Friendly PMC 3.9.4

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Spawn with a squad of your side, recruit others while in the raid, and command them on the battlefield.

Spawn with a squad of your side, customize them, recruit others while in the raid, and command them on the battlefield.

This mod makes it possible to have bots follow you around and fight alongside you against enemies. You can either spawn with a squad that is customizable through the Config Manager (default F12 key) or recruit others while in a raid.

If you enjoy this mod and would like to show your appreciation you can support me at Ko-Fi!

  • Version 3.9.4

    • fixed Rogue faction turning hostile on the player if getting too close after becoming an ally with the Goons
    • fixed Goons turning hostile if the player got too close to them after becoming their ally
    • fixed same side PMC turning hostile on the player if getting too close while friendlyPMC flag is on
    • fixed Knight giving raid end messages
    • fixed conflict with the EFT API mod causing the "Home" button to not work
    • fixed possible crashes when buying certain weapons from Knight (the AKs)
    • revamped code for followers following the player in order to deal with the situation where followers would run instead of walking from point to point when roaming around the player
    • fixed a bug with marking followers' equipment unlootable
    • some improvements in detecting the bot's hands getting stuck after throwing a grenade
    • overall better handling of relations between players and followers with allied groups or friendly bots (such as BTR or the gifter)
  • Version 3.9.3

    • fixed issues on the server side with the Knight quests
    • moved the "bad guy" and the "friendly PMC side" flags to the client for better consistency
    • improved catching followers ending stuck in throwing grenade animation
  • Version 3.9.2

    More bug fixes on Knight's quests

  • Version 3.9.0

    • update to SPT 3.10.x
    • new dependency: Virtual's Custom Quest Loader
    • added a "Bad Guy" setting. This will make the player hostile to all factions. This will be on whenever you are running with the Goons.
    • removed "Same PMC Side Hostile" and replaced it with "Friendly PMC Side" which is on by default. This is in order to leave the new behavior that the game brings with PMC Karma to take over when this is off.
    • new quests were added to unlock Knight as a friend (he will appear as a trader) and for unlocking the full Goons squad - See Gameplay Guide updates for more details
    • added 2 new bindings - Followers Teleport and Followers Heal
    • the mod can now work with different languages. It will based on the language you set for your game. There are only 4 languages available for now: English, Russian, German, and Romanian. You can look into user/mods/friendlyPMC/lang and add more language jsons there (PM me with the file and I will add it to the mod). For quests, languages are in mods\Virtual's Custom Quest Loader\database\locales - en\ge\ro\ru
    • "On Your Own" will now make followers patrol around the player with a configurable distance when out of combat. In order for this to work they must not be told to hold position and be out of combat. "Follow Me" can get them out of patrol mode while still retaining the other settings that "On Your Own" has.
    • you can no longer loot spawned followers' equipment. This does not apply to consumables like magazines, ammo, meds, etc.
    • fix having the gifter seen as an enemy to your followers
  • Version 3.8.2

    • Fixed Team Status and Over There still being heard by the enemy
    • Some bug fixes in the Support Tactic related to suppression action
    • Improvements on the busy hand's bug detector for followers
    • Peaceful Zryachiy will not be considered an enemy until you interact with him
  • Version 3.8.1

    • improved awareness during night raids, while using nightvision
    • support now checks if the player is within the blast radius when trying to use the grenade launcher
    • command "team status" is no longer heard by the enemy
    • added a new command "Over There" which works just like Contact but with no voice, just a hand gesture.
    • some bug fixes in the support tactic
  • Version 3.8.0

