Softcore (Proper Singleplayer Experience for SPT) 3.2.1

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Fun, Fair and Rewarding flea market, economy, crafting, and hideout vital overhaul mod for definitive single-player RPG experience and progression. Variety of SP-focused and anti-MMO quality of life tweaks included.

The mission of this mod is to make Tarkov feel like a proper single-player survival-RPG game with as little changes as possible, removing MMO annoyances and cheap flea market abuses, while saving overall tone and vibe, offering fun, thought out, fair and balanced progression and economy experience.

If you are too used to buying all your loadouts, items and keys on (fake)flea market, while totally ignoring trader and quest progression, abusing (fake)flea sales to generate free millions, and bored to death with cheap availability of items in stock SPT, this mod radically changes that aspect of the game. All items, even the cheapest, are valuable now.

In a way, it makes the game easier. In other ways - harder.

But most important of all, it offers fresh, engaging and fun singleplayer Tarkov experience. Enjoy the Softcore!

New profile highly recommended.

Some reviews from Discord:

Major customizable features included:

  • Overhaul of flea market based on fair barter-only economy
  • Hideout quality of life features (faster crafting, construction, bitcoin farming, moonshine & purified water production, balanced by increased fuel consumption)
  • Bigger stash, with options for progression construction for all account types.
  • Progressive secure containers crafting, bigger containers and alternative Collector quest. Info below!
  • Fair hideout case trader barters
  • Better sales to traders and alternative categories.
  • EXPERIMENTAL, disabled by default "Skier uses Euros"
  • Crafting changes to make most of the hideout crafts useful and/or profitable
  • Introduction of completely new crafting recipes
  • Major scav case rework, making every option viable for different item tiers, with smart crap-filtering patch included
  • Other various tweaks and fixes
  • Extensive and well documented configuration file and code

Flea market and economy rework:

  • "Pacifist" flea market (and Fence), only medication, barter items, food and info items can be bought on flea.
  • Barter ONLY economy - you can only purchase those items on the flea using random found in raid or crafted items.
  • Option to leave a very small percentage of items to be available for cash.
  • Items you can barter with are also from food, medicine, info and barter categories only.
  • "Live" flea prices are completely removed and matched to in-game BSG handbook/traders data.
  • You cannot sell items on flea anymore (optionally..)
  • Fence sells "pacifist" items for 80% of their value. At 6 scav karma you can buy items almost at a price Therapist buys them from you.
  • Flea opens at level 5
  • Random-only quest keys are available on flea
  • Allow marked keys on flea option

This results in major change of gameplay dynamic.

Now Tarkov feels like a proper single player focused survival game.

Begone "most profit per slot" mentality.

Begone "rush to lvl 15" to run meta gear only.

Money cannot solve all of your problems no more.

All items, even the cheapest, are valuable now.

Ever thought about looting AA batteries or Crickents?

Now you will actually look for them to trade in similar value tiers on flea.

Barters are random and vary a lot in value.

This results in highly engaging simulation of a war broken society, some wild trades included.

Truly immersive experience! /s

Hideout crafts now are great and useful (toilet paper craft nerfed, was too OP).

Leveling traders and crafting is your only hope of survival.



Progressive secure containers

  • Start your NEW profile with just a Waist Pouch 2x2 container, and work your way up all the way up to Gamma with complex and insanely expensive, but fun and fair custom container crafts.
  • Collector quest redone option: Collector quest is startable just at level 20. No longer you need all other quests done, only items. BUT, don't think it's going to be easy, there is an additional end-game grind ending condition waiting for you. Should be much more fun then vanilla 'grind to level 55, duh'.
  • Option for bigger secure containers: Waist Pouch is 2x4, Alpha is now 3x3 (like EoD), Beta 3x4, Epsilon 3x5, Gamma 4x5, Kappa 5x5

Progressive stash for all profiles and bigger stash options

Inspired by Trap's Progressive Stash, reworked from ground up for 0.13 patch.

