Illegal Ammo 1.2.0

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The purpose of this mod is to add balanced late-game ammunition for all calibres that are better than their vanilla counter-parts, without ruining game-balance.

TL:DR? Read only the white highlighted text for summary!

The ammunition is balanced such that it feels entirely fair to unlock, purchase and use. The mod now features an incredibly detailed config that let's you change almost every aspect of every bullet, and also has a simplified settings group if you want to tweak but not that much in detail. I recommend using my mod as it comes and playing it as I envisioned, but you can make the bullets whatever you like.


This mod adds one "ILLEGAL" ammunition type for each "normal" calibre in the game that are notably better than the best vanilla bullets within their calibres. To keep the ammunition powerful, but not over-powered, each new "ILLEGAL" bullet pulls their stats from the bullets with the best value for each stat in their calibre group. For example, in vanilla the best 9x18mm PM bullet for damage is SP7 GZH, with 77 damage, and the best for penetration is PBM GZH, with 28 penetration power, so the 9x18mm PM ILLEGAL bullet would have their combined stats at 77 damage and 28 penetration. This means that the ILLEGAL ammunition is overall more versatile and a bit stronger than vanilla ammunition, but still contains the essence of limitations that come with each different calibre, a 9x18 can't and shouldn't be able to penetrate armour class 6. The bullet stats that are currently configured to work in this way are: Damage, penetration, Accuracy, Recoil and Velocity.

ILLEGAL ammunition can be obtained through purchase from the custom Dark Web trader "WEB AMMO", or found in various containers. Loyalty level one is unlocked by default. Loyalty level 2 requires level 23 and 1m spent. Loyalty level 3 requires level 35 and 5m spent. Loyalty level 4 requires level 42 and 10m spent. See picture for trader stock and ammo stats, it may be outdated with later versions, can't update it each time I make a change. All ILLEGAL ammo comes in limited stock, amount depending on calibre size, with exceptions. The chance of ILLEGAL ammunitions spawning should be low, but different ILLEGAL ammo have different chances at spawning. The more expensive the ammo is to buy, the rarer it is to spawn. The chance of finding ILLEGAL item in a container depends on what Spawn Category the container is in. The Very High category has the highest chance of spawning ILLEGAL ammunition, and is limited to the more "rare" containers Jaeger's Stash, Safe, Plastic Suitcase, and Jacket (214). The Very High category is used as the "base" or default chance value when calculating the chances for the other categories. The containers in the High category is Dead Scav and Ammunition Box and has three times less spawn chance for ILLEGAL ammunition. The containers in the Normal category is Buried Barrel Cache's, Ground Cache's, and Wooden Crate's and has six times less spawn chance for ILLEGAL ammunition. Finally we have the Low category, which contains All the Weapon Boxes, Sport Bag's and Jacket's, which has ten times less spawn chance for ILLEGAL ammunition. This should be balanced so that you can specifically go out of your way to "farm" ILLEGAL ammunition, but still find it through regular gameplay.

You can now sell ammunition on the Dark Web (to WEB AMMO trader) for a higher price than the regular traders. The higher your reputation (loyalty) on the market, the more people are willing to pay your for your ammunition. This has been balanced such that ammo sells for 65%, 70%, 75% and 80% of the ammunitions buy-price at loyalty levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. The sell-prices have been balanced such that it should be difficult, if not impossible, to use lower market prices on ILLEGAL ammunition to "cheese" free money, but still give you enough money for ammo that they become worthy loot when the flea market is disabled or not unlocked. ILLEGAL Ammo is now disabled on the Flea Market by default, but can be changed in config. Flea Market has now been balanced for ILLEGAL ammunition, and is good to go off the bat, if you choose to enable it.

To balance the new ammunition I considered price, negative stats, secured container removal and time of unlock. ILLEGAL ammunition is powerful, but their lack of quality regulation make them unreliable ammunition. Overall, they have a higher chance at malfunctioning and misfiring than other bullets in their calibres. Their poor construction make your gun heat up and wear down MUCH faster than with most regulated ammunition. Depending on the calibre size and purpose of the bullet, they are categorized into four; small, medium, large and special. With this patch, all ammunitions within the same category have the same values for these stats, but with the rework that is coming soon™, each bullet will have their own value for each stat. Through testing, the stats have been balanced such that you can spray about two "normal" sized magazine for each calibre, 35, 30, 20, 10 capacity magazines respectively, in quick succession without having a huge chance of malfunctions, however anything more than that and you run into major malfunction issues, as well as a high weapon max durability degradation. The higher the calibre category, the earlier you will experience major malfunction issues. After shooting three mags of "normal" size for the calibre in quick succession, you can expect to have had many, 3-10+, malfunctions, most being with the last magazine, and to have lost about 20 durability and 15 max durability. Note that when I tested this I emptied 3 magazines at full-auto right after each other, so weapon heat was a major factor to increase malfunction chance in the later magazines. Since you loose max durability and have a higher chance at malfunctions when you shoot with a overheated gun, this can be avoided by simply shooting less within a short time period. This encourages an interesting playstyle of conserving fire, and only spraying when it is smart to. Since they are contraband, and only sold on The Dark Web, they are also expensive and in limited quantity. The general rule is that small calibres such as 9x18 has a limited stock of 50 per trader reset, medium calibres such as 5.45x39 has a limited stock of 30 per trader reset, big calibres such as 7.62x51 has a limited stock of 10 per reset and special munitions has a limited stock of around 5 per trader reset, but there are exceptions. The WEB AMMO trader resets his stock every 3 hours by default. The better calibres are also difficult to unlock, as Dark Web traders doesn't sell their best wares to just anyone. ILLEGAL ammunition can also no longer be placed inside secured containers, increasing risk/reward when finding and using them.

