Fin's Bot Inventory Tweaks (FiBIT) 1.0.0

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A standalone version of FAIT's bot gear modifications

I've been asked a few times about the possibility of separating FAIT into smaller and more purpose-built mods, and this is part 2 of that project, separating off the gear changes into their own standalone mod.

This is intended to provide all the same functionality FAIT had regarding bot loadouts, and is also intended to have its own GUI, much like FAIT did, once I have the time to put that together.

  • Version 1.0.0

    For the moment, a few functions from FAIT have currently been removed or disabled:

    • Min / max optics and tactical devices
    • Advanced medical config

    And there may, as usual, be bugs I haven't yet found.

  • does this mod work on 3.2.4?

  • Sadly, when using this mod even with default settings, all pmcs spawn with frankenstein weapons with as many possible tac devices and sights slotted on the weapon, and every weapon seems to just be as valuable as is humanly possible. Multiple attempts at a first raid have ended up with just acquiring ridiculous HK416's and AKs and at one point, the rotary grenade launcher (albeit loaded with nonfunctional smokes). even using progressive gear just loads up jank early-ish weaponry with a ton of attachments. I had hoped for a more sane default, since my experience with FAIT was so good. Any advice?

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Hey Fin, sorry to bother you. I've noticed that every time an AI PMC's helmet has a "nvg" slot item it's always a T7 Thermal, ideally id like to set it as a 0.5% chance item but for now i tried removing it and its still on every third helmet. I can always just ignore them but i wanted the chance to find other NVGs

    I've tried putting the Thermals and the Wilcox interface on the "botsWillNotSpawnWithTheseThings" list, and have also removed the wilcox mount from both USEC and Bear inventories (the mount did not have the thermals listed as it's "nvg", idk why)

    I'm probably just missing something obvious, but I'm completely lost. Pls help boss.

    The only mods I'm using are FBIT and FAIT, and the only things I've modified in FBIT are turning progressive gear on, the values for probability of armor class, and PMC weapon durability range.

    also, is there a way to modify the "mod" rate on helmets?

    Thank you for making such great mods btw, i was stuck with AI PMCs wearing slicks/altyns and lasering me from 80 yards before, now i can put up a fair fight.

    Crying 1
  • Hi Fin, I'm having an issue where normal scavs seem to be loading in with raider kits. Mod list is FAIL, Lua's spawn rework, and FiBIT.

    Any help you can give would be really appreciated!


  • Hi Fin, I still have the error message when starting the server:

    One more Errors in Raid:

    Can this be caused by the mod "FershteBalancePatch"?

    I have this mods:

    I hope to have written everything needed here.

    • If you mean the error is

      "The mod folder has changed or loading was interrupted the last time this mod was run. Rebuilding gear lists to avoid errors.",

      you can just ignore it. It is not an error, you may thought that's an error because the text is red colored I guess.


      "Could not...blah" is not caused by Fershtebalance mod.

      Its mod side problem but it is good to ignore too.

      Heart 1
    • Yes was just about to write it in here. The problem is no longer there. When I started the game today it was no longer there. Is probably because I had started the mod for the first time.

      Ah so, times here the question even if it has nothing to do with the mod. Is that normal that the launcher has the version 3.2.0 and the server 3.2.2?

    • its the ServerValueModifier sadly

  • Is this better than FAIT? I was browsing the files and seening what it offers. Seems like it has the Bot AI and bot loadout right?

    Update: FAIT still isnt working after the update so imma give this mod a go and after seeing what it has to offer im really super excited to try this mod out. Lets GOOO!!!

    Update: Can't test out the mod cause im getting an ERROR.. I have a screenshot of the error. Hopefully it can be fixed.

    Update: I tryed making a new Profile to see if it fixes it. Nope, it still exist BUT when i remove the mod and re-enable SVM Bot/ works fine and the Error is gone.

    • This looks like a mod conflict, something with an undefined ID is slipping into bot inventories. -If you remove all your other mods, does the error still occur? And if so, would you mind posting a list of the mods you're using?

      Edit: If one of your mods is All The Backup Sights, then I'm on-track to fix the issue. The mod adds some things it shouldn't be adding to the attachment lists.

      Also, to clarify, this isn't 'better' than FAIT; it's intended to do the same things FAIT does regarding bot gear, and nothing else. This is so that it's easier for me to maintain and bugfix as I go into my next few semesters, given that the lion's share of FAIT's issues came from the intersection of gear and spawns.

      My intention is that, once I've added in a few missing features, using FAIL, FiBIT, and probably a third mod that will contain miscellaneous options like COD mod, all the non-spawn functions of FAIT should be available to players.

      And if I have time, the advanced spawn config may become its own mod, since there were rarely any issues with that particular part of spawns.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Yes the Error is still there when using only FiBIT. Yes it also seems like the same Error as FAIT and I did see your message in there as well as other peoples.

      So this mod doesn't add bots to the raid then? This mod is only for their loadout is what im getting from your message so I will need to use SVM "Bot" to get them to spawn in?

      List of Mods:

      Sorry for the lack of understand >.> I get confused easy and is why I can't make mods myself or i would have long ago.

    • No worries, I know it can be a bit confusing. -But yes, this mod doesn't add any bots to the raid. If you used only this mod, you'd get vanilla spawns (As in, as many scavs, raiders, or PMCs as is normal for un-modded AKI), but using gear in-line with FiBIT's config settings.

      Also, so.. -This isn't a proper 'fix', but it will do two things that help us both: First, it should bypass the error you're getting, and if the error isn't severe, it'll let you play your raids normally. And second, it'll print out information about the error into the server console, so if you want to download this, and next time you do a raid just paste everything in the console (When the raid ends) into a spoiler tag here, for me to look over, that would be super helpful, because I'm not sure exactly how that error could happen without another mod there to add weird items into the mix, so this should help me track it down.…eaks%20Ver1-0-0x.rar?dl=0

    • Incase the above doesn't looks right I took a Screenshot here for you.

      Here is a copy and paste of the Error in the server console. With the same Mods and SVM Bot enable but NOT the bot loadout.. Hopefully this helps a bit and hopefully I can get it where the bots loadout dont use the 250 round mags >.>

      UPDATE: Here is another test I did with ONLY your mod in the folder incase you wanted to look at that as well.

      Update: I also did a full fresh reinstall of SPT-AKI with only your mod and I still get the same Error as above here. :( Not sure what else I could do.

      Update: So i got a different Error with the link you gave me without change anything this time. I got a different Error this time. Here is what it said....

    • I'm crazy at testing, like testing over 100+ times

      and I have never seen that error with FAIT, FiBIT.

      So well, this is strange.

      And you did fresh reinstall so it's even more hard to explain..

  • Thanks Fin, this mod is the best bot gear mod ever..

    btw some Issue there, tactical device option(buggy) and magQuality don't work properly,

    so bots have cursed guns again.

    I think tactical device option is good to removed for now

    because spt have that feature recently.

    And I just realized that meds option in advenced inventory config is gone,

    it's sad ;(

    • They'll all be back, hopefully very soon!

    • YOU ARE MY HERO FIN :thumbup:

  • Awesome, can this be used to allow bots to level up with us and have gear to reflect that?

    • It can be, yes, the progressive gear option does that.