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Custom Raid Times
- Adjust global raid times, or raid times for individual maps.
- Raid times can be random ranges, grouped, and weighted.
- Extract train schedules automatically adjust to the new raid time.
- Earliest arrival time (given enough overall time) can be anywhere in between 35% to 80% of the total raid time, making train arrival less predictable and also more usable in extra long raids.
- The number of seconds the train waits before closing the doors and departing is now randomized; but always between 14 and 7 minutes.
- Raids can now be as short as 3 minutes and still have an active and functional train extract.
To install:
- Decompress the contents of the download into your root SPT directory.
- Open the refringe-customraidtimes/config/config.json5 file to adjust raid time options.
- Leave a review and let me know what you think.
- If you experience any problems, please submit a detailed bug report.
Version 1.8.0
- Refringe
- Updated to support SPT v3.10
- Resolves a bug that caused raid times to not randomly regenerate after a raid completed
- This version should be compatible with any SPT v3.10 release.
- The configuration file is in JSON5 format. The file extension is not a mistake. Do not rename it.
- If you experience any problems, please submit a detailed bug report.
Version 1.7.3
- Refringe
- Resolves an issue where time changes were not being applied to the high-level version of Ground Zero.
This requires updating your config file. - Adds fast-uri package to the build ignore.
- This version should be compatible with any SPT v3.9 release.
- The configuration file is in JSON5 format. The file extension is not a mistake. Do not rename it.
- If you experience any problems, please submit a detailed bug report.
Version 1.7.2
- Refringe
- Adds option to overwrite scav raid times.
- Fixes config comment mistake.
- This version should be compatible with any SPT v3.9 release.
- The configuration file is in JSON5 format. The file extension is not a mistake. Do not rename it.
- If you experience any problems, please submit a detailed bug report.
Version 1.7.1
- Refringe
- Slightly nicer logging.
- Removed unused types.
- This is functionally the same as the v1.7.0 release. There's no urgent need to update.
- This version should be compatible with any SPT v3.9 release.
- The configuration file is in JSON5 format. The file extension is not a mistake. Do not rename it.
- If you experience any problems, please submit a detailed bug report.
Version 1.7.0
- Refringe
- Updated for SPT 3.9.
- This version should be compatible with any SPT v3.9 release.
- The configuration file is in JSON5 format. The file extension is not a mistake. Do not rename it.
- If you experience any problems, please submit a detailed bug report.
Version 1.6.0
- Refringe
- Updated for SPT 3.8.
- Added Ground Zero map support
- Removed all bot configuration options and changes.
- This version should be compatible with any SPT v3.8 release.
- Bot changes were out of scope. You should be using SWAG+DONUTS anyways—It works much better.
- The configuration file is in JSON5 format. The file extension is not a mistake. Do not rename it.
- If you experience any problems, please submit a detailed bug report.
Version 1.5.0
- Refringe
- Updated for SPT 3.7.
- Refactored mod structure to be cleaner.
- Further improved configuration commenting.
- Configuration file is now even more strictly validated.
- Synchronous loaders are now being used.
- The discontinued
mod has been removed from the mod conflict list. - Debugging has been improved.
- This version should be compatible with any SPT v3.7 release.
- If you experience any problems, please submit a detailed bug report.
Version 1.4.0
- Refringe
- Updated for SPT 3.6.
- Full rewrite of the mod structure.
- Improved configuration file structure and commenting.
- Configuration file is now validated and logs helpful messages.
- Everything that can be done asynchronously is now being done asynchronously.
- Common mods that interfere with spawn waves are now detected. When detected, the feature to extend bot spawn waves is disabled automatically. Additionally, there is now a configuration option to force the feature to run.
- Train schedules can now be statically configured within the configuration file.
- Debugging has been improved.
- This version should be compatible with any SPT v3.6 release.
- If you experience any problems, please submit a detailed bug report.
Version 1.3.3
- Refringe
Minor Updates:
- The debug logging should now be much more helpful.
- The configuration file is more consistent and has some extra explanations.
If you experience any problems, please submit a detailed bug report.
Version 1.3.2
- Refringe
- Rewrote the method that resolves the time settings so that the minimum and maximum settings are recalculated each time the method is run (on startup, and after each raid finishes). Thanks to both skybellrock and DanW for helping hunt this down.
- The configuration format (and file extension) has changed since the last version. If you are upgrading, you must manually copy over any adjustments you've made to the new configuration file. The "json5" file extension is not a mistake.
If you experience any problems, please submit a detailed bug report.