When considering what ammunition to unlock at what loyalty, and at what level those loyalties should unlock, I took into account ammunition progression of vanilla bullets, guns available to the player at the time of unlock, encouraging calibre exploration and the bullet's stats. My aim was to make it so that there was no easy META development, where you would be able to run only one ILLEGAL bullet from the very start until late-game. I am encouraging exploration of lesser used calibres, such as 7.62x25mm TT, .300 blackout, 5.7x28mm, 9x21mm, 9x39mm, .357 Magnum and 20/70 buckshot by having their ILLEGAL bullets unlock earlier than the normal META calibres. In many instances these calibres are also a lot stronger than the other available ammunitions at the time of unlocking them. However, I think their stats are not so much better than available ammunitions that they outcompete them at the prices they are sold for. It is by design that by the time you unlock new ILLEGAL bullets, the very best of the ILLEGAL bullets that are unlocked, are often for guns that should be unavailable to buy from traders for money at that time. This is to encourage the use of barter trades, to get early access to guns that can use better ammunition than other's that are available to the player.

How to install:

  • Download .RAR
  • Unpack the .RAR into your ...""SPT INSTALL"usermods
  • Run SPTarkov
  • Enjoy!

How to update:

IMPORTANT: Check Patch Notes txt file or in the patch notes on SPTarkov website for important notes on how to update which may vary per update.

  • Optional: Save your config file somewhere if you have custom settings that you want to keep, and replace the config file with the one you just saved after update.
  • Delete previous version of the mod inside "SPT INSTALL"/user/mods/
  • Follow install instructions

How to remove:

  • Remove all modded ammunition from your inventory
  • Delete the mod inside "SPT INSTALL"/user/mods/

Known Issues:

  • Currently does not show correct sell-value with Faupi - See Item Value mod. This is due to their mod not tackling IDs with spaces, which I utilize. I may move on from this in the future. Right now something in my code hinders me from changing the ammo's ID.

Planned Changes (Coming SOON):

  • Ammunition Stat Rework part 2 (Advanced functions and equations to automatically calculate certain stats and spawn chances)
  • Custom 3D models for each bullet
  • Add quests, barters or both to unlock and buy ILLEGAL ammunition with a story-line
  • Additional items (Grenades and both buckshot and slug for each shotgun calibre)
  • Make sure AI can spawn with ILLEGAL ammo, if not add it. Potentially change likelihood.
  • Add trades or craft for ILLEGAL ammunition

If you have any coding experience and can help me out with achieving any of the above points, I would be happy to get guidance. For some of these, I do not have the experience to fulfil them yet. Doesn't mean I won't in the future, but as of now, there are many things I am unsure how to add or fix.

A special thanks to fellow modder JoshJ5Hawk for allowing me to use his source files from his mod Super Ammo to build this mod upon, and for his help figuring out some issues I encountered during development. Please check out JoshJ5Hawk's Super Ammo mod, it is a great mod for those that want super over-powered ammo. A big thanks to Kobrakon for helping me out a ton, certain important features would not be possible without him. Huge thanks to Fin for his help with different things such as loot spawn algorithm. Go visit their profiles and mods, they are great at what they do. Also a special thanks to the other modders in the SPT Pub Discord channel for helping me.

This is my first mod for SPTarkov, and very much experimental. Let me know of any issues, but due to my lack of coding experience, there is only so much I am able to fix.

Rate this mod ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ if you enjoyed all the work I did to bring you this!


  • Version 1.2.0

    Patch Notes:

    For some reason, the spawn chances do not seem to correspond with the percentage they should. They spawn much more frequent than they should. For now you can just lower the values to a comfortable level. Otherwise you will be swimming in the ammo.

    The config file has changed massively. You should not keep your old config file or you will very likely experience crashes or weird behaviour. A lot of options have been changed, added or removed.

    It is recommended to remove modded items before updating this time, as I am unsure what happens if you don't. It may be completely fine, although I know for a fact that a lot of the ILLEGAL ammunition WILL disappear from your inventory upon updating. Do with that info as you wish, but at your own discretion.

    This is a huge update in similar scope to 1.1.0. Highly recommended to update.

