with_it
        • Set this to true to tell FRET to refer to the trader's inventory after it's been altered by other mods, rather than its vanilla version.
      • Use_mod_added_trader_settings_for_vanilla_traders
        • Mod-added traders are now set to use algorithmically determined values
          for their inventory sizes. If you're changing the inventories of vanilla traders, you might want to turn this on to scale the size of their selection to their new list of available goods.
      • new_trader_IDs_to_modify
        • You need to add the IDs of any new traders you want FRET to modify to
          this list. These are the ids they use internally, you should be able to find them inside of any trader-adding mod fairly easily. You can also add an entry called "ALL TRADERS", and it will just go ahead and modify every mod-added trader, regardless of what else you've entered.
    • There were also a few minor bugfixes
  • This mod is no more updated? ;(

    I would love to hear if there is a way to have this feature:

    Traders don't reset when you restart the server. They require three IRL hours to pass, before they'll restock. They also require three IRL hours to pass before any price updates made in the config take effect, at the moment.

  • This mod is currently semi-broken for 3.5.3. If you attempt to buy any gun specifically, not other items, you will get a long timeout screen and error, however the purchase will eventually go through, just very long to wait. Will also throw error in log. This mod is only installed on fresh SPTarkov.


    Also most items from traders, probably the ones limited in stock, does not show up on flea market.

    Prapor also appear to only have something stocked for loyalty level 1.

    I would love to have this mod updated.

    • I would love to get an option for changing how often the traders reset their stock.

    • That honestly sucks. I wanted this kind of feature from the realism overhaul without the whole mod. Hopefully it will be fixed in the future?

  • Hi Fin,

    is there any chance of this mod being updated for SPT-AKI 3.5.0?

    • This one is definitely on the wish list. One of my favorite mods.

    • Currently working on it, it seems to be mostly functional, so.. Fingers crossed.

      Heart 2
    • My God.....The Legend has returned.....

    • Just for a few days, I'm afraid. Spring break stuff! -But it's giving me a chance to update a few things, and *hopefully* they'll stay functional until the summer, when I ought to have a bit more time in the days.

      Heart 1
    • Great news! Thank you Fin

  • Hi Fin. Pls can you fix the mod for 2.0.1? Please
    12.11.2, 2.0.1, with mods (non economic mods)


    [ERROR] Trace:

    ReferenceError: TraderHelper is not defined

    at Function.InventoryController.addItem (C:\Games\EscapeFromTarkov123\user\mods\Fin-LimitedInventories\src\mod.js:604:27)

    at Function.buyItem (C:\Games\EscapeFromTarkov123\obj\bundle.js:54325:32)

    at Function.confirmTrading (C:\Games\EscapeFromTarkov123\obj\bundle.js:54371:30)

    at Object.processTrade [as aki] (C:\Games\EscapeFromTarkov123\obj\bundle.js:47785:28)

    at Function.handleEvents (C:\Games\EscapeFromTarkov123\obj\bundle.js:56291:66)

    at Object.handleEvents [as aki] (C:\Games\EscapeFromTarkov123\obj\bundle.js:47282:49)

    at Function.getResponse (C:\Games\EscapeFromTarkov123\obj\bundle.js:56224:57)

    at Function.sendResponse (C:\Games\EscapeFromTarkov123\obj\bundle.js:56463:29)

    at Inflate.cb (C:\Games\EscapeFromTarkov123\obj\bundle.js:56498:22)

    at Inflate.zlibBufferOnEnd (zlib.js:153:10)

  • Hi, I'd like if you included an option to disable the fence and flea market changes. I know that they are features of the mod, but it would be very appreciated. I did disable them through the .ts file but it'd be nice if there was an easier way : )

  • Im running 3.2.2 and everything except one thing seem to be working just fine. I dont know if it's because I run too new of a version of the game, but the no searches of the flea market works. I know it disables flea market, but it doesnt show any of the traders inventories, which is a real bummer.

  • I love this mod a lot. But I wonder, is there any way to disable specifically the damaged weapons?

    Would changing this line

    durabMult = RandomUtil.getFloat(0.5 * (playerLL / 10 + 1), 0.9 * (playerLL / 50 + 1));


    durabMult = RandomUtil.getFloat(1);

    do the trick?

  • Hey Fin, after the latest update when I purchase from traders it doubles up the purchases. For instance, I bought a mosin from Prapor and it doubled it up and gave and charged me for two. It was doing it for purchases from peacekeeper too. I bought the one 1911 mag that he had and it gave and me and charged me for two. I didn't test other traders because I started a new hardcore run and didnt have that much money after my first raid. Not sure if you changed anything that would possibly cause that but I didn't have the issue with the last version.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Oops. I think I see the issue: In trying to ensure my mods would play nice with eachother, I accidentally doubled up on a function. Should be fixed this afternoon, when I have a moment to test the fix out!

