Better Spawns Plus 2.0.5

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Are you tired of bots swiftly eliminating each other at the beginning of each raid, leaving the maps desolate and devoid of life? Do you find it disappointing that Labs does not offer encounters with PMCs? Fear not, for your worries end here!

*** If you would like to support me and my work you can donate to me here. Thank you! ***

DISCLAIMER: BetterSpawnsPlus (BSP) is a bot spawning mod, so to ensure proper compatiblity with other mods please disable or turn off any settings in the mods that may also change bot spawns. For example, mods such as Realism and Questing Bots are compatible with BSP but the bot spawn options within these mods need to be disabled. Mods such as SWAG+Donuts and MOAR are not compatible with BSP.

IMPORTANT: To ensure proper functionality, please make sure that bosses are enabled in your in-game settings. If you wish to disable bosses, please do so only within the mod's config files.

  • Version 2.0.5

    --- BETTER SPAWNS PLUS VERSION 2.0.5 --- COMPATIBLE WITH SPT 3.9.0 & 3.9.1 ---


    --CODE FIXES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    • Fixed the "firstName" error caused while generating bots.


    • The bots "brainTypes" option in the bots.json file is now set to false by default due to conflicts with SAIN. If you do not use SAIN then I'd still highly recommend using this option.


    Note: All presets from BetterSpawnsPlus v2.0.4 are compatible.

  • Version 2.0.4



    --CODE FIXES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    • Various changes to code structure.


    • Updated server values for SPT 3.9.0.


    Note: All presets from previous versions of BetterSpawnsPlus are not compatible.

  • Version 2.0.3

    --- BETTER SPAWNS PLUS VERSION 2.0.3 --- COMPATIBLE WITH SPT-AKI 3.8.0 & 3.8.1 ---


    --CODE FIXES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    • Bosses will no longer block other bots from spawning in the same zone they are in.


    • Updated all open zones for all locations primarily Ground Zero, Shoreline, and Streets of Tarkov.
    • Updated and rebalanced spawn wave presets for Factory, Lighthouse, Shoreline, and Streets of Tarkov.
    • Added 2 "like-live" main presets and 3 "like-live" spawn generator presets for Ground Zero.
    • Added a new "event-like" preset for Ground Zero that spawns only Kollontay and scavs (All "event-like" presets are disabled by default and can be enabled in the 'locations' file).
    • Added a new spawn wave chance multiplier for every bot type in the global overrides options of the 'settingsManager'.
    • Removed the miscellaneous options and related files for 'custom trader avatars' and 'custom launcher backgrounds'. I have improved these and uploaded them as stand-alone mods on the SPT-AKI mod page.


    Note: All presets from previous versions of BetterSpawnsPlus are not compatible.

  • Version 2.0.2

    --- BETTER SPAWNS PLUS VERSION 2.0.2 --- COMPATIBLE WITH SPT-AKI 3.7.1, 3.7.2, 3.7.3, & 3.7.4 ---


    --CODE FIXES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    • Fixed an issue with all spawn generators that would cause the initial and interval time for waves to sometimes be generated incorrectly.


    • Changed the spawn method for main presets to force bosses, cultists, and rogues to have spawn priority over other bot types.
    • Added 7 more launcher backgrounds to the mix.


    Note: All presets and settings from BetterSpawnsPlus v2.0.0 and v2.0.1 are compatible with v2.0.2.

  • Version 2.0.1

    --- BETTER SPAWNS PLUS VERSION 2.0.1 --- COMPATIBLE WITH SPT-AKI 3.7.1 & 3.7.2 ---


    --CODE FIXES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    • Fixed an issue that was causing the time interval to be compounded into the random time upon every iteration when generating spawn waves from spawn generator presets.
    • Fixed an issue with Fence's inventory being empty.
    • Removed main preset "MAIN_PRESET_FACTORY_EVENT_THE_NOTORIOUS_SAVAGES" due to bot type errors with "followerTagilla".
    • Removed main preset "MAIN_PRESET_INTERCHANGE_EVENT_THE_NOTORIOUS_SAVAGES" due to bot type errors with "followerTagilla".



  • Version 2.0.0


    Thank you all for your patience with this update. Work has been quite demanding, leaving me with limited hours at night and weekends to dedicate to it. If you'd like to support and keep me caffeinated, please consider making a donation over on my ko-fi. Your generosity is greatly appreciated! <3


    --CODE CHANGES-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    • I've completely overhauled the source code to enhance maintainability, making future updates easier to implement.
    • All preset config file options are now neatly divided into individual config files within a dedicated settings folder. This restructuring brings a new level of organization and ease of navigation.
    • The familiar "presetManager.json" from BetterSpawnsPlus-v1.1.6 has undergone a name change to "settingsManager.json."
    • To streamline accessibility, each option has been thoughtfully re-categorized into specific config files within the settings folder, covering bots, hideout, items, locations, loot, misc, player, raids, and traders.
    • Presets and config files from BetterSpawnsPlus-v1.1.6 are incompatible with BetterSpawnsPlus-v2.0.0.

