Internet not available when running server

  • When I run my server, it puts out this line

    1. [39e64a16b2f19fc05455022e][] /client/notifier/channel/create

    and it does it hundreds of times.

    This is essentially DDoSing my PC and I cannot access the internet while the server is doing this. The server started doing this back in A.12. When I upgraded to B3, it stopped happening. Last night when I upgraded to B5 it started doing it again. I then switched back to B3 and it still is happening after reinstalling B3 twice. My server logs show that it happens whether I am running mods or not. Any help is appreciated, please don't yell at me. :notlikethis:

  • This is your issue

    There are a couple of active threads on this. The solution should be as follows (from FEI)

    It is possible that does not work however.
    If you could delete your logs, try the above fix, check them to see if the message above is still being spammed and then report back.
    That would be great :)

  • I tried the fix and the server is still causing the issue.

    Edit: I have noticed that it only does this while I'm at the main menu, when I actually need to use the internet (wiki).
    Edit 2: After wiping and starting a new profile, the "error" still occurs

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