  • Bigger stash option: from 28/38/48/68 to 50/100/150/200 lines
  • Progressive stash option: makes every new profile start with LVL1 stash
  • Less currency for construction: reduces ridiculous cash requirements for stage construction by a factor of 10
  • Easier loyalty option: reduces loyalty level requirements for stage construction (Prapor, Ragman and Peacekeeper) by 1.

Hideout features:

  • 100x faster hideout construction.
  • 100x faster hideout crafts.
  • 10x faster purified water and moonshine production.
  • Reworked bitcoin farming, now each additional GPU is much more efficient, and offers major boost to farming time. Now it is worth to build level 3 farm, with 50 GPUs you will get a bitcoin per hour.
  • 10x bigger fuel consumption to compensate all of the above. (Now you will have to think about fuel. A little, but still..)
  • New crafts (3-b-TG, Adrenaline, L1, AHF1, CALOK, Ophthalmoscope, Zagustin, OLOLO, etc)
  • Rebalanced a lot of the vanilla recipes.
  • Did you always want to run your own personal underground meth lab in Tarkov? Obdolbos is now craftable with a lore-friendly recipe at massive profit.


Scav case rework:


SPT-AKI patch/fix for scavcase reward pool.

Conservatively filters out a ton of the crap/useless items (eg <10k worth weapon-specific mods, ironsights, gas blocks, thread adapters, magazines, mounts etc) and OP/boss/developer/broken/quest/etc items from scav reward list.

Makes sure you always get something of value and/or usable.

Very safe to use, even if you don't want other features.

Major rebalance of scav case rewards, feels great for single player experience.

Completely alters internal rewards tiers (common: under 20,000, rare: 20,000 to 60,000, superrare: 60,000 to 1,200,000), makes every launch tier valuable, fair and targetable for different item tiers.

Changes all cash runs to alcohol for lore-friendly experience (Pevko -> Vodka -> Whiskey -> Moonshine -> Intel).

  • Pevko is very fast, gives 3 common items.
  • Vodka gives 3 to 4 common items, with a chance to give 1 rare item.
  • Whiskey gives 4 to 5 common items, and 1 to 2 rare items.
  • Moonshine is fun for gambling, gives 1 to 3 commons, 0 to 3 rares, 0 to 2 superrare items.
  • Intelligence folder is the most consistent, 3 commons, 3 to 5 rares and 1 superrare.

Better Traders options

  • Better Sales To Traders - better ratios + every loyalty level now gives 5% better selling prices, now you really don't need to sell on flea market.
  • Alternative Categories - nerfs Therapist (instead of all barter items, she buys only meds and household goods), buffs Ragman (he now also buys valuables) and Skier (he now also buys info items).
  • Skier Uses Euros - EXPERIMENTAL option, turned off by default, makes Skier use Euros for all trades, mostly just for fun and diversity. Adjusts assorts and loyalty levels accordingly. Turned off, because needs adjusting existing profiles salesSum (you can do it manually, find TradersInfo in your %profileID%.json, and in "58330581ace78e27b8b10cee" key divide salesSum by 115 without leaving the remainder). Might be fun for new profiles.

Fair hideout cases barters

Rebalanced all cases for reasonable and fair barter prices.

Also fixed LEDX dogtag barter, 160 kills is ridiculous even for SPT.

Various tweaks:

  • Reshala always has his Golden TT.
  • Bigger hideout containers - slightly buffs basic hideout containers to be more in line with scav box: Medicine case 7x7 -> 10x10, Holodilnick 8x8 -> 10x10, Magazine case 7x7 -> 7x10, Item case 8x8 -> 10x10, Weapon case 5x10 -> 6x10.
  • Allow gym training with muscle pain - allows to continue gym training with severe muscle pain at 25% efficiency.
  • Signal Pistol In Special Slots
  • Remove backpack restrictions (for containers [ammo, med, etc] mostly). Never again I'll see an unlootable medcase in 314.
  • 5x faster item examine time.
  • Redo insurance. Now each trader serves different purposes. All are instant return, Prapor in "reliable" with 80% chance, costs 25% of item value. Therapist has 60% chance, but costs only 5%, eg usefull for fast return of cheap quest loadouts or plain gambling. Also buff insurance storage time to a whole month. Also buffs the chance to keep weapon attachments to 50%.
  • Keytool buff to make it 5x5.
  • Buff to SICC case to make it actually better and a direct upgrade to Docs. And while we are here, allow it to hold keytool. It's Softcore, who cares.
  • Buff Vitality, Sniper, Surgery, Immunity and Stress resistance skills leveling (looking for more input)
  • Small list of items used in crafts or barters is available on flea.
  • Removes stupid anti RMT "in raid number of same item" limits and discard limits
  • Modifies some quests so they start earlier (Crisis)
  • Bigger ammo stacks. Ammo can stack 10 times higher (eg 60 to 600 bullets in a stack)


Extensive and documented configuration for every feature is available in config.json5.

EVERYTHING can be turned off if needed.

Also you can check ./src/assets/fleamarket.ts file to configure fleamarket categories and items to your needs.


Unpack the archive to root SPT folder so you have %SPT_FOLDER%/user/mods/odt-softcore/ structure, done.





Awesome SPT - A personal collection/modlist/catalogue for (subjectively) best SPT mods.


  • Version 3.2.1

    - Circulate quest 250 -> 50 items

    - Colleagues 3 quest - Lab cards are not FIR required

    - Whitelist item adjustments

    - Production adjustments

    - Fix for the bosses spawning with a hidden container full of huge ammo stacks and being overweighted.

  • Version 3.2.0


    • New feature: allow 1x1 cases (DOGTAG_CASE, INJECTOR_CASE, KEY_TOOL, KEYCARD_HOLDER_CASE, SIMPLE_WALLET, WZ_WALLET) in special slots. Disabled by default.
    • Allow buying contraband case key on flea (it's expensive!)
    • New Quest Changes: 5 times lower requirements for Drip-Out quests (only 20 kills and 10 items in total).
    • Fix for Price Rebalance.


    Check out my Awesome SPT - a personal collection/modlist/catalogue for (subjectively) best SPT mods.

  • Version 3.1.1

    • Fix for SICC case
    • Weapon cases massive buff
    • Bigger currency stacks
  • Version 3.1.0


    • New feature: Faster Cultist Circle
    • Instant insurance returns if configured
    • SignalPistolInSpecialSlots Unheard fix
    • Potential fix for BiggerLimits
    • Block Kappa from Circle rewards


    Check out my Awesome SPT - a personal collection/modlist/catalogue for (subjectively) best SPT mods.

  • Version 3.0.3

    - Insurance fix

  • Version 3.0.2

    - Fix for custom traders

    - Try Ketchum update (if any error happens, Softcore would not crash the server, but continue working safely. Just send bug reports anyway.)

  • Version 3.0.1

    fix for cultist circle code

  • Version 3.0.0

    Update for 3.10, enjoy.

  • Version 2.2.2

    • Unheard profile compatibility
  • Version 2.2.1

    - fix insurance

    - fix new dogtags in flea

    - blacklist new quest items from scav case

  • Is there a way to add items into the flea market whitelist? I'm currently trying to get Locked cases, but I think enabling them in the server database file isn't working on account of them not being enabled through this mod.

  • I would also like to be able to edit the stash upgrade cost multiplier (same as the person below me). I attempted to look for the values themselves outside of the config but couldn't find which file they are located in. Great mod btw, thanks!

    • I'll add it in next release, but for now you can mod it at /odt-softcore/src/changers/StashOptionsChanger.ts file, just look for doLessCurrencyForConstruction function, and modify currencyRequirement.count /= 10 line.

      Heart 1
  • Any chance you would consider a multiplier setting for the stash upgrade cost? Would like to make it cheaper but perhaps not 10x cheaper.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • I'll add it in next release, but for now you can mod it at /odt-softcore/src/changers/StashOptionsChanger.ts file, just look for doLessCurrencyForConstruction function, and modify currencyRequirement.count /= 10 line.

