• Leonana69 added a new file:

  • Leonana69 added a new version:

    • Add shortcut for enable/disable radar.
    • Add color setting for corpse.
    • Fix the compatibility issue.
    • Also build for 3.7.0
  • Leonana69 added a new version:

    • Fix blip alpha, now you can set some blips to completely invisible.
    • Fix unexpected blips at the screen center.
    • Fix pulse speed.
  • I'm running the latest version which says it fixes radar blips in the middle of the screen, however I'm getting still getting white circles appearing there

    They move up and down the Y axis, but always centre on the middle of the screen. It seems to only occur when there are radar blips displayed on the radar itself

    My resolution is 3440 x 1440, and my game is version 3.7.3

  • The update improved the issue somewhat. It's less distracting now because the white dot doesn't reset to centre every radar update. It is still present, though

  • Leonana69 added a new version:

    • Add loot detection. Now loots with values above the "Loot Threshold" can show on the map (This feature will degrade FPS severely, use it with a hotkey).
    • Optimize FPS for enemy detection.
    • Add Blip size config.
  • Leonana69 added a new version:


    Thanks for qe201020335 for optimizing this mod.

    • Optimize Radar display logic, now you won't see it before the battle starts and in the hidden out.
    • Optimize logic for loot loading.
    • Forgot to mention that Chinese language support has been added starting from the previous version. If you need more language support, let me know.
  • Leonana69 added a new version:

    • Optimize the performance for loot detection, now it will only degrade the FPS for less than 10fps when turned on.
      • Loot detection will always be disabled when the game starts, you can use hotkey to turn it on.
      • The performance depends on the threshold you set, please don't make the threshold too low.
    • Add Russian language support, thanks Killins for providing the translation.
  • Leonana69 added a new version:

    • Add per-slot value option. No more hand drills and fierce blow sledgehammers. :D
    • Add the radar inner range, the enemy will hide from the radar if he is too close.
    • Add a fire mode option where the enemy will only show on the radar after firing.

    I create a discord server, join if you want to help me test the new features or give me any feedback.

  • Leonana69 added a new version:

    • Add support for loot detection inside containers.
    • Add support for loot detection based on flea market price (Need LOOTVALUE).
    • Add compass mode where the radar will be part of the compass screen.

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