Tyrian added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreAllows you to use almost any weapon modification on their appropriately expected slot on a weapon. Handguards into handguard slots, stocks on stock slots, muzzle devices of all types may go on all barrels.
(Enable SensibleModsExtended to add certain mod types to other slots)
Use with Universal Ammo mod for increased modification. (Universal Magazines.)
Warning -Bot Generation may take longer due to the amount of mods that bot generation can now select.
Set "RecursionLimiter" lower if you are not using the default VanillaModLoadouts Setting. 50-60% is a good setting. Anything lower will severely reduce mods that bots will use. 0% makes it so they won't generate properly.
Use with a profile created with the mods SPT version, using outdated profiles may break.
Don't want bots generating with random shit? Have issues with bots generating at all?
Make sure BotsUseVanillaModLoadouts is set to 'true', if you still have issues Your best bet is to use Fontaines Realism mod and use the bot progression system in it, it overwrites bot gen with pre-set loadouts. (Bot Changes Setting)
Config -
"Universal(WeaponSlotName)" true, -- Enabling/Disabling this will enable or disable the specific slot for Universal mod pushing.
"SensibleModsExtended": false, -- Enabling this will provide a few more 'sensible' mod slot pushes.
"RemoveVanillaModConflicts": false, -- Enabling this will remove conflicts for mod items being incompatible with other mod items.
"TrulyCursed": false, -- Enabling this makes every mod capable to be put on every slot. Go crazy.
"RecursionLimiter": "100%", -- This limits how much recursion is done on mod slots, try lowering it if you have performance issues or slow bot generation. Ranges from 100% to 0%, be sure to keep the % after the number. Don't go over 100% either. Does not do anything if VanillaModLoadouts is enabled.
"BotsUseVanillaModLoadouts": true -- This makes bots use separate weapon generation rules made especially for them, this means no wacky bot weapons. Only YOU get to use the wacky shit.
Installation -
Goes in users/mods.
If you'd like to support my creations I do have a Ko-fi. (This is not for commissions, I do not do them and they are against SPT policy.) - https://ko-fi.com/tyriansuvious