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Version 1.2.2
- RaiRaiTheRaichu
Refactor to module changes for SPT 3.9.0+.
Minor change to the version in the package.json, compatible with version 3.9.0+ of SPT.
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Version 1.2.1
- RaiRaiTheRaichu
Hotfix for the infinite loading on raid.
Version 1.2.0
- RaiRaiTheRaichu
Minor change to the version in the package.json, compatible with version 3.8.0+ of AKI.
Removed the barter key tweaks. This used a harcoded list which can change with mods and such, and other mods do this better (More Checkmarks is a direct improvement to this).
Updated the blacklist to include all unused keys as of SPT-AKI 3.8.0.
Slight refactor to the blacklist algorithm - should apply to all types of AI and work more reliably in general.
EDIT: Download removed, fixing a major bug with this release. -
Version 1.1.2
- RaiRaiTheRaichu
Fixed an issue with the PMC loot blacklist causing an issue during the server loading.
Minor change to the version in the package.json, compatible with version 3.5.2 of AKI.
Version 1.1.1
- RaiRaiTheRaichu
Minor change to the version in the package.json, compatible with version 3.5.0 of AKI.
Version 1.1.0
- RaiRaiTheRaichu
Major refactor to localization to comply with new standards as of client version 20765.
Added more methods to reduce the amount of blacklisted keys that appear.
Minor change to the version in the package.json, compatible with version 3.4.0 of AKI.
Version 1.0.0
- RaiRaiTheRaichu
Built for SPT-AKI v3.2.0
- Initial release.
after installing this when i unlock certain doors like relax, and abandoned factory marked key i cant open the doors afterwards
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
hi, i don't think this is related to this mod, this mod does not change anything functional about the keys whatsoever.
ok, thank you
Latest version causes an infinite loading screen. Possibly a conflict with one of the other loot altering mods, like Pity Loot or AllTheLoot?
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Ah, I see what the issue is, thanks for letting me know. Uploading a fix now.
EDIT: Uploaded a fix, sorry about that!
does this work on 3.7.1?
Sorry to ask, but is it really working on 3.5.4? Because all I get is the power key, I found like 9 power keys in the row.
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
That's interesting, it should be. I assume if the only other key available to spawn is the power key, it might pick that instead. I'll look into it.
Thank you very much for your comment and sorry that I did not correct myself before but I just had the extremly bad luck with the keys. After some time I got also different keys. I was just afraid it was not working but at the end false alarm. Thank your for the mod!
I believe this is just the game doing that. In my recent runs I find OLI keys and they power keys CONSTANTLY, to the degree I almost never find the important ones anymore. For the first time in the year ive been playing SPT AKI I have to actually get the keys from Therapist just to complete the associated quests.
On another note, loot is always weird in SPT. Ive noticed from many restarts that every new account seem to randomize loot to a certain preference. Sometimes you find nothing but duct tape and bolts on every single raid, other times I can play for two days straight without ever spotting something as common as a box of matches. Wish I knew more about modding so I could force it to randomize that kind of data per launch or something, christ.
what notice those useless keys have? I don't see it in any of them. And I am sure I have tons of useless shoreline keys.
Does this mod affect the spawn chance of Three Storey Dorms 203 key? It's not spawning for me.
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Nope, the 203 key is not included in the blacklist.
Thanks for confirming!
As someone who is an expert at these things, would you care to have a quick look at this thread i've posted regarding key spawns?
here: No keys at key spawn locations?
Does this mod remove the actual unused keys? like the ones that arnt even in Live
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Which ones are you referring to? The ones not in live should probably already be removed from the game via a blacklist (unless you are using a mod that affects the blacklist).
In your experience, does modding out these keys mean a better chance of finding a useful key in jackets or perhaps just that you find more empty jackets?
RaiRaiTheRaichu Author
Hi! I can't guarantee you won't find the unused keys at all, as I've found two so far across a dozen or so raids in some containers like jackets...
But yeah, theoretically instead of these keys, things like PMCs, it would pick a different key then, meaning the same amount of keys will be on bodies, just none (or less?) of the ones blacklisted here.