(modded) can't finish raid after dying

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    hello, when i die in raid with my pmc, i regularly can't finish the raid , it's stuck on loading screen and i have the sound of the raid. i need to alt+F4 and when i relaunch the game, progress have not being saved. when i extract without dying or when i die with the scav i don't have this problem. can you help me please?

  • jujuztune hello, gimme a minute or two to look at your logs so I can get a rough idea of your situation.

    Can you provide anymore details that may help? Like when did this problem start to happen, have you installed any new mods recently? That kind of thing, thank you.


  • Okay so from what I can see of your logs I'm thinking that you are having bot spawning issues which is resulting in your game soft-locking you out of getting back to the main menu. In other words it can't process the bots/AI in your raids and it's causing an issue getting to the main menu.

    Before I say anything else I will wait for your reply if you have anymore details.


  • the problem start to appear like 2 weeks ago, the most recently installed mods are LEWDS, Lootfuckery, Relooted, Ramcleaner interval, algorithmic level progression, lootingbots and removetimegatefromquests (all installed at the same time but i can't remember if the problem start before or after, sorry). usually the problem happen after one fast CQC fight, rarely at long range/slow pace fights

  • It's alright nothing to worry about my friend these things happen.

    Okay so, I would recommend temporarily removing LootingBots and Questing Bots, then try a couple of raids and see if the problem persists. If you have any other AI spawning mods active please temporarily remove them as well. Also check your BepInEx>plugins folder when removing these mods as it will still cause issues.

    Reply back when you have done this please. Like I said earlier I believe your problem is due to bot/AI spawning, if this isn't the issue then we can look in to it further but we will cross that bridge soon.


  • I try to reproduce the problem before removing mods, maybe 20 times, by running into pmcs and dying, and it don't happen again. normally it occurs almost half of my deaths but not when i want it to happen :S . I will do more tests later.

  • after more tests i found one reliable way of softlocking the game (12 softlock on 15 tests following this exact procedure), having bullets on my pmc pocket, half loaded magazine on the rigs and shooting one pmc/scav leg before dying (i don't know exactly wich of theses conditions make the softlock).

    without questing bots i have only 2 softlocks in 10 tests, and the error in the log change to this one (airdrops related error?), instead of the questingbots related error: https://codepaste.sp-tarkov.co…zTmKxF1gAmUAMibKQAvRFKm8w

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