[MODDED] Blackscreen after raid end with SCAV

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    I've recently upgraded from 3.6.1 directly to 3.7.2 and I migrated my 3.6.1 profile. When ending a raid as a SCAV every second raid I get a blackscreen and have to ALT+F4. After one raid I get a warning message in my server output. After playing one more raid as a SCAV I get the blackscreen with the error message I posted. Playing a raid as a PMC or restarting the game after the warning doesn't prevent the blackscreen after the next raid. Both warning and error only pop up when playing as a SCAV, which is very weird to me. I haven't changed anything quest or item related with the SVM.

    I'm assuming some daily quests changed after the update which are still active in my old 3.6.1 profile, leading to this bug. I made sure to replace all daily quests before the update to 3.7.2 to prevent this, but apparently that didn't work. I don't really play much as a SCAV, so this issue probably isn't that important, still I wanted to report it, cause the patchnotes said 3.6.x profiles are compatible to 3.7.0.

  • Hi, I just updated, unfortunately the issue persists. The warning output changed a bit, the error is the same. I replaced all active daily quests before doing the SCAV runs, just in case. I think I'll try using the profile editor mod, maybe I can find out what these quest IDs are and just remove them from my profile.

    Really sick project btw, much thanks for the hard work and even offering it for free.

  • I solved my problem.

    I looked at my quests using the profile editor but couldn't find the IDs mentioned in the warnings. There were a lot of quests from "unknown" though with only an ID as a name. I'm guessing these are old daily tasks.

    So I looked into my profile json file directly and found the problematic IDs. They all had in common that the same quest IDs and their counters existed in the pmc section (ConditionCounters, changeRequirement) as well as in the scav section (ConditionCounters, Quests). I deleted all entries of the problematic IDs in both sections and I don't get warnings or the error anymore.

    My guess is that the IDs in the scav section are old Fence dailys from 3.6.1 that for some reason share the same ID and counters with pmc dailys. Maybe 3.7.0 changed the way these IDs are generated? That's also why the bug only happened when playing as a scav as I'm guessing the scav part of the json is only parsed at the end of scav raids. Maybe deleting all entries was a bit excessive, I think only the ones in the scav section would've been enough, but I wanted to be sure. As all these quests are dailys so I don't think I broke anything else.

  • Stable-releases
    All the SPT-AKI stable releases packages

    If you have 3.7.2 installed, you can copy the contents of the release zip folder into your 3.7.2 folder. Make sure server/launcher are not running and to overwrite all files.

    Otherwise use the installer.

  • chomp

    Changed the title of the thread from “Blackscreen after raid end with SCAV” to “[MODDED] Blackscreen after raid end with SCAV”.
    • Official Post

    I have the same issue since almost 2 Months and kept playing only with PMC. I will try the new hotfix and i hope its fixed then :)

    Btw where can i get the new 3.7.3 version downloaded ?

    2 months?!

    If it was know to the team, we'd have looked into it sooner. If a problem doesn't have an issue here it doesn't exist to us: https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Issues/issues

  • You already looked into it, here is the link to the discuss:

    Anyway, i looked into the new hotfix and finally it works again :)

    Thanks for the work into looking and solving this issue

  • Actually, this problem still exists in 3.7.3 :(

    Cannot finish SCAV raid, black screen

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'filter')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'filter')

    at InRaidHelper.updateScavProfileDataPostRaid (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\InRaidHelper.ts:243:56)

    at InraidController.savePlayerScavProgress (C:\snapshot\project\src\controllers\InraidController.ts:285:27)

    at InraidController.savePostRaidProgress (C:\snapshot\project\src\controllers\InraidController.ts:95:18)

    at InraidCallbacks.saveProgress (C:\snapshot\project\src\callbacks\InraidCallbacks.ts:44:31)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\static\InraidStaticRouter.ts:17:49)

    at InraidStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\src\di\Router.ts:50:63)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:79:62)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:44:30)

    at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:150:38)

    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (C:\snapshot\project\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:75:43)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'filter')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'filter')

    at InRaidHelper.updateScavProfileDataPostRaid (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\InRaidHelper.ts:243:56)

    at InraidController.savePlayerScavProgress (C:\snapshot\project\src\controllers\InraidController.ts:285:27)

    at InraidController.savePostRaidProgress (C:\snapshot\project\src\controllers\InraidController.ts:95:18)

    at InraidCallbacks.saveProgress (C:\snapshot\project\src\callbacks\InraidCallbacks.ts:44:31)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\static\InraidStaticRouter.ts:17:49)

    at InraidStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\src\di\Router.ts:50:63)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:79:62)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:44:30)

    at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:150:38)

    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (C:\snapshot\project\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:75:43)

    • Official Post

    I've fixed this issue but it needs some serious testing. Will be in 3.7.4.

    In future, please make your own dedicated thread for an issue.

  • I've just started playing SPT about 2 weeks ago and am now finally to the point where I must have gotten these daily quests that are causing this issue. Same thing is happening. I can't finish a SCAV raid. I just get a black screen. Is there finally a solution to this? I've read what some of you guys are saying but I'm really dreading toubleshooting because I'm not very good with computers... I should also add I'm not using any mods. and I'm running whatever version of SPT was out 2 weeks ago because I don't know how to update either lol

    I just checked. I'm running 3.7.3

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