Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to bans.
I present Valens-Progression which tailors PMC bots to have level specific gear tied to trader loyalty level.
LL1: Bot Level 1-14
LL2: Bot Level 15-34
LL3: Bot Level 35-44
LL4: Bot Level 45-100; expect them to be very juiced motherfuckers.
To install unzip the zip directly into your SPT folder.
Thanks to the God of programming DrakiaXYZ for assistance with code
Thanks to the princess BunBun Kara for help with testing
Version 2.1.9
- Valens
Full Changelog: 2.1.8...2.1.9
- Lower weighted values for LL1 body armors that are barters from 10 to 3.
- Essentially making UNTAR, Kora-Kulon, Zhuk Press, 6B23-1 rarer and 3M, 6B2, PACA more common.
- Lower botRelativeLevelDeltaMax from 7 to 3
- Correct type data for IGenerationData
Version 2.1.8
- Valens
Full Changelog: 2.1.7...2.1.8
Compatible with 3.11 -
Version 2.1.7
- Valens
Full Changelog: 2.1.6...2.1.7
Adjusted helmet weightings
Adjusted medical weightings
Adjusted magazine weightings
Adjusted drugs weightings
Adjusted grenade weightings
Version 2.1.6
- Valens
Full Changelog: 2.1.5...2.1.6
-Add the new ComTac headphones to the loot table. Readjusted all headphone weightings.
-Removed the Tagilla UBER and Zyrachiy face covers from LL2, moved them into LL3/4, added the Gorilla Tagilla face cover, and readjusted all weightings for face covers.
Version 2.1.5
- Valens
Compatible with SPT v3.10
Full Changelog: 2.1.4...2.1.5
Version 2.1.4
- Valens
Full Changelog: 2.1.3...2.1.4
- Added widerWhitelistRange to the pmc config; by default it is false. This will open up gear on PMC's considerably for those of you who want a wider range of items to spawn. Essentially I set them to spawn with the current level, the previous level, and flea gear for their respective levels.
- Removed tagilla face covers as they were seemingly spawning every time even though there are multiple face covers set to spawn and all at the same weight.
- Decreased the FaceCover, SecondPrimaryWeapon, Helmet and Holster chances across the board for all loyalty levels.
- Increased ll2 max level from 33 to 34
- Increased ll3 min level from 34 to 35. Increased ll3 max level from 42 to 44.
- Increased ll4 min level from 43 to 45.
Version 2.1.3
- Valens
Full Changelog: 2.1.1...2.1.3
Full compatibility with SPT 3.9.X -
Version 2.1.1
- Valens
Full Changelog: 2.1.0...2.1.1
Version 2.0.4
- Valens
Full Changelog: 2.0.3...2.1.0
Added flea gear for ll2 and ll3 levels. This is a large change to the progression mod; you will see a larger variety of weapons, backpacks, helmets, ammunition, armor vests, and tactical rigs with this update.
Please let me know if you encounter any hideous loadouts via the Github.
Version 2.0.3
- Valens
## What's Changed
* Fix armor weights by setting them after replacing the pmc config by DrakiaXYZ in
## New Contributors
* DrakiaXYZ made their first contribution in
**Full Changelog**:…ion/compare/2.0.2...2.0.3
Valens Author
Please DO NOT post comments with Errors, and other Issues with the mod that you are encountering.
ALL Support is to be done on the GitHub, and the GitHub ONLY.
IS THIS MOD SIMILAR TO ALGORITHMIC LEVEL PROGRESSION? Can all make PMC's outfit more reasonable and not completely random?
No reply to @Nomand ?
Valens Author
@Nomand Yep
@Elite911 didn't really find it needed a reply as it's obvious what the mod's for.
All it takes is reading the overview which I've pasted below.
I present Valens-Progression which tailors PMC bots to have level specific gear tied to trader loyalty level.
LL1: Bot Level 1-14
LL2: Bot Level 15-34
LL3: Bot Level 35-44
LL4: Bot Level 45-100; expect them to be very juiced motherfuckers.
can't find where is the update ?
is there any way to get this to work with modded gear? ALP breaks the goons with a weapon mod i dont have the patience to test while also chancing their spawns.
GaGiG iZiaeV
Касаемо установки: написано, что нужно распаковать в корень SPT, но тогда мод не работает. Я закинул в адрес модов и всё получилось. спасибо за отличный мод!
what is the boss file in the config folder? are the boss spawn rates? and if they are boss spawn rates, how can I remove them from your mod?
Is there a chance to allow meds spawn also in vests? Changed weightings and loot pools for PMCs, but cant get to PMCs spawn with salewa or other bigger meds, because meds only spawn in pockets. Otherwise everything else working perfectly. Thanks for the awesome mods Valens! 
Downloaded version 2.1.0 because im still playing on SPT 3.8.0
thx in advance
Hi Valens I have issues with this mod or ALP and APBS with boss , goons , rogues spawn , there are comments in swag for this but with any progress mod is the same if I take it out the bosses works ok
Bad and vague feedback sorry but just to let you know mate , thanks
Does this progression supports custom weapons and equipment?
Thank you very much!
send my energy for 3.9.0 release mate thanks for the mod
Valens Author
Beep Boop.
Update has been released today.
Working on getting some balance in to the mod to be released eventually.
Thanks for the mod mate and for take the time to answer , best luck
Way too juicy, just kill any PMC and take his HK416 with 6 magazines with M855A1 ammo.
In principle, good work from you. I have now tested the mod extensively up to around lvl 50, i.e. endgame.
