Jiro added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreRead Installing and Configuring tab!
- Overhauls all NVDs, Headsets, Tactical devices, Thermal/NV and Holographic sights to function on batteries and now have a slot reserved for them. A battery in the slot is drained when the item is equipped and in use.
- Replaces D Size Batteries with CR2032 Batteries and Rechargable Batteries with CR123 Batteries. Sight description now lists what batteries it uses.
- Without batteries NVGs lose their night-vision property and collimators lose their reticle, but you can still see through them!
- Batteries last an hour on NVGs, but is affected by the type of them; bigger field of vision means increased battery drain. Batteries in collimators last up to 2.5 hours.
- Added four new crafts in the hideout for crafting and recharging batteries.
- Bots can spawn with drained batteries which makes finding batteries easier.
BatterySystem conflicts with any mod that modifies D Size Battery or Rechargable Battery.
Batteries might not spawn on bots when using mods that alter bot equipment presets.
Any mod that alters hearing (such as a deafening effect) won't probably work well with unpowered headsets. I recommend disabling BatterySystem for headsets in the F12-menu.Adding compatibility for custom electronics such as collimators:
- Open up order.json in your SPT-AKI/user/mods/order.json
- Add the folder names of your mods that add electronics. Add Jiro-BatterySystem after them:
JSON: order.json{ "order": [ "CustomSightModFolderName", "AnotherCustomSightFolderName", "Jiro-BatterySystem" ] }
Custom electronics default to using CR2032 batteries.
- Drop the extracted user/ and BepInEx/ folders into your SPT-AKI installation folder.
- After starting the Server, in Launcher click Settings > Clean Temp files. This updates battery icons to the new ones.
- If you are using mods to add custom electronics such as sights, read Compatibility tab.
All Configurable options can be found in the BepInEx menu, which is accessed in-game with F12.
Here you can disable/enable headset batteries or logging and change the drain rate multiplier.
Planned Features:
- Lower the accuracy when a collimator doesn't have a battery.
- Play a sound when battery runs out, is added or is removed.
- Flicker when battery is running out - idea by Jehree
- Flip up iron sights when a battery runs out
Known Bugs:
- You can see through T-7 thermal goggles when they don't have batteries installed.
- Some wonky behavior when using Torrey Pines Logic Thermal sight as a canted sight. This happens in Live, so blame BSG.
- Headset batteries spawn with 100% durability.
This mod would have taken an eternity if not for these people and their help and ideas:
DrakiaXYZ: Thank you for answering my newbie questions and helping me figure out errors + hideout craft ideas!
SamSWAT: Thanks for the help with cameras and patching!
Fontaine: Helped with spawning the batteries, client methods, compatibility with Realism and more!
and Nexus: Showed me how to implement drainable batteries, credit to them!
Props: Thanks for the help and ideas!
Jehree: Great ideas (that I will implement soon
Hazelify: Credit for ideas with night vision devices, such as variable drain rates!
Battery bundles were created with EFT-SDK