SPT - Hideout and Maestry

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    Hello, im not sure if this is the right place to post my question.
    I am currently leaving EFT cuz i wanted to try out something more suited for my gameplay such ash SPT.

    I am not using any mod yet, BUT id like to do in the near future,
    BUT FIRST, id like to ask a few questions.

    1. Is the current version of SPT actually the same as it is TODAY EFT? with all the futures ?
    2. Is the Hideout expandable like in EFT? (with also the gym and all the rooms)
    3. Does the archivments section also unlock the colors for your personal Hideout?
    4. Are the masteries obtainable like in EFT?

    Eventually if there is need for any specific mod as an answer of my questions, can anyone redirect me to the specific mod?
    Thanks to anyone who will answer <3

  • SPT is generally behind LIVE, as it takes time to incorporate changes into the mod. Currently, we are on a patch from just before the Customs expansion on LIVE. Everything should work like in LIVE except where it can't, like Co-op extracts for example, but mods like Server Value Modifier allow you to make these paid extracts instead and work just like the vehicle extracts. In fact, SVM should be your first mod, purely because it covers so much stuff in an easy to use GUI without the need to edit .cfg files. Other recommendations for a live like experience would be SAIN, Looting Bots, Questing Bots and a spawning mod like MOAR, SWAG & Donuts or Questing Bots comes with a spawning system baked in.

    You can expand the hideout as in LIVE but not sure about colors, if that's a feature added around the time of the Customs Expansion it's not yet in SPT. Masteries are in if you are referring to weapon mastery.

    I'd suggest searching for some recent SPT videos on YouTube and looking for modlists in the descriptions but my suggestions above are a good base while you get acquainted with SPT.

    Welcome to SPT, sorry it took so long for someone to answer your query. Recommend you joining the Discord asap for any future questions.

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