1. What strikes me is that the PMC end up wearing gear that's too monotonous.
2. Having far too many magazines with them, basically the entire rig is full of mags. Mp7 e.g. 8 mags or more included. And again too monotonous Weapon setups ...
3. There are far too many HIGH level PMCs that are fully juiced. And not like LIVE, more often low/midgame PMC are on the go. Where you're happy to have killed a high and take the juicy stuff.
Just my 2 cents, overall good work so far ... some tuning would be good
yeah specially LL4 PMCs, all of them are running mp7s/mp9s/p90s, barely any of them run rifles
i do kinda agree here. itd be cool if you could find a mix of juiced pmcs and timmies. but of course the lower your LL, the lower the chance of encountering a juicer, only increasing as your LL increases
is it possible to add more guns on LL3 and LL4 primary weapon pools?
far to many pkms/pkps. though level 39+ should be juiced. seeing/hearing 2+ per raid is a but unbalanced.
Valens Author
Not really worried about balance right now. Mainly worried about getting things working properly amidst a full refactor of the mod.
As it stands the PKP is a 3/10, the PKM looks like it didn't get changed and currently is 10/10 weight wise in comparison to all of the other weapons that can spawn.
You're welcome to change the code. Not a really pressing issue to me in comparison to everything else I have going on for the mod.
gotcha, thanks for the reply!
on GitHub you closed issue, that PMC do not have vest or armor plates carrier
and as result there is no spare magazines for a weapon
but still happens..
Valens Author
Depending on what level you are this is the chance for tactical vests to spawn on PMC's. It is not guaranteed at all stages of the mod.
Additionally if you are using 3.8.1 with the mod I do not guarantee it's fully compatible.
Suggestion for a possible feature in the future, the ability to blacklist specific Items from spawning on PMC and or Bosses
Valens Author
This was a feature in the past however, it required way too much work to support it as no one had any idea how to use it. That's the unfortunate bit about features that are more technical literacy required.
You can always add to the blacklist in the mod as it is though.
When you say you can add to the blacklist in the mod do you mean the "whitelist" under the different gear types in the boss or PMC config?
Valens Author
You'll have to access the src/pmc.ts file directly and find the blacklist and add items in the way. It is not exposed in the config, as eluded to previously when it was I was not able to keep up with the support.
can you give an example for the formatting for blacklisting items? is it similar to the whitelist format?
I'm level 46 and all pmc's have an mp7 or mp5 as a secondary and a pistol, is that intended?
Valens Author
Yes. At LL4 they have a 60% chance for a second primary weapon as well as about a 70% chance for a pistol.
You're at end game. Fully intended.
Is there a way to change the percentages?
Valens Author
Not without editing the mod files directly, no. If you do delve into that make sure to read the license
The server always prompts the pmc that some parts of the weapon are not present
Valens Author
Just means that some parts of the weapon are not present. This is present in base SPT as well.
pmc weapons often don't have suppressors or silencers - is that fixed?
and if there is such a feature in the mod that allows you to disable the use of equipment, modules, weapons from other mods? For example, how about realism? There is a "bot changes" function there, which allows bots to appear with equipment from tarkov, and not from mods, even if they are included in the configs of mods. But since realism is not convenient in places, I would like to ask you. Is there such a feature in fashion?
Valens Author
By default my mod does not interact with, or allow for, modded gear to spawn on bots.
T-90MS Tankman
Compatible with Andern?
is the 0.14 content mod a hard requirement for this mod? i don't really play with the 0.14 content mod cos its buggy for me and incompatible with some mods
Do bots only use ammunition they can get off their trader levels? For instance will a level 2 timmy be rockin MAI AP 7.62x39mm? If they won't will juicers through level 39+ be using blacklisted ammunitions like MAI AP? Thanks!
Valens Author
No. They use trader appropriate ammunition, weapons, armor, etc.
Did bots grab all items from traders including the modded one? Or only vanilla traders?
I can appreciate you wouldn't test too deeply with compatibility with other mods... Having said that though, you would think that 90% of SPT users will have a combination of SWAG+DONUTS, SAIN, Realism, Waypoints, SVM, Looting & Questing Bots.
On that basis, how does the Valens Progression mod work with some of these, if at all?
Valens Author
Having used all but SVM, and Realism they work fine.
How does this compare to Andern ? Never used ALP so i don't know about that comparison
I've noticed that PMCs often have quadruple night vision devices, even though I'm still at a low level. Why is that??
Valens Author
Because there's a 100% chance for PMC's to have NVG's at night, and a significantly smaller chance during the day to simulate day to night raids.
can this mod affect scav?
i don't wanna met a scav who Armed at all points
Valens Author
Anyone prefer this to algorithmic progression? just wondering might make a switch
I tried this out instead of ALP and the next raid ran into chad geared lvl 12's and immediately went back to ALP.
Valens Author
If you can read and don't want to encounter boss PMC's there's a way to disable them. I'm biased but imo yes it's a superior modificatoin to ALP having used both, and created Progression myself before ALP was around.
is this in the boss json file? says 7 as default, i did put em all to 0. Still 18-20 pmc's running vulkans, trader 3-4 stuff m61 ammo bruh.. i'm not even 15 yet, anyway to disable this?
is this still a thing m8?
"Valens Jul 19th 2023 Author
No. Tarkov's no longer something I'm really interested in.
My mods will remain where they currently are without further updates or additions.
My mods will also be requested to be taken down if reuploaded as my licenses do not allow for redistribution."
or will this be updated?

Valens Author
This will always be a thing until you see the day my mods are updated, if that day ever comes.
Valens Author
@Surviv0r1969 mod has been updated to SPT V3.7.6