    • added a new tactic - Support - with this tactic the follower will frequently provide suppression fire. If it has grenades it will use them (SAIN does not affect them) and if has a grenade launcher as a secondary weapon it will use that on its own or when asked to do suppression fire.
    • removed "Player Equipment" as an option for equipment for bots. When clonning player equipment people have reported to have delays in spawn. Because you can simply save your current equipment as a preset loadout - this is removed and you can use that instead.
    • made the "Spread Out" command functional. The bot will run towards some cover when this is executed.
    • updated "Contact" command to now take into consideration any visible part of the enemy instead of just the head and torso
    • all direction commands are now functional (under CONTACT group)
    • "That Direction" has a new function. You can look at something, a maximum 25 m distance, and do the gesture. This will make the nearest bot go there to investigate.
    • "Holder" tactic has been revamped to stop bots from continuously checking for where to place themselves while the player is not moving.
    • scav followers and picked-up followers will turn hostile on friendly fire
    • some improvements on the cover search logic in an effort to reduce the situations where bots end up running in a wall
    • spawned follower's level now affects some of it's skills (PMC only)
    • improved awareness
    • bug fixes
  • Version 3.7.0

    - !! all server configuration options have been moved into the Configuration Manager, you can now update them through that and they take effect at raid start

    - updated Come Here, That Direction and Stop gesture commands where you can now use them to move bots one by one where you want them.

    - updated some Phrase commands to be able to be used on individual followers by looking at them. Be careful, bots too close to your view will be picked up, and thus the command will not go for all. Being in bushes can interfere with this or not seeing the bot clearly.

    - altered "get back", "cover me", "hold position" and "go go go" voices to always say the same thing instead of going through different phrases in order to bring them closer to what the commands do relative to the followers

    - added "On Your Own" command. This will tell bots to stay at a distance (similar to "Get Back"), switch to their default tactic, and no longer prioritize their position and safety during fights. "Cover Me" resets this

    - added a field to provide a custom nickname for each follower in the Configuration Manager

    - added fields to provide custom uniform (top and bottom) for each follower in the Configuration Manager

    - added options for setting custom shortcut keys for Contact and Status Report phrase commands. (This means you can put these 2 on other than just F1-F12 keys)

    - added "Raid End Messages" in the config manager to enable/disable messages followers may send at the end of the raid (return loot messages are excluded)

    - fixed the issue with long spawn delay that was happening for some people

    - attempt to fix follower still getting stuck in healing animation under certain circumstances (still not 100% of the cause or how to replicate)

    - altered how the enemy is added to followers as the current method would make followers aware of any enemy position as soon as that enemy made the player his goal target.

  • Version 3.6.4-beta

    - fixed using bear voices for USECs when englishBear is disabled

    - ensure looting bots brain, if present, is disabled when a bot becomes a follower

    - enforce followers to have the same side as the player on spawn

    - refactor the code that deals with followers using player equipment in order to address some errors

    - added flag to turn off enemy marker when reporting status

  • Version 3.6.3-beta

    Fixed incorrect options positions of squad setup in the configuration manager that 3.6.2 has.

  • Great MOD, thank you, author. :thumbup:

    Can you set an option to keep the friendly squad name and status on their head?

  • I've been meaning to ask- can you adjust the max health multiplier value to be above 5? I wanted it to not change the default set of 1x but the limit be something absurd since I wanted to watch my man tim tim fight the zombie army with nothing but a taiga lol. Absurd values being over 5000 and up, so tim tim stands a chance since it's only affecting squadmates and not everything.

  • Thx so much for the great mod! Just one silly question since Im new to SPT, will the newest version able to work on 3.9.8?

  • Thx for this awesome mod ! is there a way to change pmc gear ?

    edit : nevermind you explained it !

  • Hello maybe everyone ask that but how can i add knight to friend list?

    • Once you complete the first quest with him, he will appear in your friends list (the same way SPT and COMMANDO do). Then you can right-click him and say invite to gthe roup to have him join you in raids outside his quests.

  • During a raid I did with birdbye & Bigpipe, I threw a grenade and bigpipe ran towards it in a room and died, causing me to immediately lose rep from knight and lose access to bigpipe & birdeye from the friends list. The issue I noticed is that in the mods description, you state that for every successful raid, you gain 0.1 rep for knight, but upon doing a successful raid with knight, it gave me 0.01 instead. This means that instead of having to to 4 successful raids with knight to get back to 0.5, I now need to 40.

