Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • First of all i think you didnt read Readme.txt for this mod, even if something wrong with FAIT, most of settings can glitch with extra Hight or Low values. Test it with proper settings again, while Fin will check your hash etc

    I have tried with numerous settings and these setting were working fine before. I was using extreme settings like this to be sure it was working which it was at first now without any changes to the config and no server reset the bots went to hard or impossible levels without warning. I did read the read me and these worked before but now it is running as if no setting have been applied.

  • I have tried with numerous settings and these setting were working fine before. I was using extreme settings like this to be sure it was working which it was at first now without any changes to the config and no server reset the bots went to hard or impossible levels without warning. I did read the read me and these worked before but now it is running as if no setting have been applied.

    Its not extreme settings, read again REAMDE.txt from Fin Ai tweaks folder, its mostly wrong settings for everything, except Difficulty. But still Fin can help with your problems, i just gave some tips. My settings on AKI 2.3.1 and latest FAIT works fine, i only remade all configs with fresh install without restoring backup config, just typed everything from old fait into Fait UI

  • Its not extreme settings, read again REAMDE.txt from Fin Ai tweaks folder, its mostly wrong settings for everything, except Difficulty. But still Fin can help with your problems, i just gave some tips. My settings on AKI 2.3.1 and latest FAIT works fine, i only remade all configs with fresh install without restoring backup config, just typed everything from old fait into Fait UI

    I have run these settings and they have been working flawlessly for over 3 days and randomly stopped working. I have tried using the "recommended" settings and I was still running into aim bot head shots from across them map so I pushed far beyond to stop that from happening and it was working perfectly fine. I was just curious if there is something in the hash or a mod conflict that stopped it from working one raid to the next. keep in mind these vastly broken setting have been working for over 70 raids

  • 187469713ă49115,14ă68428ē53981,6ğ0895659đĈĄ,5580Č72330ij067ďij322č4ļĦ2Ħ,ĻĢġ02775ĀČ,Ė1ĸ170ŕĕ2640,7ģĦ76čŊćą3ŐěĴħğ37Ĵ5Ůď48ėĕĴŋć296,|Ŝſ,Ŝ|assaultŽpmcboƊfollowergluharƄƆƈƑƓƕƗƙƛƝrscouƣƔƖƘƚƜƞsecurity,ƒưƦƳƩsnipeƾƤƱrkojaDžƽƿƥƘƆDžtƞljǀƘbƈlƽ|ƃƅƇƉgrƭp,beǙuƶcŽ-ĝ0.ż1.ĝ2ǵĎĝǽď.ŧ2ŐďȄǴ8ǿĎǴŧĝļŜǹȎƁȄdz,PMCsȑƂƏtnameshƘLjƶLJƟtetȢmwƻhƬmmƄŽȂǾȶȒȸƀȐȷȂȋȹȑǢơƉŽ|ƌƎƐǚǔƧƴƟǣƢɉNjǂƵƬƮɐǁƨƵƷƹƻǒNJɗɌDŽdžLjǡǫǭǯ,ƠǤtǦǨŽȷǴżŧ5ŜŃŽŜĴɄȎƂ|ĝ4ɄȌɿŅ,ɾȵȄɼɷĎǡ4Ď8ʉ|ś,ĮɄʊʌʎʐʒǡ|3ĎɵǡŜɾǡȽɄDzďżɼȅŽɄɮȸĝĹȆŝīŜɳɮʟɻɷɻɲɄŧʠʧǾʄʆʳʳǡĬ,9ɻ˄ˆʓ|ˈˇĎˉʙ2ʵɄȂʼȂȂǡʤˑʫȓ|ʪʽʬȻʲŜʍŽɾʦʏĞʁȷǾˋŜŌɄĥď0ɻ˯Čɻǡ˱1˳Ʉ˵˺ʓ˚˂|̀ʶĞʸī˓ȃ˘ǹʠʅƂpumǩƏɃǡ˛ʨȻŽ5d52cc5ba4b93ĸśʍ˳ķȂ5cdebĽ9d7f˳c̪e7ceŔʠƂȲpȝȟȡȣ,ȥƘaȨȪeȬȮȰȲȘžʨɯȑǾʲșʆʯȶ.ȵ͝ȹ.ʉĝʳľȄ˖ȑʻ͔̬ͦͪɴ̇ȉȃĴȺʬȑˑƀȓ05:Ĭ:˻ȂaƔɨ΁΀l΂΅΄Άʨ