      Thumbs Up 1 Thinking 2
    • Hi Fin, this issue isn't fixed, I DL'd yesterday and it's still happening, the duplicated item shows as FIR if that helps. I'm on 3.2.1.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • ..Oh, right.

      Yes, I, ah.. Have to upload my fixes too, don't I? Oops.

  • Fin, is there any way to add fence into the algorithms for this mod? He wasn't showing up for me with items for sale in earlier versions but does now. It's not really immersion braking with him showing up but I think it would be cool if its possible to add wear and tear to his items that he sells. Weapons and even maybe his armor if it's possible since it would be similar to live where his stuff is a bit random but its mostly worn out gear that other players have sold.

    Also, his armor and attachments don't seem to be getting hit with the increases in cost that the other traders do. Is it possible to make fence's items costs follow the configs for the other traders?

    • Oop. -It isn't really possible to fit fence in, but him showing up again is a bug I can fix!

  • Hi Fin,

    I love the idea of this mod but I only have one small issue with it :
    When I buy stuff from traders (Fence, Prapor, etc) they are FIR (Found in Raid) which I don't like.

    I do not see any options in the config to change this.

    Let me know, thanks !

    • That's extremely odd. I'll look into it, though would you mind posting your mod list as well?

    • EDIT: Just test the mod solo with nothing else with a fresh profile - Still FR from traders :(

      Hi, thanks for the reply.

      I thought the issue was with ZeroTimes_Ported but when I moved your mod to a different folder - the FIR dissapeared.

      I will try tomorrow to test mod by mod with yours to see if it's two conflicting mods but no other mods touches the traders / loot pool, they are just QOL.

      Mod List:

      - Better PK06

      - Munition Expert (shows ammo pen and dmg in the item desc)

      - FriendlyScavExtracts (Allows to pay for scav+PMC extract)

      - SpeedLoader (Accelerates loading mags in raid)

      - ZeroTimes Ported : Shortens insurance returns, craft time, etc

      I tried to remove ZeroTimes_Ported and leaving your mods but it was still FIR.


      Thanks :)

  • The mod does not appear to be working, and prevents me from loading the game.

    When coming into the main menu, I get this error message:

    I tested it with only this mod active in mods folder and in BepInex, no other mods. The issue persisted. I also tried it on brand new player profiles and removing all player profiles in case it was some bugged profile causing it, and I redownloaded the mod multiple times in case I got the wrong version or something had happened to the files. But it still persisted. My game worked fine when I tried without the mod, both with other mods and no mods at all.

    • I can't seem to reproduce this, I'm afraid. I'll see about putting out a speculative change to force all handbook entries to have a price value, but it sounds like there might be something else going on.

    • Yeah it seems weird to me as well. Thanks for giving it a try!

  • Hey Fin,

    I'm on 3.1.1 and the trader inventory restrictions part of the mod doesn't appear to be working, though other parts are. All traders still have their full inventory. Flea is disabled with the mod message stating its due to this mod, so parts of the mod are working, except the traders inventories. No errors on server startup. Is there something I'm missing or any information you need from me to troubleshoot?


    • Are you using any other mods? When I tried running the uploaded version just now it works as I'd expect it to, so I can't think of anything else it might be.

      Are items being quantity-restricted, or is that vanilla as well? -As in, can you buy, say.. 50 magazines, if you want to, or are you limited to just 1 or 2?

    • I think we are good to go now! Quantity buying restrictions seemed to be working, but it was specifically Prapor's barter options that I think were throwing me off. He's got a ton at level 1 now apparently and I thought it would obey the config array in the src files as to the quantity of what he offered. For example, I think he's set to have 4 guns available at level 1, and he had like 10+ with all the barters in there. Figured a way to limit his barters amongst the configs and that will work just fine for me.

      One thing left that I haven't been able to figure out - Fence isn't disabled and has stuff for sale. I believe that wasn't the case in previous versions. Not a big deal, I can just ignore him.

      This was all tested with this mod only and fresh AKI 3.1.1 installs/profiles.

      Thanks again!

  • Are 3.0 mods compatible with 3.1? I haven't swapped over to 3.1 to test it but wanted to make sure they were if I was going to update. Your hardcore mods and FAIT are the only mods I use really.

    • They aren't, no. There were a few small changes that had to be made. -It's out now, though.

  • Would it be possible to make quest reward items and items that show up in loot (containers and loose) have any wear? I started playing with this mod and love the concept of having to always look for better equipment.