Refringe Author
Version 1.7 of this mod should be compatible with any hotfix version of SPT v3.9. If you notice an issue, please submit a bug report.
Помогите что и где прописывать а то прописал и ошибку дал )
Refringe Author
I only know English, sorry.
Thanks for the mod. It's cool. I have a question: is it possible to somehow increase the time the BTR stays on the map? Because it leaves after an hour of raid, although 2-3 hours of raid are set through the mod.
Can someone plz help me ? XD I have no idea how to even begin to set my raid times.. i know how to access the json file but the rest is like hieroglyphics to me.. i just want my raid times to be 35-60 mins min/max.. thx in advance
Refringe Author
It's all described quite clearly in the config. Please read it. Change these:
thank you sooo much...
thanks for the 3.10 update
I'm drooling over 3.10 support. Our lord and savior, Refringe!
in the description, change :
Just wondering, is there a way to extend the ritual timers for the cultist ritual?
Saint Nick
The train on light house arrived and left within like 2 mins after using the override for 60 min raids. Gonna try manual times
I decided today to write my own patch for ground zero high then I realized you did it yesterday! At least my patch worked lol
I really love this mod, going into a raid not knowing how much time i have really keeps me on my toes and keeps the raids fresh.
Would love to see what setting everyone is running.
My raid time setting below:
customTimes: {
customs: [{minutes: { min: 25, max: 55 }, weight: 1 }],
factoryDay: [{minutes: { min: 15, max: 25 }, weight: 1 }],
factoryNight: [{minutes: { min: 15, max: 25 }, weight: 1 }],
interchange: [{minutes: { min: 25, max: 55 }, weight: 1 }],
laboratory: [{minutes: { min: 20, max: 50 }, weight: 1 }],
lighthouse: [{minutes: { min: 25, max: 55 }, weight: 1 }],
reserve: [{minutes: { min: 25, max: 55 }, weight: 1 }],
groundZero: [{minutes: { min: 20, max: 50 }, weight: 1 }],
groundZeroHigh: [{minutes: { min: 20, max: 50 }, weight: 1 }],
shoreline: [{minutes: { min: 30, max: 60 }, weight: 1 }],
streets: [{minutes: { min: 35, max: 65 }, weight: 1 }],
woods: [{minutes: { min: 25, max: 55 }, weight: 1 }],
i like a less anxious time constraint. time limitations always annoyed me in video games. i play games to chillax not have a freakin heart attack every minute. and yes even tarkov i play to chill. so i use 90 minutes (practically infinite time for anything you wanna do in raid). 90 minutes is enough to stack multiple quests even far away from each other on different sides of the map. so i run 90 minutes for all maps, except factory. factory i run 40 minutes, it's enough for its size. 50 minutes for night factory though 'cause it's creepy :3
{minutes: 60, weight: 8 },
{minutes: { min: 35, max: 50 }, weight: 1 },
{minutes: 90, weight: { min: 2, max: 6 } },
factoryDay: 30,
factoryNight: 35,
{minutes: 60, weight: 8 },
{minutes: { min: 35, max: 50 }, weight: 1 },
{minutes: 90, weight: { min: 2, max: 6 } },
{minutes: 60, weight: 8 },
{minutes: { min: 35, max: 50 }, weight: 1 },
{minutes: 90, weight: { min: 2, max: 6 } },
{minutes: 60, weight: 8 },
{minutes: { min: 35, max: 50 }, weight: 1 },
{minutes: 90, weight: { min: 2, max: 6 } },
{minutes: 60, weight: 8 },
{minutes: { min: 35, max: 50 }, weight: 1 },
{minutes: 90, weight: { min: 2, max: 6 } },
groundZero: 45,
{minutes: 60, weight: 8 },
{minutes: { min: 35, max: 50 }, weight: 1 },
{minutes: 90, weight: { min: 2, max: 6 } },
{minutes: 60, weight: 8 },
{minutes: { min: 35, max: 50 }, weight: 1 },
{minutes: 90, weight: { min: 2, max: 6 } },
{minutes: 60, weight: 8 },
{minutes: { min: 35, max: 50 }, weight: 1 },
{minutes: 90, weight: { min: 2, max: 6 } },
Thank you so much for fixing the ground zero thing brother!
Does this affect the spawning of the BTR if you increase the raid time?
Refringe Author
It shouldn't be affecting the BTR spawn at all, no.
Hi, nice mod, but Is it possible to add option to change the speed of time? Like from 7x to 4x
Refringe Author
No, this is outside the scope of this mod. Sorry.
