Faction Identifier Armbands 1.1.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Gives bots an armband based on the type of bot they were (Scav, PMC, Boss/Follower, ect).

Fin's AI Tweaks had a feature that gave enemy bots an armband based on the type of bot they were (Scav, PMC, Boss/Follower, ect).
I thought it was a pretty nice feature (especially when running as a Scav to better spot other Scavs) so I wanted to attempt to recreate it for myself (since it looks like FAIT is no longer being developed).

This is the result.

Pretty basic/barebones type mod, though does come with a config with a few changeable options.
Currently supported bot-types are: Scav (includes snipers and cursed), Raiders, Rogues, USEC, BEAR, and Bosses (includes all their followers and cultists)
Currently supported arm-bands are: blue, green, red, white, yellow, and purple (Twitch2020)

Known Issues:

Unfortunately certain clothing items will clip through armbands making them either very difficult to see, or basically invisible.

Fixing that is WAY beyond the scope of this mod (and more-so beyond my skillset), but I'll do my best to investigate a solution / workaround (if I can ever find the time).

If you would like to use this mod with SPT Realism make sure you load the Armbands mod AFTER (this can be done by putting a "z" at the beginning of the folder name) like so: "zDrewgamer-FactionIdentificationArmbands-x.x.x"


Extract the "Drewgamer-FactionIdentificationArmbands-x.x.x" folder to your "\SPT\user\mods\" folder.


DELETE the old "Drewgamer-FactionIdentificationArmbands-x.x.x" folder from your "\SPT\user\mods\" folder.
Extract the new version into your "\SPT\user\mods\" folder.


Delete the "Drewgamer-FactionIdentificationArmbands-x.x.x" folder from your "\SPT\user\mods\" folder.


Fin for the original idea.
All the great modders hanging out in the SPT Discord server (including, but not limited Lua, Chomp, and Fontaine).

  • Version 1.1.0

    - Small rewrite of mod to (hopefully) have compatibility with SPT Realism (huge thanks to Fontaine for help there!)

  • Version 1.0.4

    - Updated for SPT-AKI 3.5.0

    - Added Zryachiy and Zryachiy Followers to the "Bosses" group (default purple)

  • Version 1.0.3

    - fix for leaving an armband color empty (or using a non-supported value), should now properly use NO armband instead of crashing the mod

  • Version 1.0.2

    - quick little update for SPT-AKI 3.4.* (so I don't have to keep making new versions for small incremental updates)

    - default "Logging" is now set to "basic" (WAS "verbose") to keep log spam down at server start

  • Version 1.0.1

    - "small" fix for everything that broke when I added config file, sorry! ||

  • Version 1.0.0

    Initial Version (with fixed download link?)

  • Any word if this works on 3.6.1?

  • Does this still work with 3.5.8?

    • yes, yes it does

      it works completely fine

      Thinking 1
    • Will this work with Realism + SWAG + Donuts + SAIN?

    • How did you make it work for 3.5.8 i even tried to load it last in orded but still no luck

    • for me, it worked in both realism+swag+donuts+sain and in 3.5.8

      donharkness, there might be a chance that the armband clips over the clothing and well, nothin much can be done about that

      but if you genuinely cant see the armband, no matter what clothing they use, then i dunno man, sorry

    • no matter what i do they still have the armbands BEAR/USEC

  • Is it possible to add bandages of a different color to the raiders? Not like the wild ones?

  • Nice mod, I do like to be able to scope in on a PMC and know whether they're on the same side or not.

    With the latest version 1.1.0, I get a strange red text error in my server when I enter a raid with this mod enabled, here it is:

    [2023-03-02T16:54:35.808Z] error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'includes')

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.js)

    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.js)

    at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:527:28)

    at IncomingMessage.Readable.read (node:internal/streams/readable:527:10)

    at flow (node:internal/streams/readable:1011:34)

    at resume_ (node:internal/streams/readable:992:3)

    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21)

    The error appears right after the blue text message in server about this mod doing its thing. Also, I don't get this error text when I remove the mod from my folder and enter a raid.

    Doesn't seem to have any impact on the game beyond the error message showing and worrying me a little, but thought I'd share this.

    Bit confused at it referencing C:\snapshot\project...js as that directory and files do not exist and I have Tarkov installed on a totally different drive anyway (I may well be misunderstanding this as a directory reference when it isn't, I'm mostly clueless).

    • Yup, can confirm my findings to be the same.