    • Updated to AKI Version 3.2.1
    • Added new ammunitions. .338 Lapua Magnum and 12.7x55mm now have explosive variants. All shotgun calibres now have 3 types, buckshot, slug and explosive/flash depending on shell type
    • Completely overhauled explosive ammunition so that it actually works as intended. Explosive ammunition now has a few more options
    • Explosive bullets now have a much higher recoil, and also a guaranteed chance to make someone bleed
    • Explosive ammunition now use quite a bit of different fragments with different damage profiles
    • Added looting and examine experience to ILLEGAL ammunition, completely configurable in config
    • Custom Trader's offers now show up in the Flea Market
    • Unintentionally fixed a long-time bug that made ALL trader level ammunition available, regardless of level, the very first time a new profile opened the custom trader.
    • Fixed conflict between my mod and KMC SVM's option "Remove secure container filters", which resulted in server crash on start-up
    • Fixed a bug that made the option for buckshot pellets not work
    • Added option to toggle detailed server log. Setting this to false, default, will disable all the spam of text telling you what ammunition was added to what. It will also make loading the mod slightly faster. You can enable it if this information is useful to you for for example debugging purposes
    • Added option to turn on debug, a much more detailed log, mostly to be used by developers as it contains very detailed information
    • Added simple config option for Fin's AI, makes it much easier for anyone using Fin's AI to disable or enable AI to use ILLEGAL ammo, also turned on by default now instead of previous off
    • Did a bunch of small ammunition stat balancing, especially of shotgun shells
    • For now, ammunition come default at 0.75x the price they were previously
    • Config guide has been updated with multiple new entries
    • Added multiple new "simple Ammunition Stats" options. Sell price is no longer per bullet, but is an overall multiplier that uses buy price as a base
    • Added the advanced algorithm for spawn chances. You now have a much better idea of what spawn chances are, as the new option "Spawn Chance" in "Simple Ammunition Config", uses % chance in decimal. If you set it to 0.01, the base containers have a 1% spawn chance. "Spawn Chance Multiplier" is an option in itself. Read much more about this in the updated config guide
    • Added option "Spawn Stack Size Multiplier" which changes how many bullets you can find in a stack that spawns. This is by default set to 0.5x, which means that you can maximum find stacks that are as big as a full stack of an ammo, say 60 as an example, multiplied by 0.5, so in that case the max amount of bullets in a stack is 30. This depends on the max stack size of said calibre, it also automatically calculates the lowest amount, which is 1/10 of max
    • Balanced the flea market, so that you can simply enable it and off the bat, it will be a balanced experience. However, the intended way to play is still with Flea Market off for ILLEGAL ammunition
    • Added option to change the Flea Market fee. The fee has been significantly increase by default
    • Fool-proofed the config file, it should now be really hard to mess up. If you still do, congratulations, you have ascended
    • Added detailed error logs and fail-safes to help users problem-solve mistakes they make that results in unwanted mod behaviour
    • Added information/description on how the new error messages and fail-safes work and how they send warning signals to the user
    • Simplified, automated, dummy proofed and improved coding significantly and added a ton of small QoL, changes and features that are too small to be worthy of a mention

    I probably missed some notable changes as well, there was a lot. I tried my best to remember the biggest changes and mention them here

    I am sorry if this patch note was poorly constructed, or if I could have worked more on remembering all the features, grouping the info together etc. Right now I have started my studies, and I was more focused on actually pushing out the update than focusing too much on the patch notes.

    Please report any bugs or issues to me. It is of big help since I have limited time to test out every feature of the mod. It is possible that the new AKI Version might have broken something I am unaware of.

  • Version 1.1.1

    Patch Notes:


    • Fixed a bug that made .357 ammo fit inside .366 calibre magazines and guns
    • Fixed a bug that made setting "Remove From Secured Container" not work. With the changes made to "Removed From Secured Container", it is uncertain whether this will still conflict with SVM or not, Please give feedback if it conflicts.
    • Removed a lot of placeholders from config
    • Added description of setting "Fin's AI Tweaks" to CONFIG GUIDE file
  • Version 1.1.0

    Patch Notes:


    • Updated to Aki Server Version 3.2.0
    • Fixed a bug that made you unable to load ILLEGAL 40x46mm (HE) Grenades into the M32A1 Grenade Launcher
    • Fixed name typos for 9x18mm gzh, 23x75mm buckshot and 4.6x30mm SX to fit more seamlessly in with vanilla names
    • Added tracers to ALL ILLEGAL ammunition except for Flare and 40x46 (HE) grenades, because they can't have tracers
    • 23x75 damage has been reduced significantly, recently took total damage from a buckshot, but it is a slug 23x75 Accuracy, Light and Heavy Bleed chance has been dramatically increased, and Recoil massively reduced to improve the bullet
    • ILLEGAL Flare ID has been changed in anticipation of adding a second Flare that can spawn AirDrops in the future. This cannot be added yet because SPTarkov currently, with server version 3.1.1, doesn't have AirDrops. Code is already made and waiting for update
    • MASSIVELY organized and rewritten code, it should now be much easier for those that know code to tweak all settings in my mod to their liking from the .TS file, this is also a preventative measure for bugs in the future: The tidier, the less chance I make a mistake
    • Added custom advanced ammunition stats for Damage To Armor, Fragmentation Chance, Ricochet Chance, Light Bleed Chance and Heavy Bleed Chance. The first three have taken their stats from the cartridge with the highest penetration value for that calibre, the two last gets their stats from the cartridge with the highest value for that stat in their calibre
    • Added incredibly detailed configuration settings, so you can tweak almost every tiny little thing to your liking. Check out the new txt file CONFIG GUIDE, and config.json to start tweaking
    • Added simple and convenient optional config settings alongside the more advanced and detailed
    • Reworked WEB AMMO trader picture and resized it to proper scale
    • Made a plethora of changes and additions that are far too many to mention or remember

    This patch looks a little different than usual, because a lot of important things have changed. This patch comes with a whole new Economy Rework, and also the first iteration of the Ammunition Stat Rework.

