GMAK3R added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreAre the Bosses Bitches? well now they can be even more...
This mod is made by: AT233 and 痴呆猫(chidaimao)
Originally released on oddba: 【原创】【3.7.x-3.9.0】全塔科夫boss女性化计划
This mod requires: More Female Clothing - A Boss Feminization Port (For your PMC)
May affect other mods that modify AI. Sofar no issues on my end!
____________________________Added: FemTagilla
Added: FemSectantPriest & FemSectantWarrior
Added: FemKnight & FemBigpipe & FemBirdeye
Credit to: AT233
Credit to: Qwertyalex
AT233 mod link: Boss Feminization ♂→♀
Qwertyalex mod link: More Female Clothing - A Boss Feminization Port (For your PMC)