    I didn't change something, i just tried to set new AKI. And after i add FAIT(just only FAIT) - i got this problem. Also i didn't touch anything in config

  • 187469713ă49115,14ă68428ē53981,6ğ0895659đĈĄ,5580Č72330ij067ďij322č4ļĦ2Ħ,ĻĢġ02775ĀČ,Ė1ĸ170ŕĕ2640,7ģĦ76čŊćą3ŐěĴħğ37Ĵ5Ůď48ėĕĴŋć296,|Ŝſ,Ŝ|assaultŽpmcboƊfollowergluharƄƆƈƑƓƕƗƙƛƝrscouƣƔƖƘƚƜƞsecurity,ƒưƦƳƩsnipeƾƤƱrkojaDžƽƿƥƘƆDžtƞljǀƘbƈlƽ|ƃƅƇƉgrƭp,beǙuƶcŽ-ĝ0.ż1.ĝ2ǵĎĝǽď.ŧ2ŐďȄǴ8ǿĎǴŧĝļŜǹȎƁȄdz,PMCsȑƂƏtnameshƘLjƶLJƟtetȢmwƻhƬmmƄŽȂǾȶȒȸƀȐȷȂȋȹȑǢơƉŽ|ƌƎƐǚǔƧƴƟǣƢɉNjǂƵƬƮɐǁƨƵƷƹƻǒNJɗɌDŽdžLjǡǫǭǯ,ƠǤtǦǨŽȷǴżŧ5ŜŃŽŜĴɄȎƂ|ĝ4ɄȌɿŅ,ɾȵȄɼɷĎǡ4Ď8ʉ|ś,ĮɄʊʌʎʐʒǡ|3ĎɵǡŜɾǡȽɄDzďżɼȅŽɄɮȸĝĹȆŝīŜɳɮʟɻɷɻɲɄŧʠʧǾʄʆʳʳǡĬ,9ɻ˄ˆʓ|ˈˇĎˉʙ2ʵɄȂʼȂȂǡʤˑʫȓ|ʪʽʬȻʲŜʍŽɾʦʏĞʁȷǾˋŜŌɄĥď0ɻ˯Čɻǡ˱1˳Ʉ˵˺ʓ˚˂|̀ʶĞʸī˓ȃ˘ǹʠʅƂpumǩƏɃǡ˛ʨȻŽ5d52cc5ba4b93ĸśʍ˳ķȂ5cdebĽ9d7f˳c̪e7ceŔʠƂȲpȝȟȡȣ,ȥƘaȨȪeȬȮȰȲȘžʨɯȑǾʲșʆʯȶ.ȵ͝ȹ.ʉĝʳľȄ˖ȑʻ͔̬ͦͪɴ̇ȉȃĴȺʬȑˑƀȓ05:Ĭ:˻ȂaƔɨ΁΀l΂΅΄Άʨ

    I didn't change something, i just tried to set new AKI. And after i add FAIT(just only FAIT) - i got this problem. Also i didn't touch anything in config

    Its not an error, its debug hash)

  • Fin, In Aki 2.3.1 cultists can spawn at day time) So technically if i add cultists into advanced spawn config, they'll spawn on each map even in day raids? And second question is - if i want to add cultists only on night factory, i must change src and factory settings?

    I.... Am going to say probably, on this one? I wasn't aware they could spawn in the day, however if they can then you'd have to make some major changes to mod.js in order to get them to only spawn at night. Major major changes, though I think it can be done. I just finished copying over my EFT folder to upgrade to 2.3.1, so I'll see if can answer that question with some ingame testing on the new version.

    I have run these settings and they have been working flawlessly for over 3 days and randomly stopped working. I have tried using the "recommended" settings and I was still running into aim bot head shots from across them map so I pushed far beyond to stop that from happening and it was working perfectly fine. I was just curious if there is something in the hash or a mod conflict that stopped it from working one raid to the next. keep in mind these vastly broken setting have been working for over 70 raids

    I'm not sure just what might be happening here. After loading up your config settings from the hash I had the problem you described (Bots hitting me from absurd distances with basically no chance to miss), as well as loadouts that completely ignored the settings of the config. However, when I went to look at the actual difficulty values the AI was using, they had all been loaded in correctly.

    More confusingly, when I then exited the game and the server and re-launched SPT using those same config settings, the problem disappeared, and stayed disappeared for two runs after that, all three of which were on Customs.

