Kobrakon added a new file:
Quotedoes what the title says, unsnaps the player camera and keeps the body visible so you can use it for photos or videos
now with freecam controls and timescale manipulation
Kobrakon added a new file:
Quotedoes what the title says, unsnaps the player camera and keeps the body visible so you can use it for photos or videos
now with freecam controls and timescale manipulation
Kobrakon added a new version:
QuoteAdded Freecam Controls
Use arrow keys to move, space to move up, and left ctrl to move down, also added a bindable control with a base key of the equals key to slave the camera viewport to your mouse so you can look around.
Kobrakon added a new version:
Quoteadded the ability to change the game timescale while using the cam and set the movement keys to what you want using the BepInEx config
so now yall can take some slow mo stuff or freeze frame
Kobrakon added a new version:
QuoteDisplay Morefat update this time
Added memory recalling: you can save the camera's position into memory by pressing the given keybind, and then move the camera to that position at will with another keybind (press F12 to check and set keybindings)
Added the ability to move the player to the camera position (when teleporting the player to the camera, you will automatically be immune to fall damage until you touch the ground again)
Added the ability to lock player movement while in camera mode via keybind
Added the option to make your character immune while in camera mode
Added the option to toggle the UI
Kobrakon added a new version:
QuoteDisplay MoreUpdated for 3.4.0
Camera Rotation added
Camera Memory position list added
Camera Session Override added
Camera FOV manipulation added
Cleaned up some code
Better utilized properties
Switched to utilizing UnityEngine.InputLegacyModule for more accurate and response input reading
Implemented better exception handling, as well as implementing a system to alert the player of issues
Kobrakon added a new version:
QuoteAdded the ability to record camera paths, which works by recording the cameras angles and position each frame and from there you play it to have the camera follow the recorded path. You can also resume recordings after stopping them to append a new stream onto the recording, like a jump cut.
Hi, I have taken a test with your mod on the most recent alpha build of 22032, and whenever I try to adjust the settings in F12 or toggle camera unsnap, the game dose not respond and the error message below just keeps spam in the console. I have never seen this situation in alpha builds before 22032, and Terkoiz's Freecam mod also encounters the same bug in the same build, maybe BSG has permanently removed something from the game. I hope this message can help you if you'd like to update this mod beforehand.
[Exception] : TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 01000043 (from typeref, class/assembly GClass2092`1, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
Class310:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
no I only update for latest stable
Camera will unsnap if I press C by itself, doesn't seem to require holding ctrl and pressing C for it to unsnap. Tried changing it to other hot keys and other binds, etc, no change. Pressing C will unsnap regardless.
Just installed SPT from scratch and downloaded the lastest cam unsnap version. It shows on F12 menu but it's not working. Tried to change the keybinds and nothing. Any solution guys?
Please fix this mod for version 3.3.7. (Same issues as the people above said.)
Due to the fact that this mod does not work, I can not create my content on tarkov.
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