    • Amazing, thanks!

    • By the way this mod is so good, thanks for making it. It synergises well with other similar server mods (SVM, TMS etc.), it's great to be able to dial everything in.

      Heart 1
  • Thank you for the update! Thx

    Heart 1
  • Hi, just jumping back in for 3.10 - are the Realism config-changes no longer relevant when using both mods together? Since they are not inside the description anymore.

    • Those are the options for default Softcore compatibility with Realism.


      Heart 1
  • Hey ODT!~ I got a very interesting idea.

    So i disabled your "Bigger case spaces" Option because i think there is a better way it can be done (And I did it to some extent regretfully with SVM)

    I changed the progression of the containers starting with waist pouch 2x2 ----> kappa 4x4 BUT i did this because i assume that the "Developer container" and "Unheard container" are obtainable in game so as to add to more milestones and content to reach throughout progression.

    IF they are not acquirable, could you give them some thought into adding these 2 through the journey of gameplay? and maybe balance the containers around these new added additions. (Example: I reduced the size of kappa due to removing filters of them with other mods, hence can store alot more containers in here)

    P.S: I use "Not SO secure Container" Mod as another MVP Game changer for balancing! Its sooooo good honestly.

    Also, i did disable barter0like flee changes as i run path to tarkov + Custom traders and it works WONDERS in terms of flavour to softcore. If the flee was too "Simple" so to speak it would not feel important with the lack of immediate traders.

    Thanks ODT for the mod regardless, will continue to daily drive it! You're amazing!!

  • I really like this mod :P .

    Are there any recommended settings for SVM, that would be great together with this mod ?.

    • yeah - delete SVM.

      Happy 1
  • Hi, I know I asked about this already and you already explained to me that it's a SPT issue, but is there any setting in Softcore's config to reduce or disable this error from happening?

    The error takes place when weapon or equipment presets are used that include parts you cannot buy.

    • No. Just try to use presets only with items you can actually buy.

  • What are the prerequisites to start Collector?

    I've made a nice test user lvl 69 but Fence is not offering the quest.

    It's a fresh account with no quests completed.

    • level 10, got naturally. test profile won't work

  • Hi. I think I have come across a conflict between Softcore v3.2.0 and SAIN v3.2.1.

    Ive noticed that Killa and Big Pipe are in a constant state of having no stamina or something of the likes. They both walk very slow like they are overweight, and are breathing heavy.

    After I noticed this I decided to test every boss, only on the map they can spawn on by default, and these are the only 2 that have this issue.

    I did a fresh install of SPT 3.10.5 and it seems that when SAINv3.2.1 (and its dependencies) are installed with Softcore v3.2.0 this issue occurs. When either SAIN or Softcore are installed without the other, the bosses behave correctly.

    • lol, that's a fun one. I'm 99% sure it is because of ammo stacks increase. The bosses will spawn with a hidden container full of huge ammo stacks and get overweighted. Will propably do an optional janky fix to divide ammo weght by stack multiplier.

      Thinking 1
    • This is 100% the issue. Ive disabled the increased ammo stacking, and all works fine again. Looking forward to a fix!

    • Long story short;

      I was asking around in the SPT Discord about fixing this myself and this solution was proposed -


      If the mod is changing the stack size, they just need to change the botconfig value for number of stacks

      It's because it's doing 20 stacks, so if the max stack is now like 500.. that's 20x500 rounds

      So the stack count should be adjusted accordingly in the bot config

      Message in SPT Discord

      From my basic understanding, seems that the easiest (lol) fix is just to adjust the line "secureContainerAmmoStackCount": 20, in the botconfig.json to allow an appropriate number of stacks of ammo, which is multiplied by 10x by default with the mod, that gives the bots enough ammo, but doesnt make them overweight like Killa and Big Pipe become with the increased ammo stack being enabled.

