Only factory map works..

  • Server version
    Game client version
    Client log file…U3mhtqFwxHbujQNhtdy5XC7P3
    Server log file…ztxthU14CgSoJ9f5CzTcsZwRf
    Have you read the FAQ?
    Where did you download your game from?
    i downloaded the game at C , and the spt is at D
    List of used mods
    and also i removed all mods and tried same problem i can load into factory only

    i load into factory only well

    when i go to other maps it crashes every time with or without mods..

  • "Where did you download your game at?" is asking where did you download the game, torrent, launcher etc?

    As far as your logs go, are they logs of an instance when it crashed? I am not seeing anything untoward there. (the logs refresh when you launch the server), if you could replicate the issue and give us logs of that occasion please.

  • i downloaded the game via launcher of bsg , and then downgraded it by the method on forums

    2021-08-23 21:40:32.296 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Loader: Loaded

    2021-08-23 21:40:32.399 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Loaded

    2021-08-23 21:40:32.399 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Loader: Loaded 'D:\SPT\Aki_Data\Modules\aki-common/module.dll'!

    2021-08-23 21:40:32.418 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Core: Loaded

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.004 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch BattleEyePatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.019 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch SslCertificatePatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.019 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch UnityWebRequestPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.019 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Loader: Loaded 'D:\SPT\Aki_Data\Modules\aki-core/module.dll'!

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.076 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.SinglePlayer: Loaded

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.076 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.SinglePlayer: Request host:

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.076 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.SinglePlayer: Request: /singleplayer/bundles

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.076 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.SinglePlayer: Request session not active

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.175 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.SinglePlayer: Request was successful

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.241 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch EasyAssetsPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.263 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch EasyBundlePatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.283 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch BundleLoadPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.283 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch OfflineSaveProfilePatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.362 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch OfflineSpawnPointPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.386 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch ExperienceGainPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.394 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch OnLoadRaidPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.394 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch WeaponDurabilityPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.413 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch SingleModeJamPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.451 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch MainMenuControllerPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.454 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch PlayerPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.454 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch MatchmakerOfflineRaidPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.454 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch MatchMakerSelectionLocationScreenPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.454 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch InsuranceScreenPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.475 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch BossSpawnChancePatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.475 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch BotTemplateLimitPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.475 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch GetNewBotTemplatesPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.512 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch RemoveUsedBotProfilePatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.525 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch SpawnPmcPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.544 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch CoreDifficultyPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.560 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch BotDifficultyPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.585 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch OnDeadPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.585 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch OnShellEjectEventPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.610 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch BotStationaryWeaponPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.610 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch BeaconPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.610 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch DogtagPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.610 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch LoadOfflineRaidScreenPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.629 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch ScavPrefabLoadPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.629 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch ScavProfileLoadPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.648 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch ScavExfilPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.648 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Common: Applied patch EndByTimerPatch

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.648 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Loader: Loaded 'D:\SPT\Aki_Data\Modules\aki-singleplayer/module.dll'!

    2021-08-23 21:40:33.648 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.Loader: Failed to find module.dll in 'D:\SPT\user\mods\Fin-AITweaks'

    2021-08-23 21:41:06.196 +02:00||Error|Default|CollisionMeshData couldn't be created because the mesh has been marked as non-accessible. Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "shadow"

    2021-08-23 21:41:30.923 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.SinglePlayer: Request: /singleplayer/settings/weapon/durability

    2021-08-23 21:41:30.923 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.SinglePlayer: Request session: 270be99aed2843edeeeed6e8

    2021-08-23 21:41:30.923 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.SinglePlayer: Request was successful

    2021-08-23 21:41:31.362 +02:00||Error|Default|PatchPrefix SelectSpawnPoint Infiltrations: 3 | Hideout,

    2021-08-23 21:41:31.362 +02:00||Error|Default|Filter by Infiltration:

    2021-08-23 21:41:31.362 +02:00||Error|Default|Filter by Categories: Player

    2021-08-23 21:41:31.362 +02:00||Error|Default|Filter by Side: Usec

    2021-08-23 21:41:31.362 +02:00||Error|Default|PatchPrefix SelectSpawnPoint: f92541a9-08ab-4c9e-957a-d802e143b705

    2021-08-23 21:41:32.722 +02:00||Error|Default|CollisionMeshData couldn't be created because the mesh has been marked as non-accessible. Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "shadow"

    2021-08-23 21:41:33.920 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.SinglePlayer: Request: /player/health/sync

    2021-08-23 21:41:33.924 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.SinglePlayer: Request was successful

    2021-08-23 21:41:42.540 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.SinglePlayer: Request: /singleplayer/settings/raid/menu

    2021-08-23 21:41:42.547 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.SinglePlayer: Request was successful

    2021-08-23 21:41:43.916 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.SinglePlayer: Request: /player/health/sync

    2021-08-23 21:41:43.916 +02:00||Error|Default|Aki.SinglePlayer: Request was successful

  • how much ram do you have? and how much virtual memory?
    can you monitor your ram usage while you load the non-factory maps.

    also, check your trace log under spt/logs/ to see if it mentions anything

  • Something very similar is happening to me too. Loading up any map other than Factory just crashes me to desktop, and the server window closes automatically either during the loading screen or immediately after, so I can't get any logs. Sometimes, even loading up the hideout does this. Been playing the game with no issues for about 2 days, on all maps, have had no crashes until today.

  • SPT Team

    Closed the thread.
  • SPT Team

    Set the Label from In progress to Unresolved

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