• Official Post

    this was the same issue as a support thread, sitting in and watching the installer work via screen share, they both worked so i have to assume there might have been something wrong with downloading the patcher or something

    • Official Post

    In a raid right now, and it doesn't show me exfils. Is this normal?

    sometimes this does happen, its a Offline EFT bug, it will involve you alt-f4'ing the game, it will reset to the point as if that raid never happened

  • sometimes this does happen, its a Offline EFT bug, it will involve you alt-f4'ing the game, it will reset to the point as if that raid never happened

    Are the SPT devs aware of this bug? I tried with no mods installed and it still happened, never had this problem in 2.3.1.


    • Official Post

    Are the SPT devs aware of this bug? I tried with no mods installed and it still happened, never had this problem in 2.3.1.

    we are aware of it happening sometimes, is this happening constantly? and the bug has been in SPT for a long ass time now because its an offline EFT BSG issue

  • we are aware of it happening sometimes, is this happening constantly? and the bug has been in SPT for a long ass time now because its an offline EFT BSG issue

    Oh I'm sorry I just saw that you are a moderator I need a new monitor lol. It doesn't happen all the time but it seems to happen sporadically and at random times. Also the raid times are very inconsistent I made a thread earlier today talking about this, sometimes my raids have 30-35 minutes left with or without extracts available so I have to ALT+F4.


  • Today is the first time I've tried to use this installer. Everything seemed to go ok - I got to the end and hit enter to close the installer.

    However, when I attempt to launch I get an error that says the expected version couldn't be found. It directs to use the patch. But, the installer downloaded and installed the downgrade patch. I think. Or maybe I'm crazy?

    Any solutions, advice, or workarounds?


  • Best thing I can say is do the installation right from the beginning but use the Patcher first then delete the Patcher, after it has completed patching the game then add the SPT and it should work from there.

    DM if you still need help with installation, I hope this helps.


  • Oh I'm sorry yeah I just read your previous comment and noticed you said the installer, I personally haven't used the launcher as I prefer doing the installation method the way I have done since I started using SPT a long time ago, I just find it easier to do. If you prefer to use the installer rather than manually like I do I'm sure the mod author or someone else can help you more than I can.


    • Official Post

    when the installer runs, does the installer start the patcher mid way?

  • I can run it again if you need the exact words.

    But it says checking for zips, no zips found, downloading zips.

    then copying game files followed by extracting patcher and last extracting AKI.

    Everything runs the way I'd expect it to. Very smooth. First run of server is all good, no errors. Then the launcher - it says expected version not found.

    Live is at 18772.

    No mods or anything. It was a clean install as I removed the previous version before starting this.

    • Official Post

    then copying game files followed by extracting patcher and last extracting AKI.

    does it start a new window? after extracting the patcher.

    should look like this:

    • Official Post

    I don't get that pop up in the bottom right. Everything else is the same, in cmd window.

    I get progress bar with percentage in the cmd window, tho.

    ok so the patcher isn't starting, which would cause the version mismatch, do you have an antivirus? can you try disabling that whilst running this? maybe it's blocking the installer from starting a process.

  • It doesn't work. But, it's probably user error. Both us of play. My laptop just finished and it's perfect and I'm tracking down mods. My hubby's desktop still gets the version error.

    So I'm going to wipe everything out on his computer and go back to the very beginning.

    Also, on my laptop - I didn't get the popup either. But the patcher still ran and worked just as it should.

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