    --LOG CHANGES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    • Map-specific logs now reside in 'spt/user/mods/PreyToLive-BetterSpawnsPlus/logs/'. These logs document raid time, maximum bots per map, chosen preset(s) for spawn waves, the overall count of potential spawn waves for each bot type, and a comprehensive breakdown of spawn wave details, ordered by their spawn time.

    --SETTINGS CHANGES-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    • Added a global override option in the settings manager for setting individual boss spawn chance and spawn difficulty.
    • Added a global override option in the settings manager thats forces all pmc and scav spawn waves to stop after a specified amount of time.


    • Added over 1000 unique bot pmc names (including all 151 Pokemon names, gotta catch 'em all!). pikapika
    • Added brain type selection and randomization for scavs.


    • Added options for generator, air filter and gpu rates.
    • Added options for scav case rewards.


    • Updated all spawn presets for Streets of Tarkov to include pmc and scav spawn waves for all new open zones.
    • Updated all boss spawn rates to be in line with Live Tarkov.
    • Added boss Kaban to the spawn generator presets.
    • Added a new main preset that spawns Tagillla and Killa together on Factory.
    • Added a new main preset that spawns Tagillla and Killa together on Interchange.


    • Added randomization and spawn chance modifier for containers on each map.


    • You can now easily replace the launcher background images with your own ".jpg" image. Place your images in the '/res/launchers/' directory within the mod and then type the names of the images into the images array. Do not remove the image 'bg.png' from the launchers folder as it is required for the mod to work correctly.


    • Added an option for MIA on raid end.
    • Added an option to keep anything in secure container "found in-raid" upon death.
    • Added an option to choose which equipment is lost upon death, as well as, quest items.
    • Added an option for day and night time acceleration.


    • Added an option to make all trader purchases "found in-raid".
    • Added an option to remove trader repair random durability loss.
    • Added an option to set the stock update time for each trader.
    • Added an option to set the insurance storage time for prapor and therapist.
    • Added item amount, weapon durability, and armor durability options for fence.

    --KNOWN ISSUES-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    • If you enable the custom trader profile images feature, make sure to clean the temporary files within the launcher settings to ensure the trader profile images are updated.
  • Hello everyone,

    Some of you have been having issues with BSP v2.0.5 and the latest SAIN+Waypoints+BigBrain mods. I have done some testing with them together on some of the maps and here are the results.

    Customs Test

    Ground Zero Test

    (Btw, these were tested with the "settings_LikeLiveTarkov" config files.)

    All scavs, bosses, pmcs, etc. are spawning as they should be with BSP. I'm still not sure why many of you, except for me, seem to be coming across this issue. I'll continue testing to see what might be the problem but for now all I can assume is some of you have bosses turned off in the in-game settings which will 100% guarantee that zero bots will spawn. Make sure bosses are ALWAYS turned on in the in-game settings. Only enable/disable bosses within the mod files. This is also noted on the overview page as well as in the readme file. I'm thinking the issue might be caused by some other mod too so if anyone comes across anything else that could help please let me know as I try to find a solution. Thanks.

    Thumbs Up 3
    • Hi! I really whant to help increase the stability of mod.

      In the previous mesage you told about bossess: "need bosses turn on in game" and its important

      Today i know about loading mod in SPT one by one: list in folder have order to read in SPT server. Maybe yours mod need load first or after some?

      Thank for you work and time!

  • When using 'forcestopspawnwaves' in global overrides, I get the error "An attempt was made to transition a task to a final state when it had already completed". When not using it the game works fine, but I wanted PMC's to stop spawning throughout the raid. Any help greatly appreciated, thanks.

  • I am having some similar issues with bots not spawning, but I don't even have other mods like SAIN and don't have BigBrain enabled so it can't be those. Anytime Global overrides is enabled it seems to spawn nothing most of the time. But I want it enabled so I can set higher boss spawns for completing quests (sometimes I go like 10 raids otherwise before I get a boss to spawn). ForceBotChance also doesn't seem to do anything. I tried all enabled, all disabled, one enabled, and none of that works. I have a mod that tells me when bosses are spawned and use waypoints, so idk if either of those would conflict somehow, but it will tell me a boss has been spotted but no npcs on the map at all. I tested mostly with factory for faster load times. I wanted to get cultists to spawn with higher chance but only once or twice did I successfully do it. Any ideas? I had similar issues with SWAG if I remember correctly.