Go to your SPT/SPT_Data/Server/configs and in the line that says acceleration (should be first one) you change the number in there (should be 7 by default) to your wish. Take into account that changing this number will sometime "glitch" the clouds into moving really fast on some raids (I have yet to find an explanation to this).
Add-on unreliable: people say changing the time acceleration to 1.1 fixes the clouds. It doesnt for me. I dont care too much about clouds, so I keep it 1.0 myself.
came across this, the custom raid time does not apply to the Ground Zero LVL 21 map (sandbox_high), defaults back to standard time, time adjustments work perfect on other maps
I'm using overrideAll: true with { minutes: 120, weight: 1 } on a LVL 23 Character
Edit: This is for both PMC and Scav on sandbox_high
I can confirm this. Before lvl 21 the custom time setting was working. But after level 21 it does not. I guess it has to do with the grouping online but since there is no seperate map file I don't understand why it does not work? Does anybody know a workaround for this?
I can confirm this as well on latest SPT at the time of this writing (3.9.4) and Custom Raid Times 1.7.2.
Anyone has any details?
The same thing happens to me with Ground Zero, the time configured was 300, however the map only has 35.
Same here, any fixes?
someone kindly submitted a bug report. there is nothing to do now but wait.
I don't understand where to set the raid time. Please explain to me.
Refringe Author
…in the config.json5 file. Read the comments within the file for more information.
Since SVM is not up-to-date i relied on this tool to extend Scav times and it worked out-of-the box!
Hiya! Sorry but I think I have done something wrong. I am getting a CONFIG_LOAD_ERROR on the server when I load it up for the raid timers. I Followed a lot of steps that I found in these comments and such. I checked to see if notepad made the config file a .txt but it has not. I am just unsure of what I am doing wrong.
I have made "overrideAll: true," and set the desired time. I have changed nothing else within the file
Any help would be appreciated.
Refringe Author
If you're absolutely sure that the file has the correct extension, then it has to be an issue with the JSON formatting. I would need to see the contents of the file. Use and give me a link.
Here you go! Thank you for any help or advice you can provide. I am definitely sure that it is the correct extension. I checked just how advised in one of the previous issue comments.
Refringe Author
JSON syntax error. Use this version:
Thank you that seemed to fix it. Although the overrideall still gives me a Config error on server start up so I had to change all of the individual timers. Not a big issue but I wanted to let you know. Thank you again!
Hey quick question, is the node_modules folder needed? it seems pretty bloated for the amount of other files in the project.
Refringe Author
Yes, they’re dependencies. I don’t like to reinvent the wheel. 🙃
EDIT x2: Reinstalled mod, ran server, it said loaded successfully. Seems the issue was I ran server, didn't let server load fully and closed it early causes the mod to break. Something you can look into?
EDIT: It's happening with the unchanged cfg, seems to be missing a uri whatever that means?
Got this error. I tried to do the overideAll, did I do something wrong?
My config:
Refringe Author
Redownload the latest release. It should be fixed now.
1.7.2? That's the version I am on. Just found your mod an hour ago.
What I did was: Download your mod, change cfg to above. Start server, closed it within a few seconds of it starting. Restarted server, got the red error text for custom raid times.
Refringe Author
I reuploaded the release shortly after I posted it. Redownload it.
The application had a critical error and failed to run
Exception produced: Error
Error: Cannot find module 'fast-uri'
Require stack:
- C:\SPT 3.9.1\user\mods\refringe-customraidtimes\node_modules\ajv\dist\runtime\uri.js
- C:\SPT 3.9.1\user\mods\refringe-customraidtimes\node_modules\ajv\dist\core.js
- C:\SPT 3.9.1\user\mods\refringe-customraidtimes\node_modules\ajv\dist\ajv.js
- C:\SPT 3.9.1\user\mods\refringe-customraidtimes\src\servers\ConfigServer.js
- C:\SPT 3.9.1\user\mods\refringe-customraidtimes\src\CustomRaidTimes.js
- C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PreSptModLoader.js
- C:\snapshot\project\obj\controllers\GameController.js
- C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\GameCallbacks.js
- C:\snapshot\project\obj\di\Container.js
- C:\snapshot\project\obj\Program.js
- C:\snapshot\project\obj\ide\ReleaseEntry.js
1) If you want to compile the package/file into executable, please pay attention to compilation warnings and specify a literal in 'require' call. 2) If you don't want to compile the package/file into executable and want to 'require' it from filesystem (likely plugin), specify an absolute path in 'require' call using process.cwd() or process.execPath.
