Internet going down during play

  • Game runs fine for about a raid or two until I see a dreaded log on the server:

    [INFO] onUpdate: aki-dialogue doesn't report success or fail

    Once I see this, about 95% of the time when I try to exit a raid the screen will stay black until it sends an error and closes after about 3 minutes. In addition, my internet will stop working until the single player server is shut down, then will immediately resume loading the webpages/videos like normal.

    Was wondering if anyone else has encountered this error or issue, and what steps I can take to resolve it.

  • This

    Is due to websocket server it must be set to default

    Follow this and the notifier create issue should cease.
    As far as memory leaks go, this is something have noticed too. The auto RAM cleaner in EFT options may be of some use, if not an alternative is MemClean this may help.

  • I changed the websocket about 20 times in the last hour, resetting the game each time and the server is still flooding with the notifier/channel/create messages. Auto ram cleaner was turned on and MemClean was installed and set up, still not letting me extract.

  • Seconding this thread, clean installed about 5 times in different ways trying to get this to work but it still floods the server (and takes down some internet connections but not others). Have tried changing the websocket also a few times and it is still doing the same thing. I do get a trace error on my initial server install, but other than that everything looks normal.

  • I've been having this same issue. Found another thread where someone said they fixed it by clean installing and switching the notification option to the opposite of what was on after the install, and tried it. Still doesn't work. The issue isn't an internet thing because realistically, the client program is eating so much RAM that it syphons it from other programs, thus giving the appearance in your browser that your internet is down, while in reality the system just doesn't have enough memory to even process the page.

    I've personally got 16gb of RAM and shut down everything but the server, launche, client and task manager (to watch resource usage and kill the client when it does this) when I play, but it still does this. I use CP's spawn rework on B5 and it still doesn't fix anything. If more than 4 scavs are spawned on any map bigger than Factory, the game gradually drops from 120FPS all the way down to 30 with frame hitches down into the single digits if I don't get a whole minute of freezing. During this time, watching system resource usage values in Task Manager, the only thing that change is that the game client jumps up to utilizing almost all 16gb of RAM. GPU usage doesn't change, CPU usage doesn't change and network usage doesn't change. If possible I'll get a screenshot of the whole thing next time it happens.

    TL;DR - It's 100% a memory leak issue, not your internet. If your browser has no memory to use to load the page, it can't and kicks back "no internet" When you close the game client, it'll go back to normal.

  • I jumped ingame on AKI 1.0.1, equipped my kit and headed to woods with AI on easy and medium amount. Killed 2 PMCs and frames started dipping. Went to extract, killing 2 or 3 more pmcs and scavs on the way (don't know the exact number, you'll see why). Hit extract, was stuck at 0.0 extracting for a good 10 seconds while my frames started chugging. Can't upload a RAR file here and frankly not sure what I'm looking at in the logs, so here's the full session from server start to server kill after the crash. I've added the post-extract black screen/crash + the task manager showing RAM usage rising in the folder on the drive link and I'll add it to this post, but yeah. It's a memory issue. Would have fired up my B5 client, but can't for some weird reason. I know I'm not really offering any solutions here, but at least it's not an isolated incident and I can attest it's been happening in my experience since B1.

    Google drive link:…ZGoG5RFL/view?usp=sharing

    Edited once, last by Millwood: Added drive link to log rar ().

  • I have, and the only thing I can really see changing is 10 extra seconds before the frames drop. Like I could hop on live, load up woods with horde AI amount while watching netflix on my second monitor and be perfectly fine. But I spend too long hanging around in a raid in SPT, and my RAM starts melting. I've also noticed the ingame console (on rare occasions I can check it during these issues) screaming about the websocket wether I've got the notification set to default or websocket (while I was trying that fix from the other post i mentioned)

  • Here's the usage 25 min in raid:

    Just ... forget about playing without a massive swap on machine with 16GB RAM, I have to pump my VM with 32GB. Already on 14.x GB at the start of raid, the game just eat this much so there is no leak.

    TBH 12.10 is way better then 12.9, I get 2x FPS mid raid back then.

    And the message: [INFO] onUpdate: aki-dialogue doesn't report success or fail I see them too but that never lead to crashes.

  • Yes as mentioned there is a memory leak issue, I am pretty sure this is from BSG's end.
    Have you tried either of the memory cleaning options I listed?

    Ok so no idea what was up with the raid I referred to earlier, but the Memclean worked the second attempt. Managed to lvl 1 bum rush Reshala, kill 12 other people and extract just fine. But this isn't my thread so one solution, not exactly resolved.

  • I have found the solution, thanks to @sptarkovp1 for shining light on the solution.
    When you first run the server a pop up box will appear, asking for admin privileges so it can find your SSL certificate.
    If you click no then it will cause this error, because the certificate it is expecting is not there.
    So to fix. you are going to need to go right back to the start, copy your live files into a new folder, run the patcher, install AKI, run the server and click yes to the box that pops up.
    Read it first
    Information on what it is doing…at-is-an-ssl-certificate/

  • Swing and a miss, no pop up appears despite fresh install of AKI, thought it might pop up when loading the launcher but no dice as well. Any way to force the pop up? Below is just the lines of the initial server, you can see at the bottom the same issue starts once the main menu gets loaded.

  • It is just a thought unfortunately, I have had a report back that this didn't cause it to not appear, it may help, but it may not.
    Fingers crossed the devs will figure out what the issue is, but it seems to affect a very limited number of systems.

  • Well for now seems like I am stuck playing 1 round per load, and praying that I get to extract. Maybe we can have something in the launcher program that can force the server to send or resend out the popups, as well as firewall permissions. Or maybe a check on the server that sends out an error if SSL is not given access or permission to assist with troubleshooting. Hey a guy can dream, right?

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