SPT Realism Mod

  • Hello,

    I have a problem with fleamarket. I started the game again and fleamarket is not locked even though I have the tiered flea option checked.

    I only have mods from your recommended list except travel mod.

    The log shows the info "Realism mod: Fleamarket Locked At Tier 0"

    sp-tarkov installed by the spt-aki installer. All mod versions updated to latest

    EDIT: nevermind, it's working now. Reinstalled everything

    Edited once, last by ghost94 ().

  • Hi there!
    I noticed that after disabling the Realistic Ballisctics option, the bot generator still uses the updated values for armors on NPCs.
    Anything I can tweak in the files locally to avoid this from happening?

  • Something I've been curious about, apologies if it's answered somewhere already but I couldn't find mention of it after looking around: do health-related changes like decreased reload speed and recoil also apply to the bots when they're injured?

  • Unsure if it's been reported once before or I am having some strange issue but when the "enable sprint aim penalties" option is disabled I get a ton of weapon sway regardless of my character state (standing ,crouching, prone) and weapons stats have no effect. I tried adjusting the weapon sway intensity to counter act this and this also seemed to have no effect so I thought I would bring this up in the event that this is a bug or a weird interaction of some kind

    I did some testing of my own trying to figure out if there was some weird mod confliction going on and was unable to find anything. I put the mod by itself in a fresh install and tested the setting and got the same results if this helps at all.

  • I had my MP9 jam/misfire at 99.3% durability. Isn't that supposed to happen at 98% and lower?

    The real issue was when I went to clear it, it wouldn't do anything. I tried switching to my other weapon but that wouldn't work either. While I was sprinting, my MP9 had frozen in my hands shortly before I had died. It felt like I was hand-bugged in DayZ.
    Is this Tarkov's issue or has this mod's malfunction changes caused this?

  • I discovered a small bug with stances.

    If you are in a stance, say Low Ready for example, and you ADS, you will still be in that same stance when coming out of ADS. I assume that is intended behavior.

    However, if while in ADS you press your Active Aim key, when you come out of ADS you will be in the default point fire position instead of the stance you were previously in.

  • Hey Fontaine, i have a question for u, I use some SamSwat scopes mod and I tried to make a quick patch to make them compatible with ur mod.

    I made it like this:

    My problem is, In game I only see accuracy value ( Top is mod, bottom is used as reference.)

    Do u now if I did something wrong ?
    Thanks for ur time.

  • I discovered a small bug with stances.

    If you are in a stance, say Low Ready for example, and you ADS, you will still be in that same stance when coming out of ADS. I assume that is intended behavior.

    However, if while in ADS you press your Active Aim key, when you come out of ADS you will be in the default point fire position instead of the stance you were previously in.

    For me, I came back to a random stance after active aiming, I try to delete RealismMod.cfg, and search in F12 menu, but find nothing, I wish I can came back to the previous stance if it's possiblle.

    Edit: My problem with a keybinding conflict:
    I used C to active aiming and Mouse3+C for cycle stance, but the conbination don't be working. So every time I use to active aim, I activation the cycle stance in the same time.

    But I have the same problem as U.

  • Something I've been curious about, apologies if it's answered somewhere already but I couldn't find mention of it after looking around: do health-related changes like decreased reload speed and recoil also apply to the bots when they're injured?


    I discovered a small bug with stances.

    If you are in a stance, say Low Ready for example, and you ADS, you will still be in that same stance when coming out of ADS. I assume that is intended behavior.

    However, if while in ADS you press your Active Aim key, when you come out of ADS you will be in the default point fire position instead of the stance you were previously in.


  • I expect no one is really gonna be wanting this but is it possible to get a low threat stance with the weapon across the front with a double press of the low ready? Would work kind of like the short stocking to increase stamina recouperation and just add a little more role playability.

  • I expect no one is really gonna be wanting this but is it possible to get a low threat stance with the weapon across the front with a double press of the low ready? Would work kind of like the short stocking to increase stamina recouperation and just add a little more role playability.

    I could possibly do that in a future version, I already make bots do it. Only issue is having yet more keybinds.

    Is it possible to config low ready stance as default stance ? If yes, how can I do it ?

    There isn't a config option for that, would be too messy to implement

    I have an issue with Ultra 5 silencer stats. I tried On M4, and Mk16, and it's the same.

    fr.imgbb.com Ultra 5 stats

    fr.imgbb.com Without Ultra 5

    fr.imgbb.com With Ultra 5

    What's the problem?

  • Without the Ultra 5 The weapon is 39.1 vertical recoil and 107.9 horizontal recoil and with it 37.9 horizontal and 140.7 vertical. But the Ultra 5 stats say -2.5% horizontal recoil

  • I could possibly do that in a future version, I already make bots do it. Only issue is having yet more keybinds.

    No problems. If you do it great and thanks. I personally have no issue with keybinds as I use hypershift, but I understand not everyone does and I wouldnt expect you to work just for me. If enough people want it then awesome but if it aint requested its up to you mate. Cheers anyrate.

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