Black screen, invisible ai, freeze-crashes

  • Occasionally (every other raid) scavs/pmcs will sometimes turn invisible. They can still shoot but i'm not sure if they can be killed. Their bullets/projectiles will be black blobs on my screen flying towards me and sometimes when I look at them my screen turns black. This has happened to me on interchange more than any other map. I could probably replicate this if need be and can send a video if I can capture it again. It's pretty common.

    Second, I get random freeze-crashes almost every other raid. I don't know how else to explain it, I've checked the faq and I've tried the Black Screen after extract fix (since that was happening to me too) but I can't test if that fixed my black screen because my game keeps crashing.

    I've already reinstalled twice with fresh EFT live files and a fresh 1.3.0 install, I've wiped my profile multiple times and reinstalled the mods.…D8g_B4D2/view?usp=sharing

    link to a video I made capturing an ai giving me a black screen and then another ai disappearing. It ends when I threw a grenade and my game crashed. The 47 second video was too big for the attachments so this is the only other way I know how to show a video

  • I'm not an expert by any means but the mods you have installed I have been using for a long time, lemme ask you have you gone in to the config files and changed anything with regards to AI or PMC's??

    I experienced this a few months ago because I changed some of the settings in the config incorrectly but I reinstalled the mods and it worked after that. If you haven't changed anything then there's something definitely iffy with your game, I'm sure some of the helpful people on here will guide you better I hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face:


  • narrowed it down to the AllInOne config on bleeding edge.…rLSobc3GKwq3JMQcAFa2MdeJA

    that is the codepaste of my configs. I was following the user documentation and readme but I could've messed up I'm not the brightest.

    Edit: I have map loot spawn chances set to false currently, I was planning on testing the game with it set to that value. I had it on true earlier though | THIS APPARENTLY IS NOT THE ISSUE, STILL GETTING INVISIBLE AI

  • I'm not an expert by any means but the mods you have installed I have been using for a long time, lemme ask you have you gone in to the config files and changed anything with regards to AI or PMC's??

    I experienced this a few months ago because I changed some of the settings in the config incorrectly but I reinstalled the mods and it worked after that. If you haven't changed anything then there's something definitely iffy with your game, I'm sure some of the helpful people on here will guide you better I hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face:

    I posted my config above, I haven't changed anything in direct regards to ai I don't think.

  • I'm not an expert by any means but the mods you have installed I have been using for a long time, lemme ask you have you gone in to the config files and changed anything with regards to AI or PMC's??

    I experienced this a few months ago because I changed some of the settings in the config incorrectly but I reinstalled the mods and it worked after that. If you haven't changed anything then there's something definitely iffy with your game, I'm sure some of the helpful people on here will guide you better I hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face:

    would you be able to send the codepaste of your config file by chance?

  • Only one error I can see, on weight changer, -100 is the maximum you should be putting there. (as in the items weigh -100% of their original weight, or 0)

    went on factory twice, no issue. I set AllSkillsMaster to false, now no scavs are invisible. I still get to keep the master skills since the documentation says you can't revert no matter what so everything seems to work out. Weird how that happens.

    Thanks for all the help, I'm gonna set the thread to solved but I haven't tested it much so I might run into the issue again. Which would be very sad :(

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