    There are a few things I'd recommend trying, not necessarily in this order:

    1.) Make a new profile and do a quick test run on a map that isn't Factory (Since it's very small, and can lead to some misleading results when it comes to judging the AI's accuracy). Enable Cod Mode and set your HP in each limb to 5000 or something, so you can make sure any insane accuracy isn't a fluke.

    2.) Remove all your mods except for FAIT, and then give it a test run.

    3.) Try using the mod.js file from this experimental version. The changes are small, but they have a couple of just-in-case changes I've made just now that may solve your issue. It's also set up to save copies of all the bot difficulty files into your doNotTouch folder. It saves one copy when the game starts, and another when you load into a raid, just in case there are any differences between he two. If the problem persists you can try sending me those, though I suspect that, like when I tested it on my end, they'll be normal. But it never hurts to check.

    I'll keep giving it pokes on my end, as well.


    I didn't change something, i just tried to set new AKI. And after i add FAIT(just only FAIT) - i got this problem. Also i didn't touch anything in config

    This isn't an error, it's just a code I need to see if you have to submit a help request ^ ^. If things are working fine, don't worry about it.

    Edited 2 times, last by Fin ().

  • I forgot to say about cultists on day_factory - i used advanced spawn config and made sectantwarrior and sectantpriest like 2 different waves. Maybe that's why they can spawn. For now i ll use Kiki ALLTHEBOSS to spawn cultists in usual style)

  • so I'm getting this when i start my game and I'm

    not sure what it means i have 8000 lines of errors lol. i have changed nothing in any of the files or the editor. while in game all scavs and pmcs come straight to me. hope this is what you need for information to figure it out. thanks



  • so I'm getting this when i start my game and I'm

    not sure what it means i have 8000 lines of errors lol. i have changed nothing in any of the files or the editor. while in game all scavs and pmcs come straight to me. hope this is what you need for information to figure it out. thanks


    You appear to be missing a whole bunch of files. -Try redownloading the mod and verifying that the file structure and its contents inside the archived file (The .rar file) are the same as what's in your folder inside the mods directory. If they aren't the same (Looking at your errors, you'll likely find that the bot_inventories folder is missing, and some others may be as well) then copy the over from the archived file, and verify that they aren't being deleted by something.

  • Hi FIn,

    It seems like this mod effects the inventory of the bots in a way that makes the probability of them having a knife, half mask, and blue gunpowder is very high. Every bot I kill has the same stuff in their inventory with the exception of a few things. Do you know if there is a fix for this I can implement? I don't believe the loadout can be looked at through the debug, but I pasted anyways


    FAIT doesn't affect loose loot (Except to remove a few weird items like wooden AK grips and other ultra-low-value weapon parts), facemask selection (Except when it comes to the armored facemask), or melee weapons, at the moment.

    In addition, you seem to have gear changes disabled, so any issues you're experiencing shouldn't have anything to do with FAIT, unless that debug hash is from a period when you weren't having issues. -And while the hash doesn't include loadouts, it does include the settings necessary to regenerate most loadout issues a player might be having, so I very much appreciate you including it.

    Hello Fin,

    first and foremost thank you for your great mod! :thumbup:<3

    I would like to come back to the issure SHunt05 raised regarding half masks, gunpowder kite and hunting knives spawning excessively in bot inventories. I#m having the same issue and thought it might help to clarify that those items only spawn in chest-rigs/armoured vests. Depending on the size of the rig you end up with having several half masks gunbpowders and knifes filling up the "empty" slots in the rig.

    On a sidenote, esmarch and single use bandages also seem very prevelent in pockets and rigs but i guess this could be changed advanced inventory config. Another question... are injectors also handled via the advanced inventory config?


    Did some testing on factory. All of the above items as well as medical bloodset appear in chest-rigs/armoured vests on PMC-Bots. Also found all those item included in "TacticalVest" in bear_ai.json, usec_ai.json and bosstest.json.

    Here's my config hash:

    DEBUG HASH !!If you're asking for help with FAIT, please copy and paste this in to your help request, or you probably won't be helped!!:


    ===============================End Debug Hash===============================

  • You appear to be missing a whole bunch of files. -Try redownloading the mod and verifying that the file structure and its contents inside the archived file (The .rar file) are the same as what's in your folder inside the mods directory. If they aren't the same (Looking at your errors, you'll likely find that the bot_inventories folder is missing, and some others may be as well) then copy the over from the archived file, and verify that they aren't being deleted by something.

    ok i will try that, thank you very much, ill let you know what happens.