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1144:15)
at Function._resolveFilename (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1955:46)
at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:985:27)
at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1235:19)
at Module.require (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1851:31)
Got this error when I put this new update on.
Kyle garrick
Same error
Refringe Author
Redownload the latest release. It should be fixed now.
Having trouble; the raid times I set in the config file are not taking effect in-game. Idk what the issue is just yet, wanted to mention it though. Also, I swear I'm not trying to nitpick the code, but minor question:
In the config file, at around line 10:
In raidTimes, the member field for overriding all locations is written as overrideAll , but a few lines later, the comment refers to (presumably) it as override_all.
Was that intentional? Again, I swear I'm not trying to nitpick, just curious while I try and figure out what I did wrong.
Regardless, thanks a ton for doing this mod!
Refringe Author
Ensure you're saving the file correctly:…7#issuecomment-2069857611
I've updated the configuration comments in the latest release.
Thanks! I'll try again while watching out for preserving the file extensions and for any other mods that might be interfering
Kyle garrick
I set the raid time to 120 minutes but Scav time is still 15 minutes.
Can you make a custom Scav time mod too?
Refringe Author
Good catch. I'll see about adding an option to overwrite Scav times as well. Thanks.
Kyle garrick
Thank you so much.
Now I can loot with peace of mind
Refringe Author
Added in v1.7.2. Enabled by default. Thanks again!
I am facing one problem. After I set a convenient time for all raids (3 hours), the game just crashes after about an hour-hour and a half of play, sometimes after a little longer. Decreasing the time did not solve the problem. I set it to 2 hours and the same thing happens. No error on the server window does not occur. What could be the problem?
Thanks in advance for the answer!
Refringe Author
Likely caused by a different client-mod. This guy won't cause client crashes.
Seen this before! I and apparently several others have had the same issue, hope it's okay if I share what I did to fix it.
It has to do with the settings on PC for something called pagefile.
There's an automated message from a bot in the SPT discord that addresses it.
I'll leave a link for an instance of the message it sent, rather recently (I'm allowed to do that, right?):…44222/1262002560986910772
Bro, thank you so much for the tip!
Can you tell me if the pagefile should be increased in the system disk, or in the disk where the game is located? Or in all of them?
My best guess is, from what the tutorial seems to imply, increase on the system disk - the drive where you have Windows 10 installed, for the PC to at least run normally. Although, I'm no expert, so I don't know for sure.
There are plenty of people way more knowledgeable about it on the SPT discord, so if you try with the system disk first but don't see any results, I'm certain someone will know the solution!
Thank you so much again for the tip anyway!
This problem has been occurring for a long time and I couldn't find a solution anywhere
Your json5 config isnt doing anything for me... no effect on raid times
Refringe Author
Fixed in latest.
Can changing the raid time individually compromise the airdrop? I had the impression that it stopped coming after I changed the time:
// Custom raid times for specific locations. Used when `override_all` is set to `false`.
// The option can be a number, or an object containing minutes and weight options as described above.
customTimes: {
customs: 120,
factoryDay: 120,
factoryNight: 120,
interchange: 120,
laboratory: 120,
lighthouse: 120,
reserve: 120,
groundZero: 120,
shoreline: 120,
streets: 120,
woods: 120,
Refringe Author
No, this mod should not effect airdrops in any way.
3.8.3 Compatibility?
Refringe Oct 15th 2023 Author Pinned
Version 1.6.0 of this mod should be compatible with any hotfix version of SPT v3.8. If you notice an issue, please submit a bug report
Thank you so so much for this mod!
I genuinely appreciate it! It's made it super easy to customize my raid timers, as I personally hate the idea of raid timers in SPT when I go on long immersive raids in most maps.
It was always frustrating to have to arbitrarily get out of a raid due to a timer ticking down, but now your mod has removed that frustration and has been a blessing!
I only use the single global raid timer option set to 180 minutes, using the version 1.6.0 of your mod, it has been working perfectly for me for all "SPT 3.8.X" versions, currently running "SPT 3.8.3" and your mod has been flawless!
I & many others really appreciate your work!
