Jiblet-LeKaiju-Orbitas-AmmoPouch 1.0.3

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

2x3 Pouch for holding Ammunition. Strap it to your arm, or stick it in your secure container. Or be a devil and get two.

I wanted the old ammopouch mod to work (credit to LeKaiju and Orbitas for that).

So I put it into a blender with Revingly's Medical SICC and pulsed for 30 seconds.

The resulting Ammo Pouch is available from Ragman for 50,000 rubles at LL1 (editable in config.json).

It is 3x3 cells (editable in config.json) and can hold bullets and ammo boxes.

You can put it in your secure container. And thanks to Poltergeist on Discord, you can even strap it to your arm in the armband slot if you like.

  • Version 1.0.3

    Updated for SPT Aki 3.8 and changed the bundles so that it:

    now works in the armband slot with no graphical weirdness.

    Thanks for the info Bongo!

  • Version 1.0.2

    Tested and updated for SPT AKI 3.5.0

  • Version 1.0.1

    ⚠️Upgrade at your peril - you may lose ammo in existing pouches as I've reduced the default size.⚠️

    External size is now 1x2 with an internal size of 2x3 so be careful if you choose to upgrade.

    All configurable via the config file.

  • Version 1.0.0

  • For those asking to change the icon/look of the item, I've forked Jiblet's work and reverted the look of the item back to what it was in v1.0.2. I also made a couple other changes, see the README in the repo.

    AmmoPouch Github

    Heart 1
  • I'm not great configing the mods so I might be missing this. Is there a way of making it so this item isn't lost including it's ammo? I just died and lost the pouch. Until then I'll keep it in the container

  • Hey there I really appreciate this mod for what it is, BUT is there any way to change the icon of the item? thank you in advance.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • smtg isnt right:

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Filter')

    at Mod.allowIntoSecureContainers (D:\EFT\user\mods\Jiblet-LeKaiju-Orbitas-AmmoPouch-1.0.3\src\mod.ts:123:18)

    at Mod.postDBLoad (D:\EFT\user\mods\Jiblet-LeKaiju-Orbitas-AmmoPouch-1.0.3\src\mod.ts:103:14)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:78:45)

    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:31:13)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:56:13)

    • Not sure if its the same error i was getting, but i fixed with Load Order, just loaded this mod first of all other.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • i give it a try :) ty

    • Let me know how that goes. It was all working for me earlier when I was editing it, but perhaps I screwed the pooch while packaging it up!

    • Working fine for me with the default folder name. Guess this is just going to be an individual problem depending on what other mods you have if anything conflicts with it.

      Working great so far. Good to have the mod back. :thumbup:

      Only small issue is that it shows up as a white Christmas ornament. I am guessing this is deliberate to stop the issue of the pouch model when in your armband slot clipping into your vision sometimes.

      Thumbs Up 2
    • Apparently its a 6mm airsoft pellet :)

      But yes indeed, its a bit of a hack that makes it work fonww from 1st person and you look fabulous in 3rd.

  • Hello. Nice little mod. The issue I'm having is that the pouch in the armband slot is lost upon death even though I'm using Never Lose Equipment mod. How can I fix this?

  • Currently doesnt appear ingame

    Crying 1
  • Any way to make the 3d item invisible? that position looks weird as hell and ruins my fashion and it kind clips when i run diagonally or am doing some head movement

    nothing gamebreaking, just a visual nuisance

    • Any way to read previous comments?

      Happy 1
    • I found a janky way to make the pouch invisible.

      1.Go to (EscapeFromTarkov_Data\StreamingAssets\Windows\assets\content\items\ammo\patrons)

      2.Copy the Bundle file (patron_6mm_airsoft.bundle) and paste it in here (user\mods\Jiblet-LeKaiju-Orbitas-AmmoPouch-1.0.2\bundles\AmmoPouch)

      3.Delete the bundle file called (item_food_mayo.bundle)

      4.Rename the bundle file you just copied to (item_food_mayo.bundle)

      Thumbs Up 5 Heart 4
    • @Bongo , My hero!