    Ammunition Economy Balance Rework:

    The purpose of the Economy Balance Rework is to make it harder to abuse ILLEGAL ammunition as a quick-money-scheme, and to make ILLEGAL ammunition FEEL more important, rare and valuable. All ILLEGAL ammunition has been added to the Secured Container black-list. This means that ILLEGAL ammunition can no longer be kept inside of your Secured Container for safe-keeping. This adds risk and excitement to the game: When you find ILLEGAL ammunition you have motivation to get out safely. It also encourages players to bring good gear along with their ILLEGAL ammunition, which adds additional risk to using the best ammunition in the game. ILLEGAL ammunition has also, finally, been removed from the Flea Market, so no more cheesing money or higher quantities of bullets than you should have. Since ILLEGAL ammunition is imported illegally, the price that you pay for them from the Dark Web is lower than the actual value. Therefore, traders will only give you the actual value of the bullet, which is half, minus their greed-tax. ILLEGAL ammunition is now more evenly distributed than before and has been added to many loot tables. The chance of finding ILLEGAL item in a container now depends on what Spawn Category the container is in. The Very High category has the highest chance of spawning ILLEGAL ammunition, it is has the same chances as the previous mod versions, but it is now limited to the more "rare" containers Jaeger's Stash, Safe, Plastic Suitcase, and Jacket (214). The Very High category is used as the "base" or default chance value when calculating the chances for the other categories. The containers in the High category is Dead Scav and Ammunition Box and has three times less spawn chance for ILLEGAL ammunition. The containers in the Normal category is Buried Barrel Cache's, Ground Cache's, and Wooden Crate's and has six times less spawn chance for ILLEGAL ammunition. Finally we have the Low category, which contains All the Weapon Boxes, Sport Bag's and Jacket's, which has ten times less spawn chance for ILLEGAL ammunition. This should be balanced so that you can specifically go out of your way to "farm" ILLEGAL ammunition, but still find it through regular gameplay. I am not entirely sure how chance's work in EFT, whether the value I put is a static value with a set chance, or if the value numbers of all potential items in a container is added together, and then is calculated based on how much of this sum an item's own value is of the total. If the second is true, then the current system may be fairly unbalanced. Since I have not had time to thoroughly test spawn chances, I am just making an educated guess on balanced probabilities, and may be completely under or overshooting it. Please give me feedback on this specific point.

    Ammunition Stat Rework Part 1:

    Since my next major update will require a lot of work, it will take some time, so this serves as a temporary re-balance, to create a similar-to-intended effect

    Changed the Malfunction chances, Heat and Durability burn to be more in-line with the end-vision that will come with a later rework. All these stats have been increased SIGNIFICANTLY, to make it more interesting and balanced to use the bullets. I think I found the perfect balance between usability, and adaptability. Depending on the calibres size and purpose, they are categorized into four; small, medium, large and special. With this patch, all ammunitions within the same category have the same value for these stats, but with the rework that is coming soon™, each bullet will have their own value for each stat. Through testing, the stats have been balanced such that you can spray about two "normal" sized magazine for each calibre, 35, 30, 20, 10 capacity magazines respectively, in quick succession without having a huge chance of malfunctions, however anything more than that and you run into major malfunction issues, as well as a high weapon max durability degradation. The higher the calibre category, the earlier you will experience major malfunction issues. After shooting three mags of "normal" size for the calibre in quick succession, you can expect to have had many, 3-10+, malfunctions, most being with the last magazine, and to have lost about 20 durability and 15 max durability. Note that when I tested this I emptied 3 magazines at full-auto right after each other, so weapon heat was a major factor to increase malfunction chance in the later magazines. Since you loose max durability and have a higher chance at malfunctions when you shoot with a overheated gun, this can be avoided by simply shooting less within a short time period. This encourages an interesting playstyle of conserving fire, and only spraying when it is smart to.