      It's weird because the error isn't even pointing to a location in my mod's code, though I'm guessing it has something to do with the way I'm using the router service.

      I'm going to have to refer to someone more knowledgeable than I, because I'm stumped on this one.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • I got the same error in a raid that didn't spawn any PMCs weirdly. I usually run into a couple but all scavs some with bands some without.

  • One way around the armband being clipped/covered is by blacklisting the torsos that causes those problems. Not an elegant solution by any means, but hey at least it wouldn't clip.

    • Thanks for the suggestion, though it does seem a bit extreme :D

      I was ultimately intending for this mod to be fairly light-weight so I do worry about the implications that might have.

  • Is there any way too make your mod overwrite SPT realism....i would love to see who im shooting but all bots have black armbands from SPT Realism
    i tried to put Z in front of your mod but it didnt help

    • Currently looking into this.

      My first assumption is that it SHOULD work as you described, but for some reason it's not.

      Hopefully I can find a solution soon.

    • Sorry it took so long, but the newest version (1.1.0) of the mod should (hopefully) work with SPT Realism now.

    • looks like it doesnt bots still have the realism armbands

    • After putting Z infront of your mod it works

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hi, I tried only having PMCs wear armbands and leave Scavs without one, so I entered no color in the config.json (readme says that if no valid color is selected, no armband will be used).

    However, on server start I get the error message that SCAVARMBAND must be a valid color. Is there any way to have scavs not wear armbands?

    • A small oversight on my part :D

      SHOULD be fixed now with Version 1.0.3 and properly use NO armband (instead of crashing the mod).

      Thanks for pointing this out :thumbup:

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Awesome, thanks :)

      Heart 1
  • Thanks so much for your time and work to make this mod! I just installed it yesterday, and I'm new to SPT.

    For some reason the armbands don't show up visually when looking at anyone else (SCAVs, PMCs, no one), or in their inventory after dying (the latter may be by design). Any advice?

    When I load up the aki.server, it says:

    ModLoader: loading 1 mods...
    Mod: FactionIdentifierArmbands version: 1.0.0 by: Drewgamer loaded
    Server: executing startup callbacks...
    Importing database...
    [FactionIdentifierArmbands] Adding Armbands to bots...
    [FactionIdentifierArmbands] Finished adding 26 Armbands to bots.

    But once I load into the game and kick off a raid, nada. Any advice? I feel like I'm doing something wrong on my end. I'm on the latest ver of Tarkov. Thanks!
    Edit: Oh and initially I left the default colors as they were. I tried changing them later, to yellow and red, but same thing no arm bands. So color doesn't matter for my issue.

    • I may or may not have completely broken things with version 1.0.0.

      Try downloading the newest version (1.0.1) and see if that fixes the missing armbands.

    • Ah don't sweat it! It's all good. And that was a quick reply, thanks.

      The terminal spits out the new load text from your change/s, but I still don't see arm bands at least not on Scavs. BUT! The arm bands are appearing in their inventories now! (all inventories I checked in my 2 games)

    • Hmm
      I'm not sure what the issue would be here other than some weird clothes clipping issue.
      I did a (quick) test and the BEAR that I saw had a red armband (visibly) and also one in his inventory (that was, of course, un-lootable).

      Are you using any other mods?
      Which version of SPT are you using? (the mod has only been tested with 3.4.0)
      Do you see any errors in the server log?

    • If it's working on your end, that's good enough for me. I'm on 3.4 but I also haven't played Tarkov in years. I have "useless keycard blacklist" and Kobra's AIO mod. I didn't check server logs yet, I'll wait until I can play some more. You da best thanks.

      Edit: you nailed it, it's a clipping issue. I think I installed 1-2 other mods too, like realistic raids. I can remove/add mods one at a time if I need to. I'll look into it. Thanks!

      Edit2: screenshot for reference just in case you were curious: https://i.imgur.com/bOjTNCi.png

      Heart 1
    • Now THAT is some intense clipping!

      I am curious now if that's just a Tarkov thing or some mod shenanigans going on.
      Regardless, I appreciate your thoroughness though!
      Definitely gives me some piece of mind that I didn't manage to create some weird edge case :D

  • Does this also work for Cultists and Rogues?

    • Yes, Rogues currently have green armbands (though you can change this in the config file) and Cultists have the purple Twitch Rivals armband (shared with all other bosses/followers, but also changeable in the config).

      Heart 1
  • I still freaking love you.

    mod works on 3.3 for me

    Heart 1
  • Nice Idea for scav game and new player!

    Heart 1