  • You should contact theKatto who made SVM mod, but hasn't been consistently updating KMC Core, Gear, and Weapons. Their KMC Gear featured a belt, which fit into the armband slot, but actually fit on the PMC's belt in third person. I'm sure theKatto can help you figure out how to make the ammo pouch show up on the PMC belt, instead of around their neck.

  • My hero <3

    Heart 1
    • No, u!

    • The last update was ON MY BIRTHDAY lmao

      Truly blessed, thank u

      Heart 1
  • Its more of a choker than an arm pouch, but otherwise a nice utility. It doesn't feel balance breaking, just a docs case for bullets

    Seriously though, why is it inside the player model's neck? :/

    • If only other people had noticed and asked and we'd looked into changing that before, and then we had discussed it in these comments for everyone to read and contribute to.

      If only.

  • Would it be possible to code this to make it fit into a spec slot?

    • No. see my comments below on the 22nd Jan as to why.

  • is it compatible with the spt realism mod ?

    • No idea, give it a go and let us know.

      Its already too realistic for my liking :D

    • i tried it and it works fine for me.

      Thumbs Up 2
  • hoping this gets updated soon , really need that ammo pouch mod

    • But did you need it enough to read my comment down below that makes it work?

      Rather than simply screaming into the void like the site specifically asks you not to...

      Thumbs Up 2 Happy 1
    • @omerah do you see the BIG yellow message box at the top? Asking Mod authors to update their mods can get you banned dude.

  • Will this be updated to 3.5.0? if not is there a way to update it my self?

    • literally i dont want to play without this mod lololol its so damn good so props to you for the great content :D

    • I'll get around to it eventually but with it being half term holidays in the UK I've not got the time to even install 3.5 just yet (or play for that matter)

      Have you tried updating the package.json to version 3.5.x?

      Do you actually get any errors? It might "just work"...

    • i do actually get some errors here they are

      TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'Ammo_Pouch')

      TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'Ammo_Pouch')

      at Mod.postDBLoad (D:\SPT\user\mods\Jiblet-LeKaiju-Orbitas-AmmoPouch-1.0.1\src\mod.js:55:46)

      at PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

      at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

      at App.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\App.js)

      TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'Ammo_Pouch')

      TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'Ammo_Pouch')

      at Mod.postDBLoad (D:\SPT\user\mods\Jiblet-LeKaiju-Orbitas-AmmoPouch-1.0.1\src\mod.js:55:46)

      at PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

      at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

      at App.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\App.js)

      what i will do now is use a json file editor thats online to see if just changing the version will work but im not entirely sure it will work seeing as it doesnt look like that kind of error? (coded in high school but its been years since i have to understand error codes lol) i shall give an update if that works, thanks for replying/help its very much appreciated

    • yeah just changing the file version doesnt seem to work, it did "load" the mod into the aki server fine but came up with the same error. (Im pretty positive its the same error looks almost identical to above but ill post it here as well just in case it helps you for the future update whenever you get around to it)

      TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'Ammo_Pouch')

      TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'Ammo_Pouch')

      at Mod.postDBLoad (D:\SPT\user\mods\Jiblet-LeKaiju-Orbitas-AmmoPouch-1.0.1\src\mod.js:55:46)

      at PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

      at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

      at App.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\App.js)

      TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'Ammo_Pouch')

      TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'Ammo_Pouch')

      at Mod.postDBLoad (D:\SPT\user\mods\Jiblet-LeKaiju-Orbitas-AmmoPouch-1.0.1\src\mod.js:55:46)

      at PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

      at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

      at App.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\App.js)

    • Ok, from VERY brief testing, you can comment out line 59 of mod.ts, so that it looks like this:

      //tables.templates.clientItems[itemId] = item;

      I can not stress enough how brief my testing was. So please be careful. Don't want you losing a fortune in Roubles on ammo that vanishes.