    • You mean i miss calculated? It should be +0.1 per success and -0.1 per kill

    • Probably just added an extra zero somewhere lol, where in the files would I go to change this if it isn't too complicated?

    • Yup. mistake. I already added the fix to the upcoming version. Also updated to be - 0.1 on death and +0.05 on success.
      You can't change it, it is not a sever side thing. You would need to use the source to compile the client. Better to just dot it in your profile. The Knight trader ID is 67768b19fa281ca31708b187 . Find that in your profile json and edit the standing. Take note that the bug resets to 0.1 anytime you kill any one of them.

    • Appreciate the help and the fix, love the mod and it's the sole reason I even came back to SPT lol :)

  • Yo! Amazing mod! Thanks a ton!

    Any chance of also being able to customize the voice and head of the Squad PMC from the menu?

  • The mod is not working. What to do? Tell me please

    1.There is no package.json in the mod (Virtual's Custom Quest Loader).


    [SPT.Singleplayer] 1 plugin failed to load due to errors:

    Could not load [friendlyPMC 3.9.4] because it has missing dependencies: com.Arys.UnityToolkit

    • You seem to be missing the required dependencies on the installation tab

  • hey man love the mod, the main issues i have and note i run a maximum of three followers, ive got rid of their frags due to it bugging them out, but they seem to get soft locked like they will be looking at the ground, with their weapon up, then they will just stand around not fire at the ai shooting the follower. Plus another thing ive seen is they will lock onto a AI scav or PMC halfway across the map and not de-aggro even when resetting their attention even when killing AI they just go to the last ping they have set. im not getting any errors in the logs. But over all i love the mod bro keep up the good work :thumbup:

    • It's the game. And what is frustrating is that it does not happen from the get-go, but as you progress. Making me think "did I break something?". But no, it's the game and it is very frustrating that they stare down looking at their shoes. I am trying to deal with them one by one.
      The not-fire thing should be with picked-up followers, not the ones you spawned with. Is that the case?

    • i have the picked up followers disabled due to try and limit the number of complex AI so it just runs as a normal game-ish, but the ones that i have spawned in with the kit they look down or they will just forgo and not have anything in there hands even when i reset them.

    • You will have the option to disable throwing grenades in the new version, as well as some fixes for the freezes. The freezes are really hard to fix because they do not give errors. It happens if there is some kind of issue in their brain logic. At first, I thought it was clothes, then specific gear - finally, now I got a lead. But I do not suspect it is completely resolved in the 3.9.5 that is coming.

    • alright all good man, i did find out or well seen that is i set the limit down to two spawned in and keep them on holder, or support they are less likely to freeze up or lock onto a target across the map, so if that's any help

  • hello , after mod instal i spawned on shoreline with knight , but he have empty hands and does not move , any idea ? he have pistol and weapon on back tho .

    • Conflict. Usually with some mod that messes with bot loadout or meds.

  • Do you need to get to a certain rep with knight to be able to invite him to raids? The option to invite him to group doesnt appear for me.

    I kinda made a boo boo and managed to kill big pipe and lost a big chunk of my rep. Think that might sabotage future quests. Is there a way to grind that rep up again? They dont appear in none of my raids anymore and as i explained, i cant invite him.

    • Knight remains in the list and extracting with him increases rep each time. You right-click his name and you do not see "invite to group"? How about on "COMMANDO" or "SPT"? It sounds like something you have disabled that option if so...

    • I dont have the invite option on Commando nor SPT either. I cant remember disabling anything at some point. The only thing i've disabled is squad thingie that will make knight not joining in on quests.

      I have a few options when right-clicking on Knight in my friends list, but not "Invite to Group".

      The mods i have are:


      Bosses have legal medals





      Weightless ammo and nades

      Better Backpacks




      DrakiaXYZ Waypoints

      Dynamic Maps

      Unity Toolkit


      Invisibilty Cloak

      Amandas Graphics

      Bush No esp

      Trader Scrolling

      I didnt have the "Invite to group" option even when i had only a few mods.

