TheRedCap's Bot Progression 0.0.5

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This plugin dynamically adjusts loadouts based on trader Loyalty Level. It includes primary/secondary weapons, backpacks, tactical vests, earpieces, headwear, armor vests, eyewear, armbands, face covers, and ammo.

For the moment, I recommend using Algorithmic Level Progression if you are not fixed on my implementation!

This plugin is a variant of Valens' Progression Plugin and is designed to dynamically adjust loadouts based on trader Loyalty Level. It includes features such as primary and secondary weapons, backpacks, tactical vests, earpieces, headwear, armor vests, eyewear, armbands, face covers and ammo.

How does it work?
It's a combination of whitelisting and weighting I would love to only use whitelisting to fix the loadouts, but it does not work reliable most PMCs should have loyalty level based gear, but sometimes something like ammo of a higher level or mags appear, but it feels fine at least for me because they could always found it on another guy or in some loot box. All other gear except attachments, mags and ammo should be fixed so if you see a guy on LVL 5 running around with Trooper or AVS post a comment that's an error, or they got different traders then me ;)

If you feel your PMCs are too poor or rich, disable randomisation it still probably needs more balancing, but that's hard to do without hours of playtime. Be free to comment if you have ideas how to improve it, so it feels more natural. But not everything is possible without changing the whole bot generation aspect, which would break compatibility with all other bot mods.


Move Zip into mods folder and extract into folder based on Zip name, no configuration in the config file is needed for an out of box experience.

edit in config/config.json (do not copy and paste comments from here!)

Ammo mostly works, but it is handled via Weighting that mean I just tell the generator prefer these, that will not always happen

What is still missing:

- Meds (This is more complicated due to how the item generation works and hooking into generation is more than just Loadout Whitelisting I adjusted randomization as good as I can, but there is probably more balancing needed) [This is probably as good as it gets without breaking compatibility with mods like POOP etc.]
- Attachments ? (Implementation for filtering is there, but I have not figured out yet how to set it up without causing issues) [If somebody knows how to implement it into Whitelist or Weighting point me in the right way tried different ways and can't get it reliable running without changing the server source]

What I am not sure yet:

- How to handle LVL progression after Flee because some stuff and weapons should be available, others not etc. that's more thought work or balancing than coding, so I'm not yet sure how I want it.

No Recommendations at the moment until I tested combinations which work great, I personally think Looting Boots could be a great combination.

- NormalisedBots

Special Thanks to Valens for the Idea and Concept.

  • Version 0.0.5

    Beta Update for newer SPT Version

  • Version 0.0.3

    - Removed Blacklisting (you can't have both)
    - Added Randomization

    - Added Weighting
    - Fixed Ammo (as good as it is for the moment)

    - Rewrote some components (there should be no more warnings at bot generation)

    It's a combination of whitelisting and weighting I would love to only use whitelisting to fix the loadouts, but it does not work reliable most PMCs should have loyalty level based gear, but sometimes something like ammo of a higher level or mags appear, but it feels fine at least for me because they could always found it on another guy or in some loot box. All other gear except attachments, mags and ammo should be fixed so if you see a guy on LVL 5 running around with Trooper or AVS post a comment that's an error, or they got different traders then me ;)

    If you feel your PMCs are too poor or rich, disable randomisation it still probably needs more balancing, but that's hard to do without hours of playtime. Be free to comment if you have ideas how to improve it, so it feels more natural. But not everything is possible without changing the whole bot generation aspect, which would break compatibility with all other bot mods.

  • Version 0.0.2

    - Rewrote the whole System

    - Added Blacklists

    - Added Blacklist filtering for Magazines (Not sure yet if that's working)

    - Added Blacklist filtering for Scopes (Not sure yet if that's working)

  • Version 0.0.1

  • This mod works really well! But I would say it works too well... all of my bots are low level with pretty terrible gear, despite me being level 3 with level 3 traders. How do I increase the randomness so that I get some lower tier bots and some juiced bots more randomly? I tried increasing the $$ amount but that didn't do anything. Thanks!

    • Budget does not really change anything for basic filtering, I was in the works of restructuring the complete generation of bot equipments and changing from base SPT filtering to a custom loadout generation but for the moment I would recommend using Algorithmic Level Progression it does similar progression than mine and is more balanced.

