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Version 1.0.0
Cosm1c Gam3r
Great mod that brings back this feature. Weird what BSG is doing by removing realism from their realistic game.
Cosm1c Gam3r
I know why they do not wanted it. Game have silly feature of eye magnification (FOV change) and scopes have even more magnification. So when eye magnification is used to then magnify scopes view then by using free look and look away from the scope then we have like super eyes with magnification which is just stupid. I think this is the reason they removed free look from ADS and scopes.
Not sure if they made eye magnification to reduce performance hit but I do not like that even using pistol ADS whole view is magnified (fov change) I would like to see mod that disable eye magnification and only scopes should magnify view while periferal view should be blurred so we only focus on scope. I wonder if this can be moded. I would like to see if disabling eye magnification would change performance. If not then for sure it would add to realism.
Fontaine's FOV FIx might be just what you're looking for. You can also add Amanda's graphics mod and enable DOF in that and you get blur outside the scope
Cosm1c Gam3r
Cool! I will check it out! I saw video in this mod and I like this a lot. I mean guy shows bug in game but it is how ADS should work!

If this Fontaine's FOV FIx makes it proper ADS then I will be happy man
I was thinking to myself a few days back on whether this feature was a thing and it was removed or if I was going crazy.

It seems I was not alone, nice work SamSWAT.
You're doing gods work
What changed lol
IIRC, they changed it so that you can't aim down sights and use free look at the same time. Before, you could aim down sights and then look around still.
that's so unnecessary wtf
I had no idea that was a thing (cool)
I almost cried when I realized this was gone.
Man, you keep releasing must-have mods, and I keep downloading 'em.