      On that note I'm vanishing off line for a few days, so good luck!

      Heart 1
  • Neat

    Heart 1
  • Is there any way to make the pouch invisible since you cant fix the clipping or correct positioning as an armband as mentioned in an other comment?

    • No idea I'm afraid, I just picked up the model from the previous creator.

      Have at it if you know what you're doing in Unity - or if you want to learn.

  • Hey thanks for keeping this mod updated, is there any chance you could make it go in to the secure container? I'm currently in the middle of creating a hardcore playthrough with a new profile and certain mods but I'd like an ammo pouch in my arse, I guess you could call it security.

    • Have you already tried putting it in your arse?

      Because it should fit nicely already and be accepted without a problem. I even made it 1x2 slot in the latest version so that it fits the part, so-to-speak.


      Happy 1
  • When worn on the armband, it sits on the shoulder near the neck, so ingame it actually clips into your view and blocks your screen when you're holding your gun at certain angles (like peeking a window)

    Would you be able to fix that?

    • See other comments where this was raised below, but in short: I'm afraid not.

      Put up with the clipping, or don't use it in the arm slot.

      I started to look at putting it in the Special Items slot, but:

      1. Those slots don't seem to work the same as all the other slots (don't appear on the default inventory object)
      2. I don't know whether they'll accept containers in those slots.


  • If you could make it like a pocket it could be better imao.

    • What do you mean by ‘like a pocket’?

    • Like the pockets we already have on our character. When you equip it in the armband slot, it gives you extra 4 slots of pockets. I don't know how posible it is tho.

    • This isn't possible as you describe, However, I've just uploaded a mod that lets you alter the size of your pockets, so that you can fit the ammo pouch (a 2x1 item) into your pockets.

      Heart 2
  • Making it an armband is nice, but that also makes it somewhat cumbersome to access as it's far from the vest with the mags.

    Maybe make it special slot compatible?

    Heart 1 ? 1 Thumbs Up 1
    • It's open-sourced; go for it.

    • OK. I don't know how really, as I'm not a coder, but ok.

    • you got this

    • It all reads like ancient Egyptian translated into Spanish by a drunken Russian.

      What VERY few things I know about this stuff isn't relevant to the code involved. And what I'm guessing is the relevant code, I have no clue how to adjust it. Let alone doing it without breaking the mod.

      Happy 1
    • Doing the bits and bobs that I manage with my mods is all pretty easy. "AlterExtracts" is probably the simplest one of mine to look at and figure out.

      The only file you need to really look at is mod.ts , the others are just there to make it load.

      However, making the ammo pouch work in a special slot has so far eluded me. I may have to ask for help on Discord :)

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Always been a fan of using the armband slot for utility, good mod, thank you!

    Thumbs Up 2
  • It's strange but I can't put it on the armband slot ;(:(:(

    Thinking 1
    • I have the same issue

    • I'm amazing; managed to release a pre-release that didn't have that functionality and should never have been anywhere near a release. Go me!

      Fixed now, make sure to delete the old version though.

      If you have this line in your mod.ts file you should be fine:

      tables.templates.items["55d7217a4bdc2d86028b456d"]._props.Slots[14]._props.filters[0].Filter.push(itemId); //Make it an armband too
      Thumbs Up 2
    • For some reason the item is visible in first person and is positioned around the throat so it blocks my view when I run.

      Happy 2 Crying 1
    • That sounds amazing, I've not seen it. Screenshots?

    • Link zu file.io
      Screenshot of the character view, video when running in factory with pouch in arm slot.
      The more you look down, the more you see the ammo pouch, but even when looking straight ahead it'll move into the lower right side of your screen occasionally when running.
      Sorry about the quality.
      I assume thats the thing @Rhyufer meant

      Edit: Still a great mod, I just leave it in my secure container.