      I keep this mod in place for the point when I decide to start to work on custom generation again, but that will only be with the new release.

    • Awesome, thanks for the reply!

  • Hello. This mod used to be my #1 mod of all time. I deleted SPT for a while to free up some space and got back into it today. I went to get all of the mods I usually use but when I tried to download this one, it says 404 not found. Not sure what the problem is but I am unable to download the mod for some reason. Please help

    • Fixed it sorry my bad I was restructuring the Repo and forgot that it needs to be visible for downloads to work.

  • Can I bother you to ask if this mod is still being updated?

    • +1

    • Tested it with the newest Version, still works fine.

  • Got some "bot type: assault is not included in valid Bot Generation type", when using SAIN 3.3
    Some bots are generating, but raids are too quiet, without your mod bots generating fine
    "simpleMode": true, not helping at all, sadly

  • Whats the difference between this mod and valens progression?

  • NormalizedBots mod is 3.5.0. Really recommend?

    • No, I forgot to change the description.

      Heart 1
  • Not much needed for updating it to latest SPT, but I did not have time to test it extensively!

    If you find bugs or errors, please open issues or comment.

    Also, I know that guns are still mostly in their base settings because this mod uses the presets to equip bots I started changing that but with the temperatures I'm not really in the mood for SPT.

  • hope this gets updated to the latest version as i find it a lot better than Valens-progression

  • guns never have muzzle devices

  • Hello,

    Thank you for making a mod like this, I know it's a very time-consuming process. I have a quick question, it says bots gear is based on Trader Loyalty level, but which trader? Like do you mean leveling up each individual trader unlocks their specific gear for bots to use? Just trying to figure out what exactly the breakpoints are and such. Thanks!

    • Hello, thanks for your comment and constructive questions.

      - All traders which have more than 3 Levels. (This includes modded ones, but I did not test any.)
      - The loadout is based on the level of the bot, which should be around your level ± levels that means you can meet bots who have access to different trader levels in the same raid based on the bots level. It has nothing to-do with your trader level, it should only simulate more of a more natural loadout for bots, so you don't meet an LVL 1 with a loyalty level 4 loadout.

      Breakpoints are at the moment:
      Trader LVL 1 | Bot Level 1<->16

      Trader LVL 2 | Bot Level 17<->27

      Trader LVL 3 | Bot Level 28<->37

      Trader LVL 4 | Bot Level 38<->52

      Everything is Accessible | Bot Level 53<->101

      This mod does not change how bot level generation works so that depends on the SPT generator or any other mod which changes bot generation like poop, but in general you should have a wide variety of bot level some are really low level with bad gear and some are high level with good gear, but I don't influence that at the moment.

    • Ye Valens mod of this was perfect. should be default on spt as you rarely see a level 12 with tier 3 and tier 4 trader gear. but on official this wipe i did a couple times from grubs.
      You could make it so every bot inherently also has a chance to have gear out of their level as if they killed/looted it

    • I'm working on a different version which overwrites the default bot generation of spt and uses a budget as a base for bot generation, so depending on level etc. it decides how much budget is available and depending on that the loadout will be decided.

      I will keep your idea in mind It's not really possible with the default generation but with my custom one there should be a way to make it more dynamic.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • I think you zipped your mod twice in the latest release.. Also, please include a folder in your zip for the mod with the mod files in it. That way we don't have to create a new one when unzipping.

    • Will change how to build it with the next version.

      Heart 2
  • Does this work with POOP?

    last mod that had similar fetures had a conflict with it

    • I searched through Poops source, and it doesn't look like he changes anything on the blacklist or whitelists, so it should work, but I did not test it yet.

    • I tested it, and it should work just fine I am not sure how poop sets loadouts, but it looks like it changes more on the weightings in the generation and not the lists.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • thanks added to the list :) will test soon (tm)

    • Should work with Poop... i'm using it now :D

  • So do you drag this into mods and add the json to the src folder? Us monkeys need our hands held :(

    • You create a mod folder for this in user/mods, then drag all the files within the zip you downloaded into that mod folder.

  • ¿Es compatible con 3.5.0?

    • Yes, Should also be compatible with all versions which don't change the bot or trader structure.