  • Version 1.0.2

    Patch Notes:

    • Fixed a typo that made the 9x18mm malfunction stat much higher than intended
    • Fixed a typo that made the 5.45x39mm malfunction stat much lower than intended
    • Increased Flare penetration value to 25, so it can ignore armour level 1 and 2 with a fair chance to penetrate armour class 3. - Turns out flares have a 100% ricochet chance that cannot be turned off, which means penetration has no effect.
    • The damage dealt by explosive shrapnel from the 12/70 and 20/70 Buckshot has been halved
    • .366 TKM and .357 Magnum are now categorized under the medium calibres category instead of the previous large and small respectively, while 12/70 and 20/70 Buckshot are now categorized under the large calibres category instead of the previous medium, which affect their stats. A higher calibre group means their malfunction, heat and durability burn stats became significantly worse, and a lower calibre group means those stats have become significantly better
  • Version 1.0.1

    Patch Notes:

    • Fixed a bug where you could not put .357 Magnum into the Chiappa Rhino 50DS .357 revolver
    • Fixed a bug where you could not put 9x19mm into the Chiappa Rhino 200DS 9x19 revolver
    • Fixed a bug where the MP-43-1C 12ga double-barrel shotgun would only accept one shell
    • Fixed 12/70 and 20/70 buckshot stats, previously took the best stats from both buckshot and slugs, now takes stats only from buckshot
    • Massively decreased flare penetration. It is a flare why did it even have 50 penetration value in the first place?
    • You can now sell ammunition on the Dark Web (to WEB AMMO trader) for a higher price than the regular traders. The higher your reputation (loyalty) on the market, the more people are willing to pay your for your ammunition
    • Added installation, update and uninstallation instructions to file
    • Simplified installation process
  • Version 1.0.0

    Re-upload of version 1.0.0, with a slight change in, and with a new link to download the file.


    If anyone want to keep my mod updated or try to iron out any potential or known bugs, I give my full permission to keep working on my mod. All I require is that you link and credit my mod, this mod, when you upload your update of the mod, and that you make it clear and obvious that it is an update of my already existing mod. Please inform me on Discord: skybellrock#0546, if you intend on updating my mod, it is nice for me to know. All files you will need should be included in the download of the mod. They contain the .TS files.

    I am going to be incredibly busy for a long time with my studies and will be unable to maintain my mod by myself, and it would be a shame for all my hard work to go to waste, and for those that like the mod to lose it. Please treat my mod well, it has been a passion project for me. For some my mod may seem simple, but to me it was a monumental task that I put blood, sweat, tears and love into, not to mention the amount of hours, probably a few hundred.

    Known issues:

    • The spawn chances don't work as intended as I never figured out how to use the chance vectors properly.
    • SeeItemValue mod will not display stats correctly, probably because I use custom ID names instead of a generated hashcode

    I am available on Discord: skybellrock#0546, for questions or guidance. I don't have a lot of time but can help you understand some of the code if that is needed.

    Heart 1
    • I know nothing about modding currently (but I do have some basic coding knowledge), however I would be willing to learn what I need to to help keep this mod up to date! I love my Illegal Ammo, but I have begun to run into a critical compatibility issue with Kiki's Tedious Quest Remover on version 3.2.5 of the AKI. I'll shoot you a friend request in discord, but if there is also a good place to start to learn how to mod/update a mod, I'll take a link to that as well! :)

      Thumbs Up 1
  • My studies have begun for full, this means my focus has shifted completely, and progress on the mod will halt significantly. Besides the spawn chance bug and one incompatibility with SeeItemValue mod I haven't ironed out, it is a stable release though. I will try my best to keep it up to date and trinkle in some fixes when I can. The bigger additions will for now be set on hold until I get more time.

    For anyone curious about how to get the "intended" spawn amount. It appears the value is around 30 ish times higher than it should be, although I have not thoroughly tested this so it may be wrong.

  • Version 1.2.0 is out now. This update focuses on balancing stats, prices, etc. It makes flea market on a more viable option. It is similar in scope to the last big 1.1.0 update, although the changes and efforts are more scattered, instead of hyper-focused on particular areas. It also focuses on fixing a bunch of bugs, improving the code, adding a few new items, and much more. I highly recommend updating. Please inform me if any features are not working or if my mod causes any issues.

    Heart 1
  • Hey and happy new year i come here to ask if u may be able to get this update in 2023 as this mod has lasted for me quite some time and by adjusting some files as the Aki update i mange to use the mod all the way up to 3.3.0. and now in 3.4.1 it failed. So i really hope this will be updated.

  • Hey there. When ever u get time to get back to the modding I have a suggestion and hope that this can be done without to much difficulties.

    Cold there be added a red ring around all bullets from this mod so when I look in the mag I can easily identify if it's a default bullet or one from your mod since u have basically created a copy of the pre existing calibre's in the game. also using the image/texture from them. Would be neat to have a deadly marking on them :) unknown.png

    • Hey. I have no idea when I will be back, because studies are hitting hard. I barely even have any free time to rest at all. I was originally planning to make custom models at some point, if I am able to learn it. Only thing is I have no idea when or if I will have time in the foreseeable future to work on this mod. Really sorry to disappoint, but I put my education and future before hobby projects. I hope you can understand <3

    • Hey thanks for a replay i was already expecting this so i have no issue with it hope u succeed in your future. also will be happy when u make it back to hobby, when u ever do so <3

  • hey tell me if i am being dumb but is there any mods that conflict or mess with this one cuz i cant get it to load on 3.2.0

    • There are no incompatibility's with other mods that causes crashes that is currently known, however, there are many mods and I cannot keep track of compatibility with all.

