EFT SP Downgrader

  • Replaced the missing files and now the patch says it was successful. However when I try to launch the game it just closes itself. I have followed every step, server is running, everything is fine but when i press the "start game" button the game opens for a few seconds and closes (tarkov window opens but its invisible).

    I've checked my tarkov .exe file and it is the version the downgrader is supposed to downgrade to. Any help?

    Clicking Escapefromtarkov or the Launcher?

    This is what i done to get working for anyone else on win 7

    Updated to Patch 12.11.13124 EFT

    Made new folder in drive c: SP_Tarkov and copied eft files into it

    used Patcher_12.11.13124_To_0.12.10.12893.zip

    Patcher and user go into c: SP_Tarkov and AKI_Data goes into c:AKI_Data

    if you get level177 error just copy the file from EFT folder Battlestate Games / EFT / escape from tarkov_data its will be in there

    run patcher, it might get no enough room error, just need keep redoing until it finally goes through with patch

    if you are running win 7 i needed to do this next or the server sceen give node error and shuts

    (@gruber123, @nu8, @xCykrix )

    Assuming Windows 7 x64 bit.

    Look for latest version in https://nodejs.org/download/nightly/

    for examplev15.0.0-nightly20200615f645cc7318/.

    Enter that 'folder', downloading either the




    (Don't download the MSI unless you want to extract the files from it with msiexec.exe /a "C:\Users\Elad\Desktop\node-v15.0.0-nightly20200615f645cc7318-x64.msi" /qb /l %TEMP%\log.txt TARGETDIR="C:\Users\Elad\Desktop\node-v15.0.0-nightly20200615f645cc7318-x64").

    Extract the files into a new folder, C:\nodejs64 (for example),

    after the extraction you should have C:\nodejs64\node.exe.

    Go to System-Properties (run: systempropertiesadvanced.exe),

    in Advanced tab, click Environment Variables.

    On the System variables area,

    look for path and double click that line.

    add ;C:\nodejs64; at the end of the line, and click OK.

    Still on the System variables,

    click 'New', add name: NODE_PATH with value: C:\nodejs64\node_modules, and click OK.

    click 'New' again, add name: NODE_SKIP_PLATFORM_CHECK with value: 1, and click OK.

    Click OK of all dialogs close.

    Restart your machine, so explore and cmd will get the fresh set of variables.

    Note, the previous version of this comment has some more information about cleaning up PATH and using c:\nodejs64\install_tools.bat it is a bit long but might still worth reading (click the 'edited' part in the answer to read the previous versions of it).

    also check the node folder its within folder within folder you just want the main files in c:nodejs64

    i got the SP-AKI working on win 7, booted up and loaded in, going test the game now will leave feed back if crashes or bugs running it on win7

  • пиздец ебанутые, бан ни за что) ну да ладно, типичные админы
    только вот хуй пойми где человек должен искать игру под существующий патч SPT xD

  • I am interested in the solution to this problem. waiting? perfectly xD

    Well, we just have to wait. I bet, if we were able to do it ourselves, we would have done it. But maybe it's not that simple, for it to take 8 days to make. We just have to wait. We also aren't paying for it, so it's the best we can do.

  • I gave this a shot as well. Have not installed the new update on the official launcher so running and have successfully downgraded to 12.10.12893. Server works perfectly, Launcher opens but when I click start game the game comes up for about a second goes away and then removes files out of the single player directory I created. Not sure what could or would cause that to occur.

  • I gave this a shot as well. Have not installed the new update on the official launcher so running and have successfully downgraded to 12.10.12893. Server works perfectly, Launcher opens but when I click start game the game comes up for about a second goes away and then removes files out of the single player directory I created. Not sure what could or would cause that to occur.

    did u add the SPT-AKI 1.5.1, also make sure you make backup folder with the downgrade on incase EFT client updates :P

  • did u add the SPT-AKI 1.5.1, also make sure you make backup folder with the downgrade on incase EFT client updates :P

    Yea I added SPT-AKI 1.5.1 and did have the backup, its just weirdly removing files out of the folder whenever I go to run the game through the launcher.

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