      There's very few configurations i've manually changed.

      Any suggestions what it might be?

      Thanks in advance.

    • Check if you have "block group invites" in game settings. It's at the bottom

  • 2 Things are happening.

    1. I am losing audio and I am not sure why. I can speculate that I changed to using squad setup and I have the running the same equipment ("player" for both top and bottom) as well as both set to pusher and running SBR's.

    2. I turned off enemy grenades but my "friendly" pmc's continue to throw grenades in my direction. Can you please add an option so we can turn off teammates throwing grenades. It keeps happening.

    • 2) But you can easily not equip them with grenades through custom equipment preset.
      1) Does not look like this mod would be the cause, but use different clothes. I know some clothes cause them to freeze when dying.

      Heart 1
    • Just tested it. I Made 3 different loadouts with weapons and mags and 0 grenades. I selected all 3 different presets and they still were throwing grenades.

    • Yea, I noticed currently that the pocket loadout is ignored, and instead whatever the game gives them they have. I am considering adding option to disable grenade, but at the moment I am busy making followers you pick up work.

    • No worries and thank you for noting and acknowledging it. Will patiently wait for it.

  • I've had an issue that causes BigPipe (and probably the others just hasn't happened yet) to get the 'hands are busy' bug after throwing a grenade. He seems to like to initially throw a nade upon spotting someone, then hell just have busy hands and run around with nothing in them for the remainder of the raid. Is this something you're able to fix, or something a separate mod can fix instead?

    • You have shortcut key "fix heal" which also fixes the hands in case it's not detected automatically

    • I got the problem to occur to me too and will try to fix it. Seems related to when he does not have a grenade launcher as a secondary weapon. Even the shortcut key won't help then

  • I changed patrol size to 1 and followers to zero I only wanted the one PMC and turn off recruiting in the raid. Is this possible as it got confusing when I saw additional followers and a scav that ignored me then went hostile.

    • Squad Size 1 and exra pickups 0. That is what you want to set

  • When my follower dies, he freezes up instead of actually dying. Making it impossible to retrieve whatever i gave him. Is this an error? Or is this supposed to happen.

    Mods: Looting bots, Sain, Performance Improvements, Arena Lockboxes, Virtual custom quest loader.

    • It is a bug, I did not notice it until you mentioned it. Now I see it even in 3.9.3 for one of the followers. It seems to happen when using certain clothes - specific ones. For me, it happened when I combined BEAR SPN (top) with BEAR summer field (bottom).
      I think this is just a game bug, not actually from the mod.

  • hi there again bruv! so still they wont fight.. or?

    • They won't fight what? Followers who are being picked up? I have not worked on that yet.

    • yes, okay thank you ;)

  • I have a problem with my followers, they don't shoot the rogues at the lighthouse.

    any suggestions on how to fix?

    • Wait for 3.9.4 which deals better with who sees who as enemy.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • So I Was messing with the mod today and its great, I did notice however when you use a transit when the transit map loads, it "rerolls" the PMC's with you so their kit and appearance is all different. Unsure if this effects anything they had looted previously or not though.

    • Transit worked? I didn't see it working when I am with followers.

    • works for me, though Im running PTT so maybe thats "forcing" them to work?

    • Oh, I do not account for that mod. But after things are more stable I do plan to look into the transit functionality to see if I can have them respawn with the same equipment and loot.

    • yeah thats the only thing that Im running that should have any effect on transits. *shrug* works well enough for me currently. :D

  • Hi there, I have noticed a bug. I lost melee in my sheath and armband after I died, although it also allowed me to loot the melee of other PMCs and Tegilla's hammer. As long as I delete this mod, everything goes normal. Could you please fix this problem?

    • Whether it's the mod or the SPT version, I am currently using the newest version.

    • It is addressed in the upcoming version

      Heart 1
  • When followers throw grenades, it causes them to get stuck

    they can't move, be killed, or report any status, even after I tried changing their gear.

