SPT ModOrganizer Integration

  • archon0ne added a new file:

  • archon0ne added a new version:


    Remove extra executables. Point to AKI launcher instead of tarkov to identify (Avoids accidentally pointing to Live)

  • How would I go about using the profile editor with Mod Organizer. Selecting the SPT directory doesn't have the profile because it is stored in the folder created by mod organizer. Selecting the folder where it's stored obviously doesn't work either because it doesn't have all of the files necessary.

  • How would I go about using the profile editor with Mod Organizer. Selecting the SPT directory doesn't have the profile because it is stored in the folder created by mod organizer. Selecting the folder where it's stored obviously doesn't work either because it doesn't have all of the files necessary.

    Currently I haven't added support for profile editor, so it exists as an option maybe but I haven't done anything to make sure it works. Right now because i am pointing to the entire SPT folder (because thats the only way right now to load bepinex plugins & regular mods at the same time), the profiles and all logs etc. go inside of the Mo2 overwrite, which is less than ideal, but kinda just is what it is at the moment. I am investigating better solutions, but progress is slow because everything is trial and error :)

  • I figured out how to do it but it was a REALLY roundabout way to do it. I had to select an incompatible folder in the profile editor so that a prompt would come up with all of the required files/file paths and then individually change them to the original SPT folder except for the profile, which was in the MO2 overwrite folder.

  • having an issue with 3.6.1. modorganizer is stating that its missing the sptvfsbridge.bat that was being used by 3.5.8. Ive gone through the folders and cannot find it and therefore cannot run the mod organizer any more

  • having an issue with 3.6.1. modorganizer is stating that its missing the sptvfsbridge.bat that was being used by 3.5.8. Ive gone through the folders and cannot find it and therefore cannot run the mod organizer any more

    if you make a new profile in MO2 it should create a new sptvfsbridge for you. Try that :/

  • archon0ne added a new version:


    Small bugfix.

    • Fix case for instances where executables may be case sensitive. Thanks to 'GJ (not other J's)'

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