    • It's funny you mention that, I'm not looking at quest rewards right now (Though I might, now you mention it), but I'm currently in the process of adding an option to degrade weapons found in-raid by an amount similar to those sold by traders. Should be out by the weekend, at the latest.

    • Either way it would be awesome! I'll keep my eyes out for it! Keep doing your hardcore type tweaks. Your mods make up pretty much my whole mod list haha.

    • Just in time for the weekend. Thanks Fin!

    • I thought it was a bit too mild, so I've added a config option to further increase the damage to weapons found in-raid just now as well.

    • Nice! downloading the update from yesterday now

  • I really like your economy mods as it helps keep gameplay tense. One area that is still very exploitable are SCAV runs. Have you thought about creating a mod that:

    1. Reduces SCAV runs to around 20 minutes.

    2. Reduces loot on the map by a percentage to mimic picked over maps.

    3. Immediately kill a percentage of AI on the map.

    4. Have a percentage of SCAV AI be hostile to you like player scavs in Live.


    • I haven't thought about that, though largely because I don't scav run myself. I'm not sure just how much of that is possible, but I could certainly add an option to increase the scav timer, or just disable scav runs entirely?

    • Sounds good. Seems like BepinEx has allowed devs/modders to do more than previous so it was just a thought. Basically looking to keep the same game mechanics but nerf scav runs.

    • I haven't touched Bepinex yet, and at the moment it's entirely outside my wheelhouse, but we'll see what happens in the future.

      Like 1
  • I'd be interested in being able to use the flea market like a search tool for the traders

    Edit: turns out another mod was conflicting and it does show trader inventory on the flea. my apologies.

  • Hi! Thanks for your mod, it makes a game just like it should be, imo.

    I was trying to use it with AR Shoppe Unlimited (Armalite), but despite working with bunch of other custom traders mods, this gives me an error:

    TypeError: Cannot read property '_props' of undefined

    at Function.randomizeTraderInventory (C:\SteamLibrary\Games\AKI_2.3.1_AIO\user\mods\Fin-LimitedInventories\src\mod.js:258:13)

    at Function.setupTraderInventories (C:\SteamLibrary\Games\AKI_2.3.1_AIO\user\mods\Fin-LimitedInventories\src\mod.js:175:22)

    at Function.main (C:\SteamLibrary\Games\AKI_2.3.1_AIO\user\mods\Fin-LimitedInventories\src\mod.js:105:9)

    at Object.runOnGameStart [as FRET] (C:\SteamLibrary\Games\AKI_2.3.1_AIO\user\mods\Fin-LimitedInventories\src\mod.js:670:8)

    at Function.getResponse (C:\SteamLibrary\Games\AKI_2.3.1_AIO\obj\src\routers\HttpRouter.js:26:26)

    at Function.sendResponse (C:\SteamLibrary\Games\AKI_2.3.1_AIO\obj\src\servers\HttpServer.js:149:33)

    at Inflate.cb (C:\SteamLibrary\Games\AKI_2.3.1_AIO\obj\src\servers\HttpServer.js:195:32)

    at Inflate.zlibBufferOnEnd (zlib.js:153:10)

    at Inflate.emit (events.js:315:20)

    at endReadableNT (internal/streams/readable.js:1327:12)

    Could you please point me to what could possibly cause this message?
    Thank you...

  • Due to working from home again, I have been playing 2.3.1 for some time now with this mod and I have noticed something. Many traders don't offer guns for sale when they should. For example, I have been stuck on Punisher pt 3 for weeks now b/c I can't buy or barter for the AKS-74U from Prapor. I check every restock for either one to purchase or barter and I have never seen it. Same for the barter for 60 round 5.45 mag. I have allow barter items equal to true and show out of stock barter items. Any ideas?

    Also, would it be possible to show only Trader items on the Flea?

  • When accessing link for the last version it direct to website about bunnies instead of file download... :(

    • Uhh..

      ..I pasted the wrong link >_>;;. Sorry about that.

      It's fixed now!

    • No problem, thank you :)

  • Would there be a possibility to add an ammo amount multiplier? Trying to create scarcity around loose ammo, and even though I have traders modified with ammo counts below 20 on each, after FRET they constantly restock 100+ of bullets...

    • Sure, I can throw that in, it shouldn't be too hard or too bloat-y for the config.

      Like 1
    • Another annoying suggestion 😅:

      Some quest require certain items that don't spawn in raid (markers and WiFi cameras for example)

      Easy way:

      Whitelist for items always present.

      Hard way:

      Whitelist that checks if X quest is present for Y item to be guaranteed to be in stocked.

    • That's already programmed in there, as far as I'm aware? Which quest item isn't being stocked, for you?

  • Hey, I have a slight issue with this mod where some of the gun are showing up as 130% durability as oppose to the 50 to 90 range. I did install other mod, but i tested and ran it only with this mod and it was still the same.