    • If you are having issues with grenades, do not equip them with any grenades. This stuckness is a bug in the game itself. I am trying to force them out but it triggers randomly, there is no hook you can attach to, to prevent this... so it continues to be a problem.

  • I would like the option for my PMCs to mimic my pace. I found that even when i walk , they get behind then sprint to catch up- causing noise.

    • Too much effort to have them be stealthy for too little gain. The rest of the bots already become aware of you when getting too close, even if you make no sound.

    • I understand that. I'm wondering if there's a way to modify only following PMC in SAIN or something else

    • The mod is adapted to have SAIN affect them as little as possible as that creates a lot of problems. It is too unstable, what you are asking. You would have to cover all possible scenarios when they should not copy the speed or stance. But one thing I am looking into is that currently, they are running in scenarios when they are too close. Normally they should run if the distance is greater than X and walk if below. But right now, even when you stand still and they roam around you they may run. This is something that SPT 3.10 brought.

  • Hi great mod, ive used it way back and loved it but now im playing on 3.10.4 and the last 2 versions of the mod seem to cause a random crash when my friendly pmcs or maybe even random pmcs die(not 100% on that just had the game crash when there were firefights and it just crashes). It doesnt crash every time a friendly pmc dies, it seems to be random, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesnt but last round the game crashed as i saw my pmc get shot dead right in front of me.
    I think it must be a mod conflict or something, maybe the clothing mods?
    Also i dont get any crashes if i take the mod out. Any advice on how i could try and fix this? i really enjoy playing with the mod but its nearly impossible to do it with crashes

    • Specify all the mods you have so I can try and replicate

    • Its a lot but here is the load order excluding the friendlyPMC, it was on the very bottom till i took it off for a sec.

          "A-TACS FG Clothing Pack",
          "A-TACS FG Gear Pack",
          "Multicam Clothing Pack",
          "Ratnik 6sh122 Gear Pack",
          "SDTAC KITS",
          "Lunnayaluna Lotus",
          "[SVM] Server Value Modifier",
          "Virtual's Custom Quest Loader",
          "M81 Clothing Pack",
          "Black Equipment Pack",
          "Priscilu Special Weapons",
          "AOR-1 Clothing Pack",
          "Summer and Autumn Clothing",
          "EMR Clothing Pack",
          "Hotdog's Full Auto Saiga-9",
          "Intermediator Trader",
          "Multicam Gear Pack",

      Any pointers at what could be causing it would be greatly appreciated

    • oh also it crashed consistently for me on Ground zero when i had 2 followers, it crashed about 5-6 times in a row within first 10 minutes of the raid, not if it was the followers dying or some other npcs, or the goons spawning( i have a 5% boss invasion chance).

      Just did a couple of lab runs, on the 2nd one as soon as my 2nd follower died in front of me the game crashed, the 1st follower died with no issues, and the whole team getting wiped the raid in labs before that was not an issue as well so im not 100% as to whats causing it.

      And none of the issues happen again as soon as i take the FriendlyPMC mod off. Hope this helps

    • And you do not get any errors when it crashes? In BepInEx/OutputFullLog.log

    • I will have to check. Ill post it once my game crashes

  • umm hello. i played friendly pmcs back on 398 and if i set faction friendly pmcs it work with 100% of the bear ( im bear) but now im on 3105 and seems that feature dont work for me at all. im on streets rn, tryin to cooperate with bears aannndd they shot me - but why?

    • {"Config":{"friendlyPMC":true,"badGuy":false,"pmcArmbands":false,"englishBear":false,"location":"TarkovStreets"}}

      also is there a way to disable knight tarder and all of the knight related things bc i dont need it. how am im (as bear) can coop with knight (usec) idk

    • On which version are you now? 3.9.3 or 3.9.2 ? I am speaking the mod version.

    • Just do not do Knight quests. And Knight is exUsec (Rouge). If you want to talk about lore, exUsecs work for LightKeeper and you can get them to be friendly with you via Rouge Support service from him.
      So you see, you can have the Rogue faction be friendly to a BEAR.