    Edit: After some testing, I now have it working with only global true and bosses under forceBotChance true.

  • Error in [BetterSpawnsPlus] /client/items: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'user/mods/./logs/logs_customs.json' , started map was Factory for testing, but i guess the env_path is not correctly identified (runs on linux docker).

    And i don´t get the spawn actually running, nearly every PMC shows up as Boss or Guard.

  • Would you consider splitting the airdrop volume part off into it's own mod?

  • Hello, what should i change in settings to not spawn bots close to me? i got very bad spawn of PMC in front of me, is there a setting to turn off close spawns?

  • The performance loss on the default preset is pretty substantial. I got a pretty beefy CPU too. Comparing this to S&D, it's night and day. I can run as many bots with no caps with S&D. But swapping to this one, and it hurts. Sucks because I liked the spawns.

    • Please explain what you mean by “default preset”. Are you talking about the settings? I haven’t changed any spawns in the latest updates.

    • What it is. The spawns you put in. Which would make it the default preset right? You stated we can make our own presets if we wished. I wanted to clarify I didn't change anything. I just switched to BSP to try something new, and it tanked my FPS. I didn't change anything on my end but who handled spawns. In this case, your mod. Made sure everything I have installed doesn't cause any issues. Removed S+D, Looting bots and questing bots. In fact, installing this on its own tanks just as fast. I have a 5700X3D. Remove your mod, and everything is optimized.

      I can only assume it spawns too many bots. As I am forced to remove S&D for compatibility as stated in your description, I lose the option to have bot caps. So, I can't even test if it's too many bots lol. I'm up for suggestions if there are any other mods that do the same and are compatible.

  • Had the issue of no bots on Factory.

    I fixed it by changing the load-order with LOE. Works fine now that BSP loads after SAIN and its Dependencies.

  • Hi. When I install SWAG+DONUT on my PC, it keeps stuttering so much, so I am using your MOD well.

    I have a question. Can I make boss spawn unconditionally in all maps?

    ex) Customs - Reshala, Factory - Tagilla

    I know it's a bit of a hassle, but could you please explain in detail?

    Boss spawn is turned on by default in SPT settings.

    I used Google Translate because English is not my native language.

  • Love your mod, been using it for two years+, far superior to SWAGNUTS. Just one thing I have never been able to find within it however. Is there any way to set the spawn distance from player? I dont find it in the configs anywhere.

  • Mod doesn't work now - not one a PMC or SCAVs AI in maps

    I use a SPT 3.9.2

    My modlist below:

    SAIN 3.0.5 + Waypoints + BigBrain







    ItemInfo 4.1.0

    spt-speedload 1.0.0

    LiveFleaPrices 1.2.0

    Hope somebody find a mistake.

    Thank you!

    Thumbs Up 1
    • I didn’t get a chance to look into this yesterday but are you perhaps not turning on bosses? Bosses must be turned on in-game. If you don’t want bosses then they need to be turned off within the mods config.

    • i have few test's

      1. i remove all mod's and take clear BSP work

      2. after return Sptspeedload - bots dont spawn, if remove it mod - spawn ok

      3. after add Sain spawn was broken

      4. But after i reload sain (same version) - bot was spawned

      5. i add speedload mod, bors was broken

      6. after i closed game and server and loucn it again yours mod are run

      Why, i dont know. Maybe some problems in cash or logs file?

  • Anyone else having an issue where PMCs and scavs don't engage with each other? They just walk by each other like they're on the same team. Tried with SAIN on/off and same result.

    Edit: The mod that was causing this issue was Custom Raid Times by Refringe (probably I'm not pointing fingers) getting rid of it fixed the issue.

  • maybe the problem is Sain isnt updated to the lastest version?? it says only 3.9.0 not .1 or .2 yet

  • I've installed BSP and there are no bots on maps, why???

    Thinking 1
    • Having the same issue. The console says it's generating bots, but nothing is in game.

    • We need to wait for the update

    • It was something conflicting on my end. I did a fresh install with Sain only and everything seemed to work fine. Now to figure out what's conflicting on my old install.

    • yes unfortunately for me too, not a single scav/pmc is spawning, an console says too it's generating bots

    • Ugh.. okay Im not sure why. When I get off work later Ill run some tests and see what the issue is. Is this happening on 3.9.1 with SAIN also installed?

