Game suddenly stutters after 5 days of being normal, can someone please help me understand what is goin on?

  • Server version
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    List of used mods
    WeatherPatcher 2.0.2

    I installed everything, set the Lua spawn rework to give me just a few insta waves at the beginning of the raid.

    I monitored it all with botmon and this resulted in a total of 8-15 bots per raid, no further spawn waves.

    I had stable FPS never going under 30fps.

    Managed to play like this for exactly 5 days, then the stutters appeared out of nowhere the next day. There are pretty severe, make the game unplayable. I have changed nothing, no options, no new mods. Yet the game now stutters like crazy, even with zero bots active.

    I can’t figure out what causes it. I tried other maps, no mods, new profiles, clearing cache, registry and all the options in the launcher.

    I copied the Tarkov files again, reinstalled everything, still stutters like crazy. Botmon shows the same number of bots as ever.

    Does something get written somewhere and then slows down the game somehow?

    The mysterious thing is the fact that it was perfectly playable for some days and now suddenly isn’t.

    Can someone help me? Any ideas what might be causing this? ;(

  • Try running an antivirus scan, you could have picked up a crypto mining Trojan that’s hogging up your resources

    Also see if it might be due to CPU underutilization, tarkov uses only one core so it should be around 30-40% utilization

    Edited once, last by Kobrakon ().

  • One thing i would also suggest doing is turning off vsync in your nvidia settings (if you have them) as it was making mine run like ass after a certain amount of time.

  • Hey guys, after trying a bunch of stuff I had my friend bring over his RAM to check if that was the issue.

    After some testing, I bought some exrta RAM and now it runs very smoothly. It seems that was the issue!

    Altho, it is weird how the game run well enought the first 5 days...Anyway, I'm glad I can play it properly now! Thank you for all the help ^^ :)

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