      Ensure that you download the correct version of this mod that was updated specifically for the version you want to use. For 3.2.0 it should be mod version 1.1.1 or 1.1.0.

    • got it i updated to 3.2.2 so waiting for an update

    • Sadly you may have to look long for that update. I am studying and am absolutely drowning in literature. I barely have a couple of hours of rest each day. Unless they changed something major, the latest update may still totally work with the newest AKI, but you can only figure that out by trying. It will always give you a general "error" in the console if the documentation file within the mod says a different aki version than the release one, but it isn't a legitimate report, you can ignore it so long as the rest of the mod works and doesn't crash your game.

  • Just letting you know about this:…on/#comments/comment10815

    Looked into it, and I noticed you're only adding localization for the "en" key and none of the others. Not sure what will happen if someone's playing with other languages, so just thought I'd let you know.

    • Thanks for the info. I am studying ATM, so very little time to update the mod. I will see when I get time to look at it. Hopefully you won't get flooded by requests that is a result of problems on my mods side.

      That issue he was experiencing, was that on your side or due to the localization?

  • It's not showing up for some odd reason in the trader list. Do I need to be a certain level before it shows up?

    • You mean the custom trader in the list where Prapor, Skier, etc is?

    • Yes

    • There is no pre-requisites. It should be there in the menu from the start. Are you sure you installed the mod on the correct version? I have used my mod and never ran into this issue myself. The latest version is for AKI 3.2.1

    • I'll mess with it, as I've never had issues with this mod before. Probably something on my end.

    • My mod has changed significantly with each of the big updates, however, so far no one else has reported this, and it is such a huge issue I am sure someone else would.

  • Hello there!

    I need YOUR opinion.

    Currently ILLEGAL ammo is extremely rare, and sells for half the price that it is bought for - the individual traders "greed fee". Although the ammo is meant to be rare and valuable, currently they are quite rare and sell for a fair bit less because I had no control of how big the stacks of ammo were when they spawned.

    I figured out how to set the amount of bullets that can spawn in each stack. So now I have a few balancing options. I want users that have experience with my mod to give me feedback for this. I will not use the effort to add custom spawn stack sizes if it seems like the consensus is that it is good the way it already is.

    I can do one of the following options:

    • Lower spawns stack size - Increase sell price
    • Lower spawns stack size - Increase spawn rate
    • Lower spawns stack size - Slightly increase sell price and slightly increase spawn rate
    • Keep stack size as is - keep the ammos sell price low and spawn rate low.

    THANK YOU, for your feedback. I listen to it all and it does affect what I choose to do.

    Giving your reasoning is optional, but helpful.

    For those that read the little text: The next update is very well underway. I have just a few points I want to finish before releasing it. I am nearing the point where I feel happy with the code entirely, and will move onto custom 3D models, adding quests, making advanced algorithms for stats and spawn chances, and focusing solely on balancing.

    • With lack of a response, I chose to find some middle-ground that I found most reasonable. This may change in the future. Currently, The ammunition will now be half the price that it was before, but will sell for it's price - trader greed tax, no more having the bullet's value lower than the buy price. The spawn chance's have been completely reworked, so I am unsure how it stacks up to previously, but is set to spawn 1% at the highest. So 1 in 100 items. The stacks have also been halved, ish. If a max stack for an ammo is 60, by default you can find max 30 of them at a time, and minimum 30/10=3.

  • Dev update:

    My studies are starting now, so that will probably slow down development of my mod. However, it will not stop. Right now seems to be an overall stable version, which is good since it may take time between updates.

    I am working on further optimizing my code, ironing out minor bugs and adding some settings and features.

    As for balancing, I have not had a lot of time to test between coding, so I may have made ammo too rare, too expensive, etc. Luckily you now have access to the detailed settings and can tweak to your liking. However, I would love to get feedback on the balancing from you users. Keep in mind my goal for the mod when giving suggestions. The ammo is supposed to feel rare, and valuable, however I want it to be good enough stat to price wise, that it is justified to buy, but only for when you have a lot of money or a particular goal in mind. I don't want this to be viable ammunition for regular use and spraying, then I have undershot the rarity and price. The ammunition is meant of end-game users, semi-auto, spare-some use or for when you have a monumental goal in mind that requires better ammunition. Please send me your feedback wherever you can reach me.

    I am currently experimenting with half buy and sell price of default and twice the spawn chance.

    Thanks and have a nice day :)

  • The "remove from secure container option in the config does not seem to change anything" i tried both true and false. Both wont allow me to put illegal ammo in secure container

    • i have found another bug, .357 can be loaded into .366 mags and can be shot by .366 guns

    • I will do some testing. I redid a bunch of my code, something was bound to break. That is a funny bug though :D

    • yep now i can be a true cowboy by shooting revolver rounds out of my rifle to simulate 357 lever gun

  • Version 1.1.0 is out now. It is a HUGE improvement on the old code. I highly recommend updating. Please inform me if any features are not working or if my mod causes any issues.

    • New version seems to be incompatible with Server Value Modifer. Server crashes as soon as it tries to load illegal ammo.

