Amands's Hitmarker

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    NEW! Updated for SPT-AKI 3.2.2

    1.1.0 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.

  • Amands2Mello added a new version:

  • Amands2Mello added a new version:

  • Amands2Mello added a new version:

  • Amands2Mello added a new version:

  • Amands2Mello added a new version:

  • Amands2Mello added a new version:

  • Amands2Mello added a new version:

  • Amands2Mello added a new version:

  • Amands2Mello added a new version:

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  • Amands2Mello added a new version:

  • Love this mod, but I have a weird issue that perhaps is caused by a bug so I'll report it, just in case.

    I'm running SPT 3.7.1 and Hitmarker 2.5.4 (with default settings), as well as a number of other mods. SAIN, swagnuts, but nothing that I would think interferes with Hitmarker.

    I had an encounter with a scav, where I could visually see and hear (from Hitmarker) 6 separate hits. There was only a damage popup for a single one of those hits though. I was honestly surprised to see the scav eat 6 rounds without dying as well, so I'm wondering if the visual + sound hits that didn't spawn an actual hitmarker graphic, were actually not really hits?

    I was hitting the scav with .300 blackout AP + .300 blackout CBJ (easily pens up to and including class 5) and he appears to be wearing the BNTI Zhuk-3 armor (class 3), so every hit should have ripped right through. I'm not running any ammo or armor-mods like Realism or anything like that.

    Either way, the mismatch between hit-sounds and hitmarkers is what I think might be the bug, that doesn't seem normal.

    Here's a video of the encounter

  • the hitmarker and damage numbers are appearing, they are just hard to see due to being too small and also offset.


    this weird offset is not intended, did you change resolutions mid raid or enabled/disabled DLSS/FSR2 mid raid?

    the size you can increase on F12's menu as they are for 1080p and looks a small on 1440p+

  • Hmm, you're right, I was only able to spot the first hitmarker, the others I didn't see, even when replaying at 0.25 speed. Thanks for pointing that out.

    No, I haven't changed the resolution or any graphical settings in that raid (or in that Tarky session at all), and I haven't messed with the offsets either.

    I'll scale things up so I can see them more easily and see if I can fix the offset too, thanks for the help!

  • Amands2Mello added a new version:

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