Swag Variety 1.4.4d

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Want a spawn mod that actually has it ALL? Raiders in D2? Rogues actually AT the treatment zone? Cultists during the day? Scavs randomly show up on a LABS raid? Enjoy a comprehensive spawn mod that covers everything.

**Requires Swag by Props 1.4.4**

Anyone who uses this make sure to give some love to Props, this wouldnt have happened without the Legend.


What does this mod do?

I played online for several years before I even heard of SPT. For the last year or so I've been enjoying this version of the game quite a bit more than online. In my experience, online seemed so dead a lot of the time. Not nearly enough PMCs or Scavs.

I used that experience to create SWAG Variety.

This mod provides a more robust experience but very similar to online. Wherever you see action online, you are likely to see MORE with SWAG Variety. All the bot counts and zones have been configured to simulate the Online + experience.

If you ever wanted an experience similar to online with just more variety and more action from raid to raid, this is the mod for you.


To install:

  1. Download required mod and install as you should.
  2. Open SWAG folder and remove the folder named 'patterns'
  3. Download this mod and install the folder named 'SWAG' inside your mods folder.
  4. Play the game.


Recommended Mods:

POOP and POOP Variety

Immersive Raids

Lua Custom Spawn Points with Extended Bot Spawn Points and DOC'S GANGSTALKER SPAWN CONFIG






  • Version 1.4.4d

    **Requires Swag by Props 1.4.4**


    • Revamped every config for each map by adding more timers/spawn triggers.
    • Added several more spawn triggers per map.
    • Tuned configs to allow for less PMC population.
    • Removed erroneous factions.
    • Discontinued Glukhar specific presets.
    • Added chance of Rogues to D2.
    • Tested on profile with no other mods ever.
    • Also tested on profile with 40+ mods.
    • Works great with difficulty mods like POOP.

    To install:

    Download required mod and install as you should.

    Open SWAG folder and remove the folder named 'patterns'

    Download this mod and install the folder named 'SWAG' inside your mods folder.

    Play the game.

  • Not sure how to add back sniper scavs?
    I change to no boss mode more often than not. Still newb learning which is why i run this whole SPT deal. Does that setting disable normal map sniper spawns too?
    Realized this as I get quest to kill sniper scavs specifically, doh.

    • Depending on the preset, you should be getting sniper scavs. Also make sure you're using the correct version of SPT with this mod. It may not work correctly new SPT versions.

  • I get error saying "An attempt was made to transition a task to a final state when it had already completed" whenever I try to go to Interchange. It works normally for other maps just soo you know :thumbup:

    • Clear your cache in your spt folder.

    • It doesn't sadly work I tried

    • are you using the correct version of SWAG?

    • The newest one but I guess that might be the issue since your mod is for 3.5.7

    • on the overview page (at the top) and at the top of the files page in big bold letters with asterisks it says to use 1.4.4

      I'll update to newest swag in the next day or so. I just moved a few hundred miles and im still settling in. havent got to play in a week im dying. bear with me.

  • just downloaded this and the server is saying missing package.json?

    • missing required mod.

      The required mod is listed at the top of the overview page, at the bottom of the overview page under the section 'How to install', lastly at the top of the files section.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Im getting an issue when i try to boot right when it tries to configure "bigmap"

    • Its something in the SWAG.js file

    • try a fresh install or SWAG and then SWAG variety and/or delete the contents of your cache folder in user/cache

    • A fresh install worked. I don't know why as all I did to the previous one was remove goons.

  • Alright, so, I'm curious, could I add Shturman (Navigator) to customs or literally any other map I want? I'm just curious cause if I could get Shturman in Customs or some other place that'd be sick.

    • according to the readme

      according to folks on the discord...adding any other bot type will cause server errors. I'm just as sad about it as you are.

    • aah- maaaan- Shturman on Customs would've gone hard- being head, eyed by the cheeky sniper man- that sucks, alright, thanks for letting me know :}

    • if you use BetterSpawnsPlus with my betterspawns variety mod, you can get Shturman on Customs.