  • You appear to be missing a whole bunch of files. -Try redownloading the mod and verifying that the file structure and its contents inside the archived file (The .rar file) are the same as what's in your folder inside the mods directory. If they aren't the same (Looking at your errors, you'll likely find that the bot_inventories folder is missing, and some others may be as well) then copy the over from the archived file, and verify that they aren't being deleted by something.

    so i downloaded it again the newest version and its identical to what i downloaded the other day. so im not sure why the files are missing, i follow the links for the download and download it like any other .rar or zip. im stumped

  • You appear to be missing a whole bunch of files. -Try redownloading the mod and verifying that the file structure and its contents inside the archived file (The .rar file) are the same as what's in your folder inside the mods directory. If they aren't the same (Looking at your errors, you'll likely find that the bot_inventories folder is missing, and some others may be as well) then copy the over from the archived file, and verify that they aren't being deleted by something.

    i just noticed something the bot_inventories folder is not extracting, i went into the .rar before extract and it shows a bot_inventories file but its empty and when i extract the the mod that folder disappears that's the only one that dose, so the image on the left is not extracted yet shows bot_inventories and the image on the right no bot_inventories after extracting. weird i have no clue.

  • I'm not sure if my case is just an isolated incident, but since I've upgraded to the new current versions of Tarkov, AKI, and as well as this mod I have been experiencing more stutter than usual to the point that the it makes the game unplayable. The stutters become really noticeable when the server generates a number of bots or even when an AI fire it's weapon, so whenever a new wave spawns or a bot takes a shot at me my game freezes and stutters until the server is finished doing whatever processes it is trying to complete.

    I've tried troubleshooting to the best of my ability on my end by lowering bot spawn rates and removing other mods I had installed as well. I tried disabling certain features of the mod in the config executable that I believed may have been a cause but no change or improvement in performance was made unless I remove the mod itself altogether.

  • so i made a Bot_inventories folder and that fixed the problem with that but the other issue i have is im missing

    spawnOverview.json. i really appreciate the help by the way.

    If you're missing spawnOverview, that... Should be in the donottouch/debug folder, so make sure that folder exsts as well and you should be good! : )

    And it appears that your PC may be refusing to extract / deleting empty folders it finds in the archive (As both bot_inventories and donottouch/debug are empty until you run the mod for the first time), though I'm not sure why it would do that.

    I'm not sure if my case is just an isolated incident, but since I've upgraded to the new current versions of Tarkov, AKI, and as well as this mod I have been experiencing more stutter than usual to the point that the it makes the game unplayable. The stutters become really noticeable when the server generates a number of bots or even when an AI fire it's weapon, so whenever a new wave spawns or a bot takes a shot at me my game freezes and stutters until the server is finished doing whatever processes it is trying to complete.

    I've tried troubleshooting to the best of my ability on my end by lowering bot spawn rates and removing other mods I had installed as well. I tried disabling certain features of the mod in the config executable that I believed may have been a cause but no change or improvement in performance was made unless I remove the mod

    Unfortunately I don't have a lot of information regarding the stutter issue. -Out of curiosity, have you tried disabling the AI changes the mod makes? That's the primary culprit I can think of, once you're sure it's not a "Too many bots" issue. I'll try and look into this a bit more myself, but in the past this has been an ellusive issue that doesn't seem to affect all SPT installations equally.


    I would like to come back to the issure SHunt05 raised regarding half masks, gunpowder kite and hunting knives spawning excessively in bot inventories. I#m having the same issue and thought it might help to clarify that those items only spawn in chest-rigs/armoured vests. Depending on the size of the rig you end up with having several half masks gunbpowders and knifes filling up the "empty" slots in the rig.


    Can you confirm that this still happens when FAIT is the only mod you have installed? X.X I'm scratching my head over this, because FAIT really should not be making things like knives spawn in rigs. As far as I and my ctlf-f just now are aware, it shouldn't even touch that particular inventory array.

    Oh, actually.. -One other thing I just thought of: Would you mind uploading a copy of your bot_inventories folder? Rig items should be contained in that, so it would be useful to have as a point of comparison against my own version using your config settings.

  • Can you confirm that this still happens when FAIT is the only mod you have installed? X.X I'm scratching my head over this, because FAIT really should not be making things like knives spawn in rigs. As far as I and my ctlf-f just now are aware, it shouldn't even touch that particular inventory array.

    Oh, actually.. -One other thing I just thought of: Would you mind uploading a copy of your bot_inventories folder