The offline mode checkbox does not disappear.

  • Server version
    Game client version
    Client log file…wddKn2HzaNt2cPfzhqtTmADGJ
    Server log file…orr66WSu2FEoUVWkapZb2kqqh
    Have you read the FAQ?
    Where did you download your game from?
    C:\Battlestate Games\EFT
    List of used mods

    First of all, please understand that I am not familiar with English because I am Korean. I filled out the below inquiry with the help of a translator.

    Using the latest version of AKI Patcher (Downgrade Patcher, the game was downgraded to the pre-copy "EFT" folder, and then SPT-AKI 1.5.1 was installed and run.

    As shown in the attached screenshot, the offline mode checkbox does not disappear when you try to go to the raid.

    If I ignore it and start, it says "Creating game worlds" and loads for two to three minutes and returns to the main screen.
    If I turn on the offline mode check box and start, the game will load properly.

    When both PMC and SCAV try to go to the raid, they do not load properly and return to the main menu after 2 to 3 minutes with the loading of the phrase "Creating game world".

    I reinstalled it several times, turned off proxy settings, erasing all of the registry and related files, and set exceptions to the firewall, but I didn't earn much.

    please help me.

  • Are you unchecking the box to start a raid?

    If so, don't, you don't need to, with SP it uses the offline mode but still saves your progress, so leave the box checked. If you still have issues or it doesn't save after extraction then that's a different issue.

    습격을 시작하기 위해 확인란을 선택 취소하시겠습니까?
    그렇다면 필요하지 않습니다. SP에서는 오프라인 모드를 사용하지만 진행 상황은 계속 저장하므로 확인란을 선택된 상태로 두십시오. 여전히 문제가 있거나 추출 후 저장되지 않으면 다른 문제입니다.
  • I'm downloaded tarkov from Tarkov official website. after i was connected to an online server and completed one round each with PMC and SCAV, downgrade the copied game folder, follow the Single Takov Installation Guide to install sequentially, boot the server, use the launcher to create a single-play account, and played the game.

    (Official Tarkov updated again recently, isn't it? Fortunately, I left a copy of the game ' ver' behind when I wrote this.

    To put it simply, I am currently experiencing a problem with a screen like online Tarkov even if I install and run a single Tarkov. It's a bonus that Raid can't even run.

    If I check the offline mode check box and start the raid, it loads well, then I play the game and get out, it won't be saved.

    The client log displays :

    Aki.Loader: Failed to load 'C:'.\Games\EFT\Aki_Data\Modules\aki-singleplayer/module.dll!' exceptions are

    as follows:

    I think this is a problem.

    The thing is, I don't know why the module can't load properly.

    Is it because of missing files or damage? There was no error message when the downgrade patcher was run. The game had been downgraded to the version required by the right mod.

    Please help me if there is anyone who can find out something from the logs I uploaded. Thank you.

    Edited 8 times, last by solge ().

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    Closed the thread.
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    Set the Label from In progress to Solved

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