    • aaah, thanks for letting me know : D

  • I sometimes get Killa and Tagilla in Customs, is there anyway to turn this off? I'd like to keep the boss spawns to their respective maps. I have looked through the configs but to be honest I am not well versed in all of this and have no idea what to look for.. could somebody explain/help?

    • go to user\mods\SWAG\config\patterns and delete the Killa and Tagilla file

    • Thank you sir!

    • @adudewithbadaim This makes my game get stuck at the profile loading screen with an error in the server log.

    • what's the error??

      try deleting the contents of your cache in user/cache

  • First, thank you for your work over the years! Very much appreciated.

    Question, Is there a maxboss spawn anymore like there used to be? I want all bosses (not just one of the bosses, like all of them in the same raid) to spawn inside interchange, but I have only had luck with Killa spawning.

    Same thing for shoreline. I want the bosses to spawn in different places (killa at tunnel, gluhar at scav rock, etc) protecting the extracts and making gas station pop. But same thing, only seeing saniturd.

    Here is my code for shoreline. Am I missing something? Thanks for any assistance.

        "MapName": "shoreline",
        "MapGroups": [],
        "MapBosses": [
            "Name": "Goon Squad Trio",
            "BossName": "bossknight",
            "BossEscortType": "exusec",
            "BossEscortAmount": "3",
            "Time": -1,
            "Supports": [
                "BossEscortType": "followerbigpipe",
                "BossEscortAmount": "1"
                "BossEscortType": "followerbirdeye",
                "BossEscortAmount": "1"
                "BossEscortType": "followergluharscout",
                "BossEscortAmount": "1"
            "RandomTimeSpawn": false,
            "OnlySpawnOnce": true,
            "BossZone": ["ZoneMeteoStation"]
            "BossName": "bosssanitar",
            "BossZone": ["ZonePort", "ZoneSanatorium1", "ZoneSanatorium2"],
            "BossEscortType": "followersanitar",
            "BossEscortAmount": "3",
            "Time": -1,
            "Supports": null,
            "RandomTimeSpawn": false,
            "OnlySpawnOnce": true

            "Name": "Killa",
            "BossName": "bosskilla",
            "BossEscortType": "exusec",
            "BossEscortAmount": "2",
            "Time": -1,
            "Supports": null,
            "RandomTimeSpawn": false,
            "OnlySpawnOnce": true,
            "BossZone": ["ZoneTunnel"]
            "Name": "Tagilla",
            "BossName": "bosstagilla",
            "BossEscortType": "pmcbot",
            "BossEscortAmount": "2",
            "Time": -1,
            "Supports": null,
            "RandomTimeSpawn": false,
            "OnlySpawnOnce": true,
            "BossZone": ["ZoneSanatorium1", "ZoneSanatorium2"]
            "Name": "Gluhar",
            "BossName": "bossgluhar",
            "BossEscortType": "followergluharassault",
            "BossEscortAmount": "0",
            "Time": -1,
            "Supports": [
                "BossEscortType": "followergluharassault",
                "BossEscortAmount": "2"
                "BossEscortType": "followergluharsecurity",
                "BossEscortAmount": "2"
                "BossEscortType": "followergluharscout",
                "BossEscortAmount": "2"
            "RandomTimeSpawn": false,
            "BossZone": ["ZoneForestGasStation"],
            "OnlySpawnOnce": true
            "Name": "Reshala",
            "BossName": "bossbully",
            "BossEscortType": "followerbully",
            "BossEscortAmount": "4",
            "Time": -1,
            "Supports": null,
            "RandomTimeSpawn": false,
            "OnlySpawnOnce": true,
            "BossZone": ["ZonePort", "ZonePowerStation"]

    • afaik, in the config file (same folder as the patterns folder change this

      "BossWaveCount": 1

      to a higher number. though, I'm far from an expert

      having said that, I've had issues with multiple bosses spawning. In previous versions I had configs with all sorts of boss combos but now the server throws an error. It does work with BSP though.

    • Thanks for the response. Yes I am getting an error as well when trying to edit the base.json file. With SWAG I only get one boss. It randomly picks one. Run into the goons at resort. Ghluhar in Idea. ETC. Stinks it doesnt work anymore.