      Thank you for the wonderful mod!

      Heart 1
    • For now I am just going to set "secureContainerAmmoStackCount": 2 in botconfig.json to give the bots the same amount of ammo in their hidden container as if the ammo stack portion of Softcore was disabled, since we are multiplying by 10x.

      "secureContainerAmmoStackCount": 20 * 60(default stack of m855) = 1200 rounds

      "secureContainerAmmoStackCount": 2 * 600(10x default stack size) = 1200 rounds

      if I notice anything else, I'll be back here typing it in the comments again lol.

      ps. AcidPhantasm said he will be adding a config option for for "secureContainerAmmoStackCount" in APBS for 3.11


  • Does the mod conflict with "Hardcore Rules"?

    Then I buy items, the first and sometimes second item I buy will instantly vanish out of existence. I loose my barter item but get nothing in reverse. No failure text in server log.

    • yes, they obviously conflict by default. you will have to carefully examine each option in each mod and disable some to shape the experience you want.

    • Thanks for the quick answer. Will check the configs ;)

  • Random bit of feedback:

    I think it would be much cooler and more interesting if you could get the secure containers from quest lines (either pre-existing ones or new ones) instead of crafting all of them. It can be either all of them from quests, a mix of quests and crafting or maybe even most/all of them available as either a craft OR a quest. Either way i think quest rewards are more satisfying and interesting than a craft. They are also a tad overpowered imo with their sizes but that's just a me thing, i like starting with a tight 2x2 that forces hard choices and then working my way up from there (and i'm doing just that thanks to SVM)

    Other than that i do love the mod, great job!

    • there is a specific option in softcore config that disables buffed sizes, no need for SVM.

    • Yeah i disabled it and then used SVM to change it up a bit otherwise the Alpha would be the exact same as the starting pouch. I ended up going for:

      2x2 (pouch) > 2x3 (alpha) > 4x2 (beta) > 3x3 (epsilon) > 5x2 (gamma) > 3x4 (kappa)

      Worth mentioning that i'm also using the WTT pack 'n' strap mod that adds stuff like ammo pouch or medical pouch so slots in safe container are more powerful than they would be otherwise. I nerfed those containers a lot though because they were busted af and super easy to get. And i don't use the belts from that mod at all since they are just another free safe container that is cheap and easy to get, also very busted

  • In the config file what is the unit for insurance return times? I feel like having it instant is a bit much and i would want to set it to just one hour or two, is the min/max value in seconds, minutes or hours?

    EDIT: trying to set it as a decimal value made me discover that it's apparently in hours due to the error message it shows

  • I think the sellingOnFlea check is maybe reversed: the default setting is false, but the mod only sets the sell chances to 0 if sellingOnFlea resolves to true:…ChangesChanger.ts#L29-L30End result is selling on flea is enabled instead, even though the config is set to false.

  • this occurred and it reset the container sizing, deleting the contents

    • This is a configuration file issue. Delete the Softcore mod folder and install from scratch.

    • works, idk why it got deaded though cause i haven't touched the config since initial install

  • Awesome work with this man. I was using the fair and balanced preset with SVM before, but this just makes everything more streamlined. Cheers

    Heart 1
  • Is this error related to the mod?

    • yes, it is encountered when weapon or equipment presets are used that include parts you cannot buy. but nothing I can do, it's SPT server issue

    • Ah I see, thanks for the explaination!

  • i wonder if you can add the scav junk box to the hideout changes

    i would like to increase its size

    love the mod i am over here picking up everthing to barter with lol

  • Some really cool features in this mod, I appreciate the modularity. Would you mind telling me what the SICC case buffs are specifically? I already have the size changed in SVM so I'm wondering if there is overlap.

    • It now allows more item types by making it inherit Docs case filters + Keytool.

    • Great, thanks!