  • Much bettr than S&D mod. The raids fill more real and not oure chaos and the performaces are much better. GG

  • The mod's behavior is very strange. Started a new game. Default mod settings. There are no conflicting mods. I go into the first raid on Ground Zero, complete silence on the location. I ran through the entire location and didn't meet anyone. I went into the second raid, silence again. He fired a pistol, and the PMCs immediately started talking. But there were no Wild ones in the raid. What did I set up wrong?

    • Got a similar issue, on Customs spawned like 5-8 scavs and 0 pmcs or bosses. Using only BSP and SAIN

    • UPD: I went on several more raids on the ground zero, I did not meet any scav, only PMCs.

  • Dumb question but is it better than SWAG&Donuts? With S&D i am not 100% satisfied.

    • I feel the same way with S&D. I can't seem to get the spawns to feel like an actual raid. Tuning the options I'm able to save a lot of performance compared to default setting which have way too many PMC"s and Scavs which eats your frames. But by turning on caps or adjusting for performance, raids are too quiet or there aren't enough AI on the map.

    • exactly this. i waste more time with tweaking as to play the game and i cant get to an optimal result.

    • Are you using Swag with SAIN? I got success using SWAG/SAIN(waypoints and Bigbrain/Looting bots. I have a couple of setting removing so many rats and increasing chad chances but I get fights after the 60 second timer on 90% of the raids.

    • yes i use swag with sain but its not really satisfying for me. most of the time there are too many bots spawning all around me and when i have killed 15 and think i can now loot a bit, even more come and overrun me from all directions. I am constantly under pressure.

  • Hey guys, found the brain error message you get with SAIN, just tested it in Factory against a PMC I found.

    Go to the folder for the preset you have selected (I have the default LikeLiveTarkov selected) (user>mods>PreyToLive-BetterSpawnsPlus>config>settings_[PRESET]), then go to the bots.json file as a .txt file or however you would normally open a similar file if you have a 3rd party program for these type of things.

    Inside of the bots.json file, 5 quotations down, there should be a "brainTypes" category; set it from "enabled": true, -> "enabled": false,

    Don't remove the commas, don't capitalize things, just change the true to false. This allows the bots to still spawn as the rest of the mod intends without attempting to override bot brain types (thus causing SAIN errors).

    Please lmk if this helps :thumbup:

  • Doesn't say in the description if this will have conflict with Donuts since both have to do with spawning bots.

    • Yes it does say on the overview page. Swag+Donuts is not compatible with BSP.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Sorry, I've must have missed it. Thanks.

  • i have another question, i don't know where i could ask so i'll try here.

    my bot pmc ragdolls are always flying around, does anyone know what the problem could be?

    • Hmm... flying PMCs you say? Interesting...

    • sry I forgot to write that they fly 1-2sec after I have eliminated them

  • and 3.9.1 is also no longer supported

    • yes ik. it should still work with 3.9.1 regardless. update will be out soon.

      Heart 1
  • i have removed sain swag and donuts removed all the files that they leave behind and still get a red text saying Error in bots settings: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'firstName') what do lol

    Thumbs Up 1
    • wait for author to update i guess.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • same issue

    • Its fine. The bot spawns will still work, its just the custom pmc names from the mod won't be applied bc I made a slight mistake in the pmc enums. I'll be putting out an update that fixes it soon.

  • I get the same error as some people below:
    Error in bots settings: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'firstName')

    Any suggestions?

  • This mode and sain cannot be used together.

  • i got error when install mod

    Error in bots settings: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'firstName')

  • not working for 3.9.1 as the server say..

    and i just edited the package.json 3.9.0 to 3.9.*


  • can this mod let bosses of the other maps to spawn in a raid?

    • yes it can. the explains how to do this if you are interested in it

  • i used : SAIN, BSP, AllOpenZone, fika on 3.9.0

    on BSP default setting SAIN's brain will got an error,so i edit "bot.json" to false,when i get in to the raid with no error,there was no AI PMC spawn

  • will this work with SAIN? the combat overhaul

    • Late reply but yes it will. SAIN simply controls AI behavior in combat. While BSP controls where and how many of what type of bot will spawn. They complement each other and work very well together.

    • there are sain errors with this mod unfortunately

    • Insers can you please explain the errors you had? I've never had any issues running BSP with SAIN.

    • Error i uploaded a image on imgur of the error, looks like the bot brain types, i guess i will disable it and that should work :)

      also i have a question cuz i can't find that in readme.

      how this option works?

  • im new to modding and this is my first mod i downloaded and it says im missing package.json. idk what to really do