Mod My Weight Limits

  • UnderdomeRiot added a new file:

  • UnderdomeRiot

    Changed the title of the thread from “Mod My Weight” to “Mod My Weight Limits”.
  • UnderdomeRiot added a new version:


    New release 1.1.0

    • New name, To make it a little clearer that the objective is the carrying capacity of the character and not the character himself. :D
    • New verbose mode. Now you will be able to know each of the calculations for MODE 1 and MODE 2, in a simply way.
    • Refactoring of the code, shorter and more powerful.
    • Added FIKA support ONLY for MODE 3 and 4.
    • Squased a bug when in MODE 1,2 and 3, you close the game without closing the server, your capacity go up and up. Thanks to Snaggy  :saint:
    • By default, mode 3 is active, with a multiplier of 25%. This way there is no need to configure it, and it is optional from now on.

    Thanks to all of you who comment, ask questions and take the trouble to tell me about problems or future improvements. <3

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