      Narrowed it down.
      "remove secure container filters" option in SVM being selected with illegal ammo will make the server crash on launch.

      Edit: was wrong on one part removed for accuracy

    • I will look into it, if you want to use SVM, you can disable said option for the time being or possibly disable a setting in SVM that has to do with the secured container. I think if two programs try to edit the same entry, the code becomes unhappy.

    • yea that’s what I did, thanks for the hard work on the mod by the way.

    • The problem is in src file on line 524.
      The reason of the error is how SVM removes the filters...It removes(no pun intended) filters field completely, therefore if there is no such field - it will say that it's undefined.unknown.png
      I was trying to fix it by leaving the filter fields in SVM with no IDs, but it completely blocks anything to get into containers.
      Adding all parent IDs into my code will require too much work, so...

      My best solution i've come up with - include

      db.templates.items[id]._props.Grids[0]._props.filters[0] !== undefined

      in 3 if statements you got on line 513,523 and 528.
      So your code will not throw an error.
      That's how it would look like

                                  if (db.templates.items[id]._parent == ContainerBlacklistID && db.templates.items[id]._props.Grids[0]._props.filters[0] !== undefined ) {

      I can recommend checking for every field in DB before doing any changes to avoid conflicts,
      or empty fields.
      If you're interested what exactly happens on SVM side - check SVM.js - line 832 and 838.
      And I generally recommend optimizing code, that part look horrendously bad with empty if statements.

    • Hey.

      Thank you for the in-depth explanation and trouble-shooting. I will have a look at this for next update, whenever I get time to compile that. Yeah the method for removing the container filters is about what I theorized, but I didn't see a fix at the time. I will see if your suggested fix may work.

      Edit: Your suggested fix appears to work perfectly fine and will roll out with next update, thanks.

  • Little dev update here:

    I know I have not updated in a while, but I am working hard on the mod. The reason why I have not updated is because I am changing how all systems in my code works, and a lot of the changes depend on each other, so I can't release parts of it in separate updates.

    At the bottom of the mod overview I actively change the lists of known issues and planned changes to reflect what changes I have more or less already coded. Those that are marked as "coming", are mostly features I am already done with coding for.

    I still have a list of things I NEED to do before the next update. I am down-prioritizing quests for the trader, custom 3d models and advanced stats functions. These will come in later updates, as they are all quite comprehensive tasks on their own, and I want to push these major economy balances, spawn chance changes, code improvements and much more essential features that will make my mod run, and work more smoothly and improve user experience first and foremost. That way I can take my sweet time with the less essential and also more monumental tasks mentioned.

    This update is such a major step towards my final vision, that it really will feel like a much more fleshed out experience, and almost like a version 2.0.0. You will find the ammo in multiple locations at different rates, you now have incentive to seek out certain loot containers such as safes, or Shturman stash, because they spawn much more illegal ammo. Everything economy wise is better, feels less cheesy, no need to ignore flea market anymore. The stats much better reflect the end vision, if used wrong, with these new stats, they WILL fuck up your guns, give you malfunctions, etc. It encourages playing preservative with the ammunition. A plethora of small issues have been fixed. And of course, the modularity is off the hinges. If someone does not like the vision for my mod, they can essentially tweak the bullets to be whatever they want. Whether you want an ultrabullet that instakills anything, or a bullet with literal negative damage values, so you heal the enemy (not tested or advised, but in all theory this should work, LOL.)

    I spent way too much time fool proofing the config to not create game breaking issues if configured wrong. But I am willing to bet someone will mess up either way


    Thanks for your patience.

  • Loving the mod, thank you!

    Are you taking suggestions? If so, I thought maybe two kinds of "illegal grenade" would be interesting additions. One non-impact grenade that inherits the best stats of the regular, fused grenades (with the possible exception of the fuse time from the VOG-25, which is very short and prevents the grenade from being thrown significant distances), and another impact grenade that gets its stats from the RGO and RGN.

    • Yeah, I am always open to ideas! I can look into doing this, although I have not done it before, so it may take time to figure out. Currently I am still working with the next huge update. It comes with huge changes for the better, but also I am restructuring and simplifying and automating huge parts of the script which is a lot of extra work for little to no extra functionality it will only assure an easier future coding for me. I will keep a note of your suggestion.

    • The Pineapple blitz grenade mod sounds like what you're looking for.

  • As far as I know, my code is compatible with AKI version 3.2.0. It will only give you a warning because I have not yet changed the "AKI version" in the documentation to the newest. Feel free to use my mod with the newest version.

    If that little error annoys you, all you have to do is open package.json in a text editor, and change "akiVersion": from 3.1.1 to 3.2.0, save and that's it.

  • I am currently working on update 1.1.0, and have for a while.

    There is a lot to be excited about here. Almost the entire mod code has been re-done and re-visited. In addition to a bunch of small fixes and tidying up the entire organizational system of my code, the update will also come with Advanced bullet stat rework that will use a lot of algebra to make most settings easy to understand and edit for the user for almost all the stats in great detail, AND an economy rework that completely changes accessibility to the ammunition, their prices, sell values, spawn rates, spawn areas, etc. PS: I was able to get ILLEGAL ammunition removed from the Flea Market. Yay.

