SAIN - Solarint's AI Modifications - Full AI Combat System Replacement

  • What one are you using? & are you using any of the Multithread DLLs on disocrd? On default the bots are pretty inaccurate for me.

    absolutely, especially with "Thats Lit" the Bots are a Joke to me even with decreased Scatter and Recoil to 0.25.

       bots in the default preset in the latest version are too OP specifically know your position and are super accurate

    Then change it to Less Default or something else, there are more than the Default Preset.

  • Hello everyone !
    Im new to spt mod and i installed the mod SAIN (including the needet BigBrain and Waypoints )

    Because i have a new tarkov licence i also have the newest patch.
    And i need to mention that im completly new to the modding world ! So i have no experience in it (in terms of tarkov and spt)

    My SPT Server runs on 3.9.5 and the SPT Launcher also says 3.9.5

    Now every time i go in a raid it shows me error message after error message.
    Also when i just have those three mods installed.

    Is there any way to downgrade my version to get it run like it should ?
    I think the problem is my new version or do i miss something ?

  • And can someone explain me if the normal basic SPT has also pmc in it ?

    All i want is little bit less harder Scavs and pmc's and the function that they fight each other to get little bit life into it.
    The good thing about the SAIN mod is the abillity to adjust everything so would be nice to get it run :/

    Many thanks in advance !

  • what version of SAIN and dependencies are you using? and are you 100% sure you don't have another mod installed? this is a most common issue when better spawn plus is installed overwriting sain brain or sain not being installed properly. Ensure SAIN is loaded last

  • what version of SAIN and dependencies are you using? and are you 100% sure you don't have another mod installed? this is a most common issue when better spawn plus is installed overwriting sain brain or sain not being installed properly. Ensure SAIN is loaded last

    A i forget to mention that i also have AmandsGraphics installed.
    Its for 3.9.5

    And the SAIN is the last version available.

    You say "ensure its loadet last"
    How can i do that ?

  • Had baby bots on, Had General/Bots use grenades to false.
    Was killed by grenades from Boss guards.

    I went in and set Bot Settings/Core/Can Use Grenades to false for all bots as a fix.
    Was wondering if boss' guards are supposed to use grenades if you have Home/General/Bots Use grenades to false.

  • Hello, I looked through mod settings and i couldn't find any settings about settings that would disable Ai vs Ai fights. Is this possible at all?

  • Hello! Thank you for the great mod.

    This is more of an improvement suggestion from me than a bug report, but one thing is bothering me.

    SAIN, or rather conventional AI, has the same problem...

    The problem is that the AI PMC's instantly complement me and shoot back, even if I attack from a distance so far away that it is difficult to see them with iron sights.

    This feels kind of unreasonable.

    It is stressful enough for me to be shot back with a reflex speed that is impossible for humans, but if I am unlucky, I may be head-shot by the first attack.

    To be more specific, I think it would be better if, when attacked from a distance greater than a certain distance, the player is made to look around or fire randomly and not immediately supplement the player, thus making it behave more like a human being.

    I hope this point will be improved.

    Needless to say, even with this problem, SAIN is still a great mod.

  • Instead of instant retaliation the bots should flee in cover imo. That's what i do when i don't see the attacker

  • Instead of instant retaliation the bots should flee in cover imo. That's what i do when i don't see the attacker

    I think you are right.

    If we want, we should have several patterns and give them “personalities” like the players.

    In PVP, when a player is shot by an invisible enemy, there are different reactions.

    For example, some PMCs run out at once, some look around without knowing why, some fire a warning shot in the direction of the shot and then run out, some crawl and stop moving immediately, etc... the list goes on and on.

  • How to reload bots config after being changed?

    Installed Dad Gamer Mode for GodMode to test changes on bots.

    Found a PMC. He started to shoot me and covering. I changed difficulty to maximum multipliers. Guess he have to start miss all ammo away and see nothing. Difficulty just dont changed at all. Should i restart round? Or find another PMC? Could you add the button "reload config" or "respawn all bots" or some for that stuff ?

    Btw. Rashala shot 120 rounds then stay without ammo.

    Instead Rashala follower has unlimited ammo.

    Is it possible to add section about bots initial loot and used "cheats"? Wanna set unlimited ammo/meds for all bots in SPT...

    Scav snipers (BSG bug) usually stucked with railings and can shoot Mosin just because the mosin is rotated 90 degrees from fire line (highest tube, customs), it shoot with mosin 30 times and all miss, he see the target but, cant shoot because of long weapon that is unable to fire

    Taking cover PMC most of the times trying to shoot holes of that cover, so, from 30 ammo - 25 is coming to nearest wall. I know that is BSG issue, am just think is any solution could be designed at SAIN level?

    Also bots trying to shoot back once they got killed their friend even if target is invisible for the shooter. It looks funny (and actually cool thing - but would be great to configure accuracy of that) - you snipe one scav and immediate get incoming shoot aproximately to your place. Usually it miss, but once i got that shoot directly in my face :D

  • (Remember, i've tested with god mode)

    1. unlimited ammo Rashala followers shot me maybe 10-20 magazines (30rnds each), after that their gun becomes almost broken (25% of gun vitality), and exactly at 25% rashala follower by some reason start to load to the gun .366 tkm ammo instead of 762x39 as it loaded before, i dont even know where he's getting that ammo.

    Maybe it is realization of broken gun, but actually it may be bug.

  • Shoot section is balanced by IRL statistics.

    I mean - shotgun bots have distance of attack - 30 meters.

    If you go to your shooting range in the shelter with some range finder you can see this:

    - full auto distance of 762x39 is 10-15 meters. Your config has 3-4 times bigger.

    - full auto distance of P90/MP7 - 25 meters. Your config has like 3-4 times bigger.

    So problem is not accuracy of the bots. Problem is accuracy with autofire, because when you see the bot and try to aim it outside of rooms - you die immediate - he just hold fire button and you fall down, at distance of 50 meters. In game - whole shooting range is 50 meters, i mean far wall targets. Great if you can aim fully tuned M4 with 80 ergo/minimum recoil to just hit far wall target 5 bullets before your aim point is fly away whole wall :D Bots can hit 25 bullets in a row to slowly moving target at 50.

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