Game gets stuck on startup, endless splash art.

  • Server version
    Game client version
    Client log file…uBj9YSnvtdBLjN2CKRrrEur1z
    BepInEx log file…pxAis28BuSfWHxXBvdF5KwucE
    Server log file…U6MowJ2czSCFv8PpP1PET5xuo
    Have you read the FAQ?
    Where did you download your game from?
    I have the original copy from EscapeFromTarkov website
    List of used mods
    No mods, fresh install


    I recently came back to SP Tarkov after a long break. I've been playing it on and off for the past 2 or so years now. I've downloaded it 4 times before. I've only done manual downloads before this since the installer didn't even exist anyway. I did a manual download yesterday, and the game got stuck on the starting splash art. I copied the game to a folder, downloaded the patcher and then downloaded the SPTAKI, and it still got stuck. Today, I deleted the manual download, thinking I might've done something wrong and downloaded the auto-installer on a new folder. The same thing happened again, got stuck on an infinite loading screen. Skimmed through the forum to find answers, and saw a thread where someone suggested pressing F12 a couple of times to see if it helps, and that also didn't help.

    I have quite a beefy PC as well so I don't think performance is a problem, if it has any effect on it. I have an i7-11800H along with RTX 3070 and 32 gigs of ram.

    One thing I have noticed when looking through the FAQ was that on the FAQ page under game issues, looking inside the "Endless loading / Stuck on splash screen / Game crash to desktop" section, on the 4th point it's telling me to whitelist module.dll file, but inside the Aki_Data folder I have, I only have Server and Launcher folders, I don't have Modules folder. I'm unsure whether that is intentional or not or if the Aki_Data folder is the one I'm supposed to be looking at. It's in the same folder as the server and the launcher, so it's in the main folder.

    I'm quite sure that on the FAQ page, step 1 is completed correctly as I've done the manual download multiple times before. I'm also quite sure that 2 wouldn't be a problem since I never managed to open the game correctly anyway. Step 3 wouldn't be a problem as I use C# and C++ for my university as well, so I always have multiple versions of .NET and its framework installed. Lastly, I have tried step 5 as well when deleting the manual download anyway, so I don't think reinstalling would change anything really. Of course, if there are no other options, however, reinstalling tarkov would be the last resort.

    I don't think it would be my antivirus since I've been using the same antivirus, BitDefender, for a very long time now and it has never caused any issues before, especially when playing SPT.

    Thanks for the help.

    • Official Post

    Hello. The FAQ is a bit outdated, so don't worry about not finding any module.dll file.

    The errors in your logs are strange and not something we've seen before. It's possible that your Live game files could be corrupt in some way that's not immediately apparent, so before we try to delve any deeper, could you please try uninstalling and freshly reinstalling Live EFT and trying to install SPT on the fresh copy? Thank you.

    • Official Post

    Does the SPT-AKI launcher complain about mismatched hashes at all?

    If the files are intact, then maybe it's some external factor that's messing with the patching sequence? You say BitDefender never caused issues before, but for the last ~7 months we've moved to a different method of hooking and patching into the client (moved to BepInEx). Maybe try running the game with antivirus disabled?

    I suspect there's an issue with the plugin load process, but it's unclear exactly what it is. If the game still doesn't start with antivirus disabled, I will try preparing some custom clientside plugin files with extra logging to try and maybe log potentially hidden errors.

  • Honestly at this point its more about helping you guys fix the problem rather than me being able to play the game, so that's fine.

    Let me know if there is anything else I can try to fix it, or any other logs I might be able to provide.

  • Honestly at this point its more about helping you guys fix the problem rather than me being able to play the game, so that's fine.

    Let me know if there is anything else I can try to fix it, or any other logs I might be able to provide.

    Can you check and see if any of your EFT-related paths or filenames (AKI directory, game directory, assemblies directory) have any non-alphanumeric characters in them? ie. anything that isn't a-z, A-Z, or 0-9.

    I've encountered the "Illegal byte sequence" error before and it usually has to do with the input bytestream containing non-ASCII characters. This often appears in method calls that read from the filesystem (which, from my perspective, "get_code_base" would indeed do).

  • Honestly, that's kind of incredible. The word desktop, in my language, contains a non-ASCII character, so I decided to move the game from my desktop to my C disk entirely and, well, the game runs just fine now. I guess we could close this thread as the issue has been solved but that might be another thing to look into if anyone else gets a similar error now.

  • kikirio

    Selected a post as the best answer.
  • kikirio

    Closed the thread.
  • kikirio

    Set the Label from In progress to Solved

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