Live Flea Prices

  • DrakiaXYZ added a new file:

  • DrakiaXYZ added a new version:

    • Make sure we don't set the price of non-existing items
    • Allow capping item prices, for when live flea goes crazy. Default to 10x base flea price

    New setting in config/config.json, "maxIncreaseMult". This is the maximum multiplier that can be applied to the base flea price of an item. Default: 10

    For example, if the backend has calculated live has a flea price of 500,000 for an item with a base SPT flea price of 10,000, the new price will be capped at 100,000 by default.

  • DrakiaXYZ added a new version:

    • Properly refresh the ragfair price service cache on price update
    • Better handling of original prices for overprice checks

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