      Heart 1
    • thx! yup this is moar issue. ill stick with v4 swagnut and test friendly pmcs rn

      (btw in ru lang - "count me in" doesnt translate as "считайте меня в", may be google think it is but as native speaker i would say "я в деле/расчитывай на меня" )

    • I actually would like some native speakers to help me translate all. I was waiting for people to notice.

  • i found a strange bug not sure if its sain or this mod but for some reason the pmcs i spawn with shoot the btr


    • Was this with the latest version of the mod? 3.9.3?

    • yes

    • If you are using MOAR - that is why. I just recently found that mod makes the BTR enemy by default when it should be neutral.

  • Is it possible to disable the trader Knight in any way other than removing the mod?
    I tried doing the first task for Knight, but the artifical stupidity model drives me bonkers...
    He's constantly running around trying to hit every bush and tree in sight, making it virtually impossible to hear anything and he's insta killing every enemy before I even see them, making it hard to get any kills.
    Also, in the first raid the dumbass TK'd me because a scav ran out in front of me and in the fourth raid the dumbass started shooting at Sanitar, whom in turn one tapped me before I had a chance to react, which made me fail the task and I can't stand the thought of doing it again with him... :cursing:

    • You must be playing at very hard if you get one tapped. If they can one tap, he can one tap as well so it will get very challenging to do the quest especially since there is no workaround (since he is a boss) to tune down the visibility range. Doesn't Skipper mod let you skip quests?
      You also try this: You use the "Stop" command, phrase, or gesture, and go in front and investigate. The kill quests require a maximum 80-meter (BirdEye is to 120) distance between you two.

      Heart 1
    • No Sir. I am playing with modified baby bots... :D :D :D

      I suck at Tarky, but with slightly modified baby bots I can enjoy Tarkov somewhat....

      I currently have to restart the task if I want to try it again, so now I can do other tasks without Knight scaring the living daylight out of me or pestering me with his foolish running into trees and bushes.
      Would it be possible to add choice in the settings to disable the trader or would that be a PITA to do?
      If it's a PITA then don't worry about it. Atleast I now know which mod adds Knight as a trader. Thanks!

    • Without the trader, there is no way to unlock running with the Goons. I guess you just ignore him.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • So SAIN doesn't affect the friendly PMC ai right? Is there any way for me to be able to tweak the friendly ai's behavior or no? A lot of times they seemingly can see enemies through walls/see enemies from too far away

    • That is SAIN affecting them despite my attempts in trying to block that. Some SAIN things will remain in place and you can't tweak them. Acquiring enemies like that is from SAIN.

  • great job on updating the mod! i would give you some money but sadly im not rich ; (

  • Rogues started shooting at me as I was looting some toolboxes when Knight was with me. I'm not sure who shot first, maybe he aggroed them somehow, but the feature doesn't seem to initally work on my installation

    • There is still an issue with them if you are too close to them or kill an Usec (as a BEAR) in front of them. It will be resolved in 3.9.4.

  • Why do all the keyless doors on the map disappear completely after I enable friendly PMC team generation? But as long as I turn off the friendly PMC team generation, it will return to normal. How can I fix it?

    • Doors disappear? Never seen that one..

  • Minor issue but the goons ai seems to bug out when they attempt to walk through certain doorways. For example, the slim doorway that connects new gas to scav base on customs, when i tried to bring Knight to scav base to get kills there for his quest, he would get stuck on the door, and would repeatedly open and close the door. The same goes for the others once in a while with just getting stuck in doors. I don't know if this is something you can do or if that's just how it is with default EFT ai.

    • That's the game's AI. They get stuck behind the door after it opens?

    • Yeah, when talking about the door that connects new gas to scav base, the door is already opened. Knight would just get stuck on the door, close it and open it again and not do anything. When I was doing a quest with the full goon squad with me, they seemed to go through doorways just fine, I guess it's just random ones.

    • Do you mean the Factory exit door? The one that requires a key? That may very well be because there are no nav points in that particular zone since is not a zone that bots normally roam through.