  • Hmm... with a fresh SPT install and a bunch of mods installed along-side Softcore, I'm seeing quite a few Armor and Weapons being sold by Traders for money. Thinking maybe there was another mod interfering with Softcore, I did a fresh SPT install with ONLY Softcore installed and am seeing the same thing. That being the case, am I correct in my understanding that the pacifistFleaMarket & barterEconomy configs only apply to the simulated player flea sales and not the traders? I was under the impression that the trader sales would also convert to barters?

  • hey brother two bugs I've found is that flea market items such as armors and firearms are set to extremely low prices but everything's else i can modify int he config files, along with being able to sell things on the flea market other then that I've found no other bugs as of the moment

    • > flea market items such as armors and firearms

      You cannot buy armor and firearms in Softcore, some other mod interfering, and you cannot sell items on the flea by default.

  • I can't put keytool, keycard holder case, or info items into the sicc case. It's enabled in the config btw.

  • Hi I don't understand what is meant by the phrase CONFIG UPDATE NEEDED, is it necessary to have a new archive or is it enough to overwrite the old one?

    • Just overwrite old one and and configure from scratch

  • Will there be more updates to this mod? Or is it considered finished in the current state? Thank yoU!

    • New update posted. I consider it stable.

  • Flea market seems to break if you have changed biggerLimits multiplier to 1.5. Just popups "Error 0" on majority of items and lists are empty.

    • Can confirm I also run into "Error 0" occasionally, do not know what the cause is tho

    • Just checked my config, I set BiggerLimit to 2.0, but most of the time it still works normally, only occasionally when the Error 0 occurs. Very random

    • Tried to fix it in new update, check it out.

    • Seems to be fixed now :thumbup:

  • Thank you ODT for keeping this mod alive, I don't play without it!

    Heart 1
  • When inspecting it says the Alpha container (crafted in the workbench) is 2x2 which is the same as the waist pouch I start with. Is that a bug or does the UI not detect the extra slots? Seems odd if the Alpha isn't actually bigger than the starting pouch.

    • UI issue, use Item Info for proper information

    • The Alpha container available at Peacekeeper lvl 2 is also 2x2 when using the 'open' option in the trade window. Is this a bug on my end then? I disabled the bigger storage container option which was enabled by default because I felt starting with a 2x3 was a bit OP. So in my game the starter pouch is the default 2x2 and the Alpha is also a 2x2 (unless for some reason the one crafted in at the workbench has more slots). Is the Alpha container just meant to be useless apart from as a crafting material for the Beta container?

    • If you disabled secureContainersOptions.biggerContainers then Alpha is indeed will be 2x2.

    • I thought the bigger container option was for extra large containers, since the starting pouch is meant to be 2x2 by default, I assumed the Alpha would be 2x3, then the Beta would be 2x4 or 3x3 and so on because that makes sense. The mod description also says the idea is to start out with the 2x2 pouch and upgrade from there. But the Alpha isn't an upgrade and I have to get 2 of them to get an actual upgrade, basically skipping a tier. So is the intended way to play to enable the larger containers?

    • I also tried Item Info but none of the price info is accurate

  • Hey, I really dig the idea. How do custom traders like Artem and Painter fit into your economy mod?
    Are they too OP, with your mod out-of-box? :)

    • Havent tested the Painter, but Artem will sell OP ammo

    • Painter is also very OP.

    • Thank you, I came to the same conclusion <3
      Looking forwards to playing with this mod. It kida reminds me of Requiem from Skyrim in how you need to rethink your approach to the game.

      I've started a zero to hero run. Here goes nothing haha.

    • Softcore+Realism is kinda Requiem for SPT :)

      zero to hero is The Way, GL

  • Don't know if doing some wrong, but using the barter in flea to buy something it wont let me "handover" the item. Its greyed out even though the item is selected.

    *solved I think: you have to restart your client after hitting level 5"

  • Hey, thanks for the mod! I'm not entirely sure, but should it be that almost the entire assortment of traders has not been researched?

    • yep, it's in config - unexaminedItemsAreBack

      Heart 1
    • Oh, thanks, because I started to think that I have a mods mismatch or something like that