Auto Start Script for SPT

  • SaruShinobie added a new file:

  • SaruShinobie added a new version:


    Complete overhaul of the main script.

    Removed manual startup times in favor of automatic server detection and task checking, the option to close preexisting instances of the server/launcher, removed most user prompts, added the option to create desktop shortcuts, added multiple color schemes for the desktop shortcut, trimmed unnecessary delays in the script, and much more.

    Overall should be a much better experience, with less bugs in general.

  • SaruShinobie added a new version:



    • Fixed rare startup issues where the task would detect the server as running after its been closed.
      • Waits for activity from the old server to cease after stopping task.
    • New code to be read by the server to log that the mod has been detected and do away with mod.js errors (a.k.a. a message in the console).
      • Credit to Jehree in the comment section for the suggestion. <33
    • Code and console format changes.
    • Code and startup sped up significantly.
    • Added a window flash once all tasks have been completed (will add option to turn off soon).
    • Added support for custom server ports/ip addresses.
      • New user input question where you can enter your custom port or choose the default one on first startup.


  • This "mod" is great and is super useful as it saves having to write a rather scuffed start script myself that waits an arbitrary amount of time.

    The only issue I have is that after running the start script the first time the "tmpkiller.bat" seems to run forever, currently its at over 1000 checks performed and still climbing, it says to not close the window but this, to me, doesn't seem like intended behaviour, can you shed some light on this situation?

  • That's odd... yeah. The tmpkiller program should stop itself and delete all the temporary files once the main script is closed. Not sure what caused this. Is this recurring or an edge case?

    Regardless, yes, you can close the window. No real damage will be done. Just don't close it during the startup process.

  • No, this script won't work on linux as far as I know. It's written in windows batch script. It's essentially just a set of commands to run in the cmd prompt. I may try to rewrite it in a language in the future that could potentially be ported, but frankly I'm not that experienced.

    I'm finally seeing some downtime in my life so I plan on updating the script for the newest versions of SPT - sorry for the late response :l

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