Better Spawns Plus

  • All bot difficulty is written within the presets and can be edited. I've always left my in-game difficulty set to "as in online". I don't think changing the in-game option will change the bot difficulty though. My latest update rebalanced the difficulty of the bots making normal bots much more common with the exception of a few easy bots and a rare chance of a hard bot.

  • Hi,

    Just installed your mod on 3.5.3. Only Mod I have installed so far and I did not change any of your default settings. I have done 5 raids on customs and have had Rashala twice at dorms, sanitar once at dorms and Shturman once as old gas. The only raid I did not see a boss I did not go to old gas or dorms. Is it a crazy coincidence or is something wrong?


  • Hi,

    Just installed your mod on 3.5.3. Only Mod I have installed so far and I did not change any of your default settings. I have done 5 raids on customs and have had Rashala twice at dorms, sanitar once at dorms and Shturman once as old gas. The only raid I did not see a boss I did not go to old gas or dorms. Is it a crazy coincidence or is something wrong?


    May have just gotten 'lucky' or 'unlucky' (depending on perspective!). Something to note is that the mod's defaults absolutely will lead to a higher chance of bosses being in raids than in non-modded play, because some of the special event-style spawn generators guarantee a boss or bosses, and the vanilla-like spawn generators also have the as-live chance of a boss spawning, so taken together overall you will see more bosses more regularly if you use the mod's current defaults than you'll see without using the mod.

    I didn't get quite as lucky/unlucky as you, but I did after a bunch of raids feel that I was encountering raids that deviated from likelivetarkov (in the boss-heavy style) a little too often. I wanted "like live" raids most often (which still have a boss chance of course), with just the occasional special event style raid occuring. If that's something you'd prefer, here's what you could try:

    Find the spawnchangesonlyconfig.json (found in the mod's config/presets folder) and make a copy of it,

    rename that copy to whatever you want to call it (e.g. "Tweakedconfig.json")

    open it in notepad+ and for each map's section where you see



    change each 3 to a 5.

    Find configpresetmanager.json (in the mod's config folder) and open it in notepad+ and change the active preset, in other words where it says

    "configFilePreset": "spawnChangesOnlyConfig"

    change it to say

    "configFilePreset": "TweakedConfig"

    (or whatever you named your edited preset json if you didn't call it TweakedConfig - remember to leave out ".json" from the name).

    Those quick and easy changes will make it far more likely to enter a raid and find it of the "like live" type versus the other spicier raid variations, and overall will mean bosses won't be met as often as the mod's defaults. If you wanted to prevent the spicier stuff entirely, you can change their weightings to 0 either for a given map or all maps (can change it back and fine tune it all to how you need it - the mod is highly customizable and flexible).

  • Thanks for the reply Statue, I will try that out.

    On my 6th raid I managed to kill Shturman and guards, only to got mowed down by killa on my way to the extract. It was fun having them about more but I burned through a lot of my stash, so it being a bit rarer would be great.

  • Hi, I don't know if it's a bug or if the config files for the spawn generator arent meant to work with longer raid times, but my raids time range from 40m to 1h and I usually don't have any spawn past 20 or 30 minutes. I checked the BSP_SG config files but I'm not sure what to change to have waves for the whole raid. Can someone help ? Thanks.

  • Hi, I have the following mods that change the AI in some way or another: Realism, Sain AIO, DrakiaXYZ Waypoints, Fenix NoAI ESP, BushNoESP.

    I installed your mod with the default presets (meaning it should only be affecting spawns right?) I was sure its gonna be compatible but something went wrong.. The spawns themselves work great, but they AI became so difficult that I cant play the game anymore lmao, PMC's react faster than me, and they dont miss..

    And i'm not makin this up, im lvl 38 on this character so I already had a good feeling for the AI, it was challenging but fair with way I set it up, but now I just cant survive a raid.

  • Console threw an error during a raid on Customs which I believe prevented any spawns on the map. I traced the file path but couldn't find the json file it wanted. There is a similar file in the same directory but was named PTL_BSP_SG_PRESET_MEETING_OF_THE_BOSSES instead of PTL_BSP_MAIN_PRESET_MEETING_OF_THE_BOSSES

    Cannot find module '../db/locations/customs/spawnGenerator/presets/PTL_BSP_MAIN_PRESET_MEETING_OF_THE_BOSSES.json'
    Require stack:
    1) If you want to compile the package/file into executable, please pay attention to compilation warnings and specify a literal in 'require' call. 2) If you don't want to compile the package/file into executable and want to 'require' it from filesystem (likely plugin), specify an absolute path in 'require' call using process.cwd() or process.execPath.
  • Yeah I caught this issue yesterday and didn't have time to post an update. I incorrectly named one of the spawn generator presets in the configs.

    So, PTL_BSP_MAIN_PRESET_MEETING_OF_THE_BOSSES needs to be changed to PTL_BSP_SG_PRESET_MEETING_OF_THE_BOSSES within thie config file as shown below.

    To fix it, just change within the config you are using from this:

    to this

    Obviously set the weight of each preset to whatever you want (0-5). These are just the weights I use in my preyToLivesConfig.

    When I get a chance I'll post an update for the mod that fixes this.

  • Is there a specific setting that changes when the spawn waves start? Sometimes in a raid it takes almost a half hour just to start physically spawning in the AI. Thanks in advance! EXCELLENT MOD!

  • Доброго времени суток, подскажите пжл, как забирать из ножен ЧВК предметы, типа тайги или ледоруба, может это можно сделать в файле каком-то.

    Заранее спасибо

  • PreyToLive added a new version:

  • Hi. I have an odd issue with Fence's trading inventory being empty on both my custom preset and on original PreyToLives template. LikeLive preset works just fine and Fence has items to sell. I tried replacing traders.json with the one from LikeLive in my preset and he started selling items but I could not narrow it down further. Tried a couple of things like changing refresh time, flicking the blacklist on and off and altering item amount. Did not help so I think it is something about having Traders Settings enabled at all. Checked all the logs I found but could not find a thing. Any idea on why this issue happens? Thank you in advance.

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