Increasing raid time causes big issue with either SAIN or SWAG+Donuts (Invisible scav and pmcs with floating gear)

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    When extending raid time above the default setting, bots spawn in weird manners. I would extend the time, go into raid, and observe ai behavior. For the first few moments of the raid the bots spawn and behave as intended. After a certain time has elapsed, ais do spawn but they are invisible with only their gear floating and they all face exactly south and do absolutely nothing.

    Previously when testing I had some bot settings active on SVM, specifically the frequency of bot type. This would cause these "dead" ais to spawn around 50 minutes to 1 hour into the raid.

    After realizing this I disable every single SVM setting which affects the ai in any way, and this time the "dead" ais started appearing way sooner, 12-15 minutes into the raid.

    I do not think that the weapon addon mods affect this because when I killed these ais they had vanilla eft guns.

    I have went through the bepinex log and found this line generates around the time when the "dead" ais manifest

    [Warning:DonutsRaidManager] 13:01:02 [ScavDataService::TryGenerateBotProfiles] Generating bot profiles canceled! Either the raid ended or there was a bot profile generation error!

    I would like some help with this to no longer get these invisible ais which do nothing.

  • Столкнулся с той же проблемой, у меня это началось после обновления мода APBS - Acid's Progressive Bot System

  • I had this happen on Customs last night. The only thing that had changed on my install was that I updated Questing Bots and Realism Mod, you don't have Realism so could you try rolling back to the previous QB version? Remember to delete all files from QB including in the Bepinex/Config folder before reinstalling the previous version.

    I'm not saying QB is the cause, but it's the only common mod we have that I've updated and then experienced the issue. I'll be testing myself later but last night didn't have time to delve into it. I also noticed that PMC's don't seem to be extracting, I found 2 at Outskirts truck on Woods, and outside the z1013 bunker on Customs. They are unresponsive and I can shoot them and get the kill but they don't die in raid and you can't loot them.

  • You may be right, I have done a test with a downgraded version of questing bots (0.9.0) and using some slightly tweaked donuts settings (bot cap on scavs active), I was able to get a 2+ hour raid in without this bug occuring, unsure if it would occur longer than that but im certain it would not.

    Basically, before downgrading and stated in my initial report, I measured a time of 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes before the phantom bots appeared. I did a test with the downgraded questing bots and went 2+ hours with no issue as well as tweak some settings so that bots aren't flooding the map (may also be a culprit). Then using the same donuts settings and upgrading questing bots to 0.9.1, the phantom bots appeared around the same time as the baseline of 1 hour 30 mintues. In the changelog of 0.9.1 the author states that certain bots can utilize the pmc brain now which is what I suspect is breaking the bots. This may require more testing but for now I feel that the solution is to simply stick with the 0.9.0 version of questing bots.

    I should also mention that it is very important to have the hard limit active for scavs in donuts or else they start flooding the map and may cause the phantom bot bug to happen much sooner.

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