    There is also a possibility for a questline being added, but don't get your hopes too high, I may delay that. Overall though, I am well on my way there, but there are still hurdles to pass and code to write. Don't expect it out too soon.

    It should also release for the newest release of AKI 3.2.0.

    Have a good day to you all.

  • Due to a recent happening in the SPTarkov Discord Channel, where I was ridiculed by certain modders for asking a dumb question. I decided to leave that Discord Channel. What this means for ILLEGAL AMMO is that progress will significantly slow down, since I have to figure out everything myself, and do not have access to human or other resources to help me mod. This experience has left me with a sour taste for a large part of the SPTarkov modding community (the modders themselves, not the users), and I am not sure if I will make any further mods after this one. However, since I don't want to let any users down, I will try to my best ability to finish my mod to my vision, and maybe keep it updated when never SPTarkov versions releases.

    Crying 1
    • I have experienced similar responses when asking for help as a user/player.

      It's as if some modders/users are under the assumption that you know as much as they do, due to just being here, and are a moron for asking pretty much questions.

    • I've also experienced similar things, albeit not in this community, yet. In my experience it's best to just block the assholes and move on. Don't let some twat discourage you from doing what you want. Doing so gives them power over you. You've done a great job on this mod and I am rooting for you.

  • The Mod is Awesome . I love it that its so expensive makes them quite rare and makes you feel awesome when u find them in raid .

    Cheering for further updates.

    Cheers Mate!

    • I am happy you like it. Please report any bugs you find or even come with suggestions. A lot of the mod is currently untested, such as the chances to find ammo in raid. So if anything feels too easy, hard or unbalanced, let me know.

    • Hey There skybellrock

      There is a spot on customs where a jacket is only spawning your ammo is that intended?

    • And bout suggestions , you could add trades where you could trade 50 vanilla meta bullets for 1 illegal bullet or 100 vanilla meta bullets for 1 illegal bullet

      Like lets say

      100 5.45x39 BS For 1 5.45x39 Illegal GS

    • That is not intended, but it should also be impossible. I have no code that could even remotely bug into that.

      Please keep doing testing for me.

      My ammo has been added to the loot table of jackets and ammo boxes, but should not be the only thing that spawns there. Please try a few more times in that jacket in case it is just up to random chance, and check if the same happens with other jackets and ammunition boxes for me.

      I like your suggestion, I will keep a note of it. As of now though, I have more important additions to work on when I can, and balancing is also higher in priority.

    • Hello after doing 10 Test runs on that exact jacket it appeared to spawn randomly and not all the time , after 10 times opening i got 2 impossible ammo

      i was extremly lucky last time

      And i checked other jackets and it was complety normal .

      Cant wait for further improvments !

      Cheers , Marta

  • Nice mod, Big THX !!!!

    PS: Dosent work with zRaiRaiTheRaichu-AmmoStats-2.1.2 .....

    • I am happy you enjoy my mod, next update will contain improvements and bug fixes.

      Ah, I am not sure I have the knowledge to make them compatible, I think if anything, it is in RaiRai's mod that compatibility must be added.

      I know that my mod works with Faupi Munitions Expert, which also adds stats to ammunition description. It is also made by a more experienced modder (Sorry RaiRai, but CWX is after all a developer of SPTarkov itself).

    • It works with the latest version, as that's what I run.

    • Thank you for confirming. It must have been either an unintended bi-product, or Kokajay has some mod incompatibilities, which might be unfixable, or may need to be fixed in the other mod. Either way, if my mod creates the incompatibility I cannot fix it before I get more info on what mod conflicts, which may be neither this mod or the ammostats one.

    • Thx for the Faupi info & the easy tweaking ability inside your mod.

      As you are a modder and way more inside the data i would like to ask, if i tweak the ammo speed under 340+- the game recognize it as subsonic automatically???

    • Good question. I would assume so, but I am unsure. Best way is to just try and test.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Is the a way to change buy amount of the rounds i know its for balance but i wanted to try them out with multiple mags with large amounts of AI.

    • Yes, there is a way to do that. Almost all settings are available in either SRC\IllegalAmmo.ts, db\DarkWebAmmoTrader.json or config\config.json, just don't mess with code you don't know what does. What you are looking for specifically is in SRC\IllegalAmmo.ts, search for "BuyRestrictionMax:" under the category "//Define Trader Settings" and change the value after it for whatever calibre you want to change the limit for.

      Currently, I have not made the code to remove the custom ammo from the flea market, so as long as you have unlocked the vanilla ammo that the model is taken from, you can also buy it in big quantities for cheap from market, don't do this for game purposes though, it is ultra balance ruining, which is another reason I recommend a late unlock of flea, ignoring the flea entries for ILLEGAL ammo or disabling flea altogether.

  • The .357 isn't fitting into the Chiappa

    • Thanks for reporting the bug to me.

      I did some research. I am working on the issue now, should be fixable. Fix should come next update.

      Edit: It is fixed, will come with next update.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • The new update is out and the fix for the revolver has been added! :)