    • Looking at the math I don't see any way the durability multiplier can ever go above 100%, just due to how the numbers at play line up, but I've put in a hard cap to keep it under 98% now. -Let me know if that doesn't fix it!

    • The 98% cap sort of fixed it. Half the weapons are now betweeen 50-90 and the other half is just at 98. i thought it might be my sptarkov folder, so i did a clean wipe same result.

    • Oop. I found the issue, barters are being given too much of a durability boost. I'll put up the proper fix for that tonight.

      Edit: I lied, uploading it now, because the fix was just a set of brackets.

      I was using some math that works if you apply BEDMASS.. But doesn't add up to the same thing if you do math the way programming languages do.

  • Is Fence supposed to be empty? I didn't see anything in the readme or anywhere saying this

    • It is, yes, it's supposed to disable both the Fence and Flea. -I'll double check the readme, though, and add that in if it's missing!

  • hey fin. i tried the mod out. but i am also limeting myself by not playing scav. the only thing i wanne change from this mod is the bullit cap. and the magazine cap. that the traders have in there inventory. not unlimited but like 10 mags for each they sell and 800 bullits. since i dont wanne play scavs to get my money inc and weapons

    • Unfortunately this isn't modifiable at the moment, but it's been set up so that you should have enough bullets for some weapon pretty much no matter what. -Skier, for instance, almost always sells a large number of 5.56 FMJ rounds, there's always *some* kind of shotgun shell available, 5.45 comes in so many flavours there's always at least a few hundred rounds of it on Prapor, etc. etc.

  • So how does stock population work? Does it takes stock from vanilla? If I will change trader stock with use of Advanced Trader Framework will it use that stock?

    • Iv noticed asset.js is being automatically populated, and it even adds custom traders to its list, but sadly it ignores any changes done to vanilla traders, and uses base stock. Is there way to make it pull from ATF? (yes tried swapping loadorder)

    • At the moment it's not designed to play nice with other trader-altering mods, because it has internal values for each trader that determine how much of each thing they stock that would have to either be made algorithmic or config-modified to accommodate new traders with stocks of varying sizes.

      As for pulling from a mod-altered stock, I think I should be able to put a config option in there for that, but it will suffer from a similar issue. That is to say, if a mod adds thirty new guns to Peacekeeper, then the mod will still only sell you around four at LL2, so your odds of seeing any particular gun will go down.

    • Quote

      That is to say, if a mod adds thirty new guns to Peacekeeper

      Yeah, that definitely not a problem XD
      I'm completely rebalancing the distribution of guns, moving most of auto and high caliber guns to higher tiers, with alternative barters.
      So If I will alter asset.js manually it will not regenerate and replace it with vanilla stock? :v
      Im asking because I really don't want to put those hours into tweaking it just to be overriten XD

    • Oh. Yes, altering asset.js won't do anything long-term. That file is used to save trader stocks when you close the game, so that when you boot up again you have the same stock.

      Modifications to asset.js will be overwritten when the mod says it's time for the trader's stock to refresh, which will be every three IRL hours. If you boot up after that, any changes you made to it will be gone and you'll have a totally new asset.js population.

    • As I said, though, I should be able add a config option so that it won't pull from vanilla stock, but you may have some balance issues afterwards.

  • I am experiencing a couple issues with 1.1.1:

    1. Nothing is in stock for most traders, except quest specific items. Mechanic has 5 items available and Therapist has many more available. I have waited through 2 resets with no change in item availability in any traders.

    2. The reset time is wonky. I will check reset time and it show 2 hours. Move around traders, examine quests, visit hideout and then the same traders reset has jumped to 19 minutes remaining. Because of this strange reset time bounce, maybe mine is not actually reseting.


    1. all items examined

    2. bot names

    3. expanded scav karma

    4. valens has the power

    5. Thatguy loot config

    6. Thatguy pmc config

    • This seems to be a 2.3.1 incompatibility. No ETA on a fix, since I have no idea just what might be causing it, but hopefully soon.

    • ah shoot, I just noticed it was only for 2.3.0...sorry to waste your time

    • All good! -The fix is up now.

      Like 1
  • Maybe it is a bug, but Fence still trading weapons with 100% durability :(

    Also, is there any chance, that you will add same functionality for armor trades?

    • Oops. Yes, that's an oversight. I'll fix that soon!

      Like 1
    • And durability loss for purchased armor is now a config option

      Thanks 1
  • Fin, always coming up with new ways to torture us

  • requesting config option for re-enabling flea and changing the time it takes to traders to restock along with possibly the amount of items in a single assort

  • OOoOO . Anything to make the game harder I am down to try