- Server version
- Game client version
- Client log file
- codepaste.sp-tarkov.com/?17bd5…87g3cfTgr3RJay54Vgg7vioJb
- BepInEx log file
- codepaste.sp-tarkov.com/?f581a…sUk6ZgmxFchuwXQE4YNYhV4Ud
- Server log file
- codepaste.sp-tarkov.com/?d2ad0…R4LVQA9ZX56CjeG9Rmh68xgZi
- Have you read the FAQ?
- Yes
- Where did you download your game from?
- Battlestate games
- List of used mods
- ServerValueModifier (removed after problem started)
When i try trading with a trader it starts loading for 5 minutes, gives an error and throws me back to main menu.
when i sell it does the same but takes my item without giving me the money for it.