AI Passiveness vs Player Scav

  • Server version
    3.3.0 Hotfix 5
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    Client log file…De1KGtBm1zJuWRssF9U6gzZ64
    BepInEx log file…LLdN2bMbpbYToUefRQKuJi2cT
    Server log file…JW9BkntndJ1ydpres3kVwojPB
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    List of used mods
    Amand's Graphics
    Amand's Hitmarker
    CWX Desharpener
    Faupi Hideout Architect
    Fenix No AI ESP
    Kobrakon Adrenaline
    Kobrakon Immersive Raids
    SPT Realism Mod
    Tarky Menu
    Visceral Ragdolls

    AGOG4Life Optic Rework
    Extended Stock Slots
    Fin Autobalance Levels
    Fin Eerie Silence
    Hideout Architect
    Kiki All The Boss
    Kiki Degredation Remover
    Lua Custom Spawn Points
    RaiRai All The Clothes
    Revingly Lock Picking Attorney
    SamSWAT HeliCrash
    SPT Realism
    RaiRai AmmoStats

    Edit: Wait, shit, SPT Realism does change PMC behavior. Aughghgh, I'll test again tomorrow on a clean install.

    Okay, lots of mods (I apologize), but none of them should affect AI behavior.

    SPT Realism's bot difficulty adjustments were disabled for testing.

    Tests were conducted to see what's causing certain bots to be passive towards player scavs.

    These were performed on Factory (Day). Teleporting either BEARs or USECs to player position separately so they don't fight each other.
    I waited until the bot stopped waypointing and appeared to either look at me or open fire on me.

    Kept going until no more bots spawned for 7~8 minutes.

    Results (3 Tests):
    (Bots above dotted line were the first group of spawns, before the first server call of:

    [Info :RequestHandler] Request GET json: fe6ecd274ac1425a8c882366:…ngs/bot/getBotBehaviours/

    Test #1 BepinEx:
    Test #1 Server:
    Test #2 BepinEx:
    Test #2 Server:
    Test #3 BepinEx:
    Test #3 Server:

    It seems like only the first bot of each faction is passive against player scavs, but my tests were limited and I'm getting sweepy.
    Nonaggressive bots will still track me with their gun, but they seem to point at a location at or below my feet.
    They do not retaliate even upon being damaged by me, but the rest of their behavior seems normal (taking cover upon fire).

    Edited 3 times, last by AethylliA ().

  • Good morning.

    I ran some more tests on a fresh SPT install.

    Two mods were used: Tarky Menu (for Godmode) and SVM (to convert 100% of scavs to PMCs and for 100% same faction hostility chance). Despite what logs may indicate, these were the only settings enabled. Everything else was disabled.


    (Double-line separates the spawns generated before the first function call of getBotBehaviors.)


    [BepinEx] Test #1: CodePaste
    [Server] Test #1: CodePaste

    [BepinEx] Test #2: CodePaste
    [Server] Test #2: CodePaste
    [BepinEx] Test #3: CodePaste

    [Server] Test #3: CodePaste

    The 2nd test's results were interesting because one of the bots that were part of the first spawn group (spawned with the other non-aggro Bear) behaved properly.
    I did hear a shot pop off before I teleported them to me, though.

    So, I conducted a fourth test where I teleported the first spawn groups of both BEARs and USECs together. During and after the firefight between the two groups, ALL bots that actually shot their gun were properly aggressive towards me. The one exception was a single bot who ran away to heal and never fired their weapon, who remained passive (same behavior as usual, aiming at a spot below my feet and not firing, but still tracking me).

  • kikirio

    Closed the thread.
  • kikirio

    Set the Label from In progress to Solved

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