Lastly, just so you & other users who read this know what other mods I've been running while using this mod without having compatibility issues, this is my full mod list:
Custom Raid Times by Refringe: Custom Raid Times
Realism Mod by Fontaine: SPT Realism Mod
Zeroing Quality Of Life by Fontaine: Fontaine's Zeroing Quality Of Life
BigBrain by DrakiaXYZ: BigBrain
Looting Bots by Skwizzy: Looting Bots
SAIN 2.0 by Solarint: SAIN 2.0 - Solarint's AI Modifications - Full AI Combat System Replacement
Waypoints by DrakiaXYZ: Waypoints - Expanded Navmesh
Questing Bots by DanW: Questing Bots
Amands's Graphics by Amands2Mello: Amands's Graphics
FOV Fix & Variable Optics by Fontaine: Fontaine's FOV Fix & Variable Optics
SWAG + Donuts by Nooky: SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points
Realistic Night Vision Goggles by Borkel: Borkel's Realistic Night Vision Goggles (NVGs and T-7)
Big Realistic Thermal Package by Borkel: Borkel's Big Realistic Thermal Package - Bring real life realism to your thermal scopes
Thank you so much for your time & dedication!
Can someone post the full script with the time of all raids being 120 minutes? So that I can just copy it for myself. I’ve been trying to do it myself for three days. Nothing works
general: {
enabled: true,
// Enables verbose logging for debugging. And I mean *verbose*... It will log *everything*; raid times, train
// schedules, and every existing and newly created bot spawn wave in the system.
debug: false,
raidTimes: {
// Override raid times for all locations, ignoring custom times set for individual locations.
overrideAll: true,
// Override raid times options. Used for all maps, but only when the above `override_all` is set to `true`.
// These are examples of how to use the various options. If more than one option is provided, the weights are
// used to determine how often each object is used. The higher the weight, the more often it is used relative to
// the others.
// The minutes and weight options can be a single number, or an object with min and max values which will be
// used to generate a random number between the two.
// You can also use a single number for the override option, which will be used for all locations, all the time:
// override: 300, // Five hour raids
override: [
// If all you want is a single long raid time, you can uncomment the following line and comment out or
// delete the three other lines above.
{ minutes: 120, weight: 1 }, // 2 hour raid (120 minutes).
// Custom raid times for specific locations. Used when `override_all` is set to `false`.
// The option can be a number, or an object containing minutes and weight options as described above.
customTimes: {
customs: 40,
factoryDay: 20,
factoryNight: 25,
interchange: 40,
laboratory: 35,
lighthouse: 40,
reserve: 40,
groundZero: 35,
shoreline: 45,
streets: 50,
woods: 40,
trainSchedule: {
// Enables the automatic train schedule feature. This automatically generates a schedule for the train that fits
// within the raid time, and ensures the train arrives with enough time for players to extract. It's *highly*
// recommended to leave this enabled.
auto: true,
static: {
// All of the following train schedule options are only used when `auto` is set to `false`.
// - If you don't know what you're doing, don't touch these options. Use the auto schedule feature instead.
// - If the sum of the latest arrival time, wait time, train amimation time, and extraction time is greater
// than the resolved raid time, the train will not arrive in time for you to exit the raid.
// - Setting `arriveEarliestMinutes` to 20 will have the train arrive (at earliest) 20 minutes into raid.
// - Setting `trainWaitSeconds` to 120 will have the train wait 120 seconds after arriving before departing.
// - The mod will do it's best to ensure that the latest arrival time lands within the raid time if it's
// been set to a time later than the raid time, but I make no guarantee it will work.
// - To have the train arrive at a specific time, every time, set `arriveEarliestMinutes` and
// `arriveLatestMinutes` to the same value.
// - The defaults are the same as live; 20, 25, 420.
arriveEarliestMinutes: 20,
arriveLatestMinutes: 25,
trainWaitSeconds: 420,
Navigate to "CustomRaidTimes/config/config.json5", open it with Notepad, make sure to delete absolutely every piece of text inside that file, then properly copy all of my comment above and paste it inside that file, make sure to save it either by "Ctrl + S" or however else you want, then launch your SPT like normal and test it. (test it using a PMC raid not a Scav raid, Scav raids might not have the full 120 minute raids, a little shorter but not too much).
That script should definitely work, since I just directly copy pasted the content of that file on my end, and edited it to be 120 minutes as you requested instead of the 180 minutes that I personally use, and it's been working perfectly for me.
Let me know if you have issues!
I apologize, am I understanding correctly that in order to set 3 hours, you just have to change the numeric values 120 to 180?
For anyone else trying to get this to work with the "complex" time rules (adding weight/ min.+max. lines), bug reports did not help, and look at json like it is a foreign language: This is how the edits to the individual map times are supposed to be formatted in order for the server to read it. If it is not formatted like this it casues the "CONFIG_LOAD_ERROR" even though the file is properly named. Roast my raid times