  • Great job! I wonder how I can change AI amount? My raids feel almost dead, empty. I ran 10 raids on Shoreline, and seen only boss and just 3-4 scavs each raid! Should I set it in config, or in-game setting? Any ideas please?

    • you can set in config file. max bots per map and max bots per zone. you can also raise the wave amount from 30 to something much higher if you please.

    • Ok, got it! So in-game setting doesnt affect the ai amount, right?

    • akaik the in-game setting only adjusts spawns that are NOT covered by SWAG/SWAG Variety. In the config these spawns are disabled. you can enable them if youd like.

      "Waves": false, change this to true, dont forget to save
          "Bosses": false,
          "TriggeredWaves": true

    • Thanks a lot! Gotta try this!

  • @adudewithbadaim, okay now I'm confused. Version 1.4.4d is gone, and we're back to using version 1.4.4.c?


    What's new:

    v1.4.4d (May 7, 2023)

    - Revamped every map spawn config.

    - Added dozens more spawn timers/patterns.

    - Removed erroneous bot types from configs such as pmcbot (old Raider bot type).

    - Added chance of Rogues to D2.

    - Tested on profile with no other mods ever

    - Also tested on profile with 40+ mods

    - Works great with difficulty mods like POOP

    • your first comment mentioned it was the wrong file (thx for the heads up) so I removed it and put up the last version. I was busy, have 4 kids, and shit takes time.

      now its fixed with the version that I meant to upload. good day.

    • Thanks. Sorry, was not my intention to be rude, if that is how it came off sir.

    • no I didnt think so. sorry if my comment seemed short.

      if you see/notice anything else out of the ordinary dont hesitate to let me know. I'm far from a professional.

  • The link is to POOP [zPOOP1.4.1a.zip] and not your mod?

    Thinking 2
  • You seemed to have linked the incorrect file it's giving zPOOP1.4.1a instead of this file.

    Thumbs Up 2
  • TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'MapGroups')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'MapGroups')

    at C:\EFT sg\user\mods\SWAG\src\SWAG.js:182:57

    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

    at Function.ConfigureMaps (C:\EFT sg\user\mods\SWAG\src\SWAG.js:178:14)

    at Object.action (C:\EFT sg\user\mods\SWAG\src\SWAG.js:63:26)

    at StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\obj\di\Router.js)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.js)

    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.js)

    at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:527:28)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'MapGroups')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'MapGroups')

    at C:\EFT sg\user\mods\SWAG\src\SWAG.js:182:57

    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

    at Function.ConfigureMaps (C:\EFT sg\user\mods\SWAG\src\SWAG.js:178:14)

    at Object.action (C:\EFT sg\user\mods\SWAG\src\SWAG.js:63:26)

    at StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\obj\di\Router.js)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.js)

    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.js)

    at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:527:28)

    HELP? Im using 1.5.5 and i dont use SPT REALISM

  • Hey, just wanted to let you know I've tracked the issue people are reporting down to the presets having "followergluharsnipe" in them. This bot doesn't have an appearance defined in the database, so is causing an exception to be thrown when he spawns.

    The "appearance" property can be checked in Aki_data/server/database/bots/types/<type>.json

  • Error: Items must not be empty

    Error: Items must not be empty

    at WeightedRandomHelper.weightedRandom (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\WeightedRandomHelper.js)

    at WeightedRandomHelper.getWeightedInventoryItem (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\WeightedRandomHelper.js)

    at BotGenerator.generateBot (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)

    at BotGenerator.prepareAndGenerateBots (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)

    at BotController.generate (C:\snapshot\project\obj\controllers\BotController.js)

    at BotCallbacks.generateBots (C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\BotCallbacks.js)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\static\BotStaticRouter.js)

    at BotStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\obj\di\Router.js)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    Error: Items must not be empty

    Error: Items must not be empty

    at WeightedRandomHelper.weightedRandom (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\WeightedRandomHelper.js)

    at WeightedRandomHelper.getWeightedInventoryItem (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\WeightedRandomHelper.js)

    at BotGenerator.generateBot (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)

    at BotGenerator.prepareAndGenerateBots (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)

    at BotController.generate (C:\snapshot\project\obj\controllers\BotController.js)

    at BotCallbacks.generateBots (C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\BotCallbacks.js)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\static\BotStaticRouter.js)

    at BotStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\obj\di\Router.js)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    • are you using SPT realism?

    • I have the same issue. I am using SPT realism. Is there a work around?

    • dont use the bots option afaik

    • No I am not.

    • had you been trying out other mods on this same profile?

      sometimes for me in the past when I was testing my BetterSpawnsPlus configs and my SWAG configs on the same profile I would get this error.

      It also happens when youre trying out this mod and that mod (doesnt have to be exclusively spawn mods)

      I would try creating a new profile.

  • Just installed Im getting a weight random helper error on the server. No bots are spawning at all.

  • I was curious if there were spawn names for rouges or raiders. Ive been ruinning labs and have only run into PMC's. Ive messed with the files a whole bunch to get scavs more abundant, but labs, lighthouse, and reserve are pretty short on the rogues and raiders.

    They also do eventually spawn, just takes a few minutes

    • because of your comment, I just noticed that I'm an idiot.

      the configs for labs arent very good and I have scavs spawning initially instead of Raiders. I'm doin an update soon and I'll have better configs for LABS included.

      for now on A lil of both and Early Birds, change the 'assault' entries to 'pmcbot' so it looks like this:

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Sweet, thanks, Ill try that.

    • In the patterns, the bots that are set to spawn, are those a one time spawn, or do they continuously respawn as thier allotted time goes on?

    • short answer, they continuously respawn.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • This mod has seriously changed how I play the game, its so much more engaging now. But, how do I stop more bosses/goons spawning mid game? In the config it says "SkipOtherBossWavesIfBossWaveSelected": true. Should this not stop more bosses spawning mid match?

    If I cant stop goon spawns via the configs, can I set their spawn chance to 0 in SeverValueModifier or does this mod override SVM?

    I just played Reserve and saw in the server terminal that Tagilla and Killa spawned. Then at some point big pipe spawned at Knight buildings. I killed him and went to loot only for another big pipe to spawn and insta kill me.


  • It's hard to find any scavs, tried tweaking "A lil of both" and "Early Birds" with not much success. Only other AI mod is Poops and Poops Variety. Only other mod outside AI is increased raid timers.

    In Factory it feels like I'm playing COD with everyone on insta respawns.

    • a few ppl have said this, ill try some changes on my end then upload a new version

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Noticed that the ratio of scavs to pmcs is very one sided.

    I kill about 16 pmc's per match and only 2-4 scavs. and only see another 2 or so bodies of scavs around.

    Is this intentional, and if so, is there anything I can do to level out the ratio of scavs to pmcs ?

    • I've been noticing that myself, these additions ive been using for a while and they seem to work.

      replace the bots from early birds and A lil of both with the section in the spoiler.

      A lil of both

      Early Birds

      the obvious answer is to reduce the number in MaxBotCount for sptusec/sptbear but that means you wont run into a 4 or 5 man.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Question about the values: I see Time_max usually stops at 2000 (assuming that's ~33 minutes).

    Does that mean that no bots will spawn after 33 minutes?

    If I have extended raids (3+ hours), should I bump that value up to keep the spawn waves going?

    • yes i chose 2000 seconds so the last few minutes of the raids were pretty dead similar to an online match.

      also adjust these numbers if your raid seems dead after adjust the times in the patterns.

      theoretically if the AI used the MaxSec vaule of 180 then they'd spawn for 3 hours with 60 waves. I just chose 60 after a used an RNG generator with 1/180 and recorded the average of 50 number generations.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Does this affect anyones fps at all? Just curious if its just me and if so can I adjust anything? I left the config default cause idk much about those numbers yet

    • more AI means less fps at a certain point. for me i noticed if you go above 18-20 the fps really starts taking a dive. im using a 5600x, 64gb ram, and a gtx 1080 for reference.

    • Interesting, any changes you suggest I make or rock with the default for a bit

    • everyones system is different. I would say play a couple matches on a map, then up the bot amount to 20-24 and play the same map and see if you get a lot of FPS drop. keep going until you noticed it go down too far for your liking.

    • when you say amount your talking these numbers correct? And can raise or lower those for each section of the map "MaxBotCount": 4

    • "MaxBotCap": {
          "factory": 16,
          "customs": 16,
          "woods": 16,
          "shoreline": 16,
          "lighthouse": 16,
          "reservebase": 16,
          "interchange": 16,
          "laboratory": 16,
          "tarkovstreets": 16
        "MaxBotPerZone": 8,
        "UseDefaultSpawns": {
          "Waves": false,
          "Bosses": false,
          "TriggeredWaves": true

      yes in SWAG\config\config.json you can change the values to what fits your system the best.

      some people prefer more bots some are playing on a laptop so they prefer fewer bots to gain crucial FPS

  • before i download, are the snipers on customs and Shoreline Power station roof working?

    • the ones on customs are. the ones behind resort are there. i never thought of the ones at the powerstation.

      gimme a few minutes and ill upload a new version with them added. idk why i didnt think of them.

    • awesome thank you

  • anybody else seeing this error a lot? it stops the game from spawning any bots for the entire raid.

    [Client Request] /client/game/bot/generate?retry=1

    Error: Items must not be empty

    Error: Items must not be empty

    at WeightedRandomHelper.weightedRandom (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\WeightedRandomHelper.js)

    at WeightedRandomHelper.getWeightedInventoryItem (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\WeightedRandomHelper.js)

    at BotGenerator.generateBot (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)

    at BotGenerator.prepareAndGenerateBots (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)

    at BotController.generate (C:\snapshot\project\obj\controllers\BotController.js)

    at BotCallbacks.generateBots (C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\BotCallbacks.js)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\static\BotStaticRouter.js)

    at BotStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\obj\di\Router.js)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    Error: Items must not be empty

    Error: Items must not be empty

    at WeightedRandomHelper.weightedRandom (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\WeightedRandomHelper.js)

    at WeightedRandomHelper.getWeightedInventoryItem (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\WeightedRandomHelper.js)

    at BotGenerator.generateBot (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)

    at BotGenerator.prepareAndGenerateBots (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)

    at BotController.generate (C:\snapshot\project\obj\controllers\BotController.js)

    at BotCallbacks.generateBots (C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\BotCallbacks.js)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\static\BotStaticRouter.js)

    at BotStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\obj\di\Router.js)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    i'm using the SPT Realism Mod, SWAG (+ this mod), Amands Graphics, and notGreg's Uniform Aim mod.

    i have SPT's bot spawning tweaks disabled. anybody aware of exactly which settings in SPT need to be disabled for SWAG to play nice?


  • I've tried to do a all bosses in customs but i get a tons of erros ... can anyone share a config? I want all bosses.

    • the README file shows how to do this

      just add each boss to the mapbosses section.

      having said that, i had issues with all bosses during testing so i removed it until i can figure it out

      Heart 1
    • I've tried several times, and all i get is red lines saying something is wrong

    • This should technically get you what you want.

      Replace the entire "MapBosses" section with this. from the " to the ] at the end.

      Make sure your bosschance is up high enough. I'd probably raise the max bot count too.

      Heart 1
    • I gotta say, i've tried like that, except for Gluhar because I didn't know he had escort.

      Thanks for your help.

      Edit: i used that, but in the start of the game it keeps loading to the menu, and gives me an error.

      Edit2: I finally managed to get it work. I was messing with server value, and i found it was my settings that made the game not run. I used a default settings and game ran fine with more bosses than it are in customs. Very thanks for your time and i appologize for any incovenience I did to you. Very apreciated! Have a good day.

  • Is this not meant to be ran alongside Nooky's presets? I got red console server errors when I tried.

  • I updated tonight to SWAG 1.4.3 (deleted the old SWAG folder completely) and installed your patterns.

    Ran woods 5 times.
    First run was insane, lots of fire fights between PMC and BEAR, there was a war ongoing on the map.
    The runs after that, were pretty calm, only Scavs on the map, nothing spectacular.
    The fifth round somehow something went completely wrong. The whole map was empty. Not a single bot could be found, the kill feed showed nothing going on the map and the console had this entry spammed several times

    "Error: Items must not be empty

    Error: Items must not be empty

    at WeightedRandomHelper.weightedRandom (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\WeightedRandomHelper.js)

    at WeightedRandomHelper.getWeightedInventoryItem (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\WeightedRandomHelper.js)

    at BotGenerator.generateBot (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)

    at BotGenerator.prepareAndGenerateBots (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)

    at BotController.generate (C:\snapshot\project\obj\controllers\BotController.js)

    at BotCallbacks.generateBots (C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\BotCallbacks.js)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\static\BotStaticRouter.js)

    at BotStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\obj\di\Router.js)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)"

    Is that a problem of one of your patterns, or is it a SWAG 1.4.3 problem?

    • that error is usually shown when theres a conflict with another mod.

      i use several mods myself and dont get on my end. in the past ive seen it be the fault of a trader mod oddly enough. at one point hepaestus was incompatible, for example.

    • I've been getting that recently with valens progression mod i think. i will have to harass him later about it.

    • @Props - Bullseye. I'm using Valens Progression.

    • i'll make sure he knows that he ruined your tarkov gaming experience.

      Happy 2
    • Lmao. It's not that bad. Without his and your work, SPT wouldn't be so awesome :)
      The hardest part of SPT is not to get it running, but to get it fine-tuned, so it fits the personal expectations of difficulty and action (aka amount of bots).

      Thumbs Up 1
  • I desperately need to disable what pattern that's causing the Goon Squad to spawn every raid. I seriously can't progress because either Birdeye headshots me, Big Pipe blows me into oblivion or Knight full-auto headshots me from 50 meters and somehow landing multiple consecutive headshots. Every raid.

    Doesn't help that SWAG already breaks AI adjustment mods that make them even harder like No Bush ESP. I know that's not the fault of Variety, just a factor.

    • There's a line in the config that says skip boss waves if other boss wave is selected make sure that's false.

      I'm gonna try it out in a little bit to see if it happens on my test profile with no other mods.

    • It's false, yeah. I didn't touch the config in any way. I'd reduce the boss percentage, but that would reduce the percentages of every boss, I just wanna disable or at least reduce the spawn percentages of the Goons.

  • Still loving this mod, thanks again for it (and for fixing the previous issue I had)

    Is there a quick or easy way to tweak the number of spawns? For instance, a way overall to lower the number of PMC's that might appear? They tend to totally wipe out scavs and anyone else before I can get there unless I'm fast and/or lucky

    • you go to each config, at the very top of EACH is a pattern called A lil of both

      It looks like this

      It has multiple scav patterns per preset to increase the likelihood a scav pattern gets picked. you might have raise the scavs too or adjust each on a few practice raids until you get it how you like it.

    • Gotcha, thank you. I'll do that now and report back. Thanks also for always answering my questions, you're a good egg. Also, what's scavsandpmcs.json for? Going through the patterns to change them as you said, if I had to have guessed that's where I would have thought broader tweaks like mine would be done

    • scavs and pmcs is a config that Props included with SWAG.

      You'll have to add that to the list of configs if you want to use that specific pattern.

  • Hey, loving it so far but I could use some assistance. I've only played on customs and shoreline, but it seems like the goons have a 100% spawn chance, and I'd like to change that. I read the readme but I don't know quite where to put the boss spawn chance in the config. Any assistance would be appreciated :).

    • go to 3.5.3\user\mods\SWAG\config\config.json

      "aiDifficulty": "normal",
          "aiAmount": "asonline",
          "RandomWaveCount": 23,
          "BossWaveCount": 1,
          "SkipOtherBossWavesIfBossWaveSelected": true,
          "WaveTimerMinSec": 30,
          "WaveTimerMaxSec": 150,
          "BossChance": 24, <<<~~~~~~~~ lower this number

  • Hi, just taking a look through the configs and looking at your patterns. I went into Woods and Woods mutiny, noticed that the MapName is bigmap. Not woods.! Unless it's supposed to be this way? Ill update with more things I find.

    • thx

      fixed with new version 1.4.2a

      worked all weekend on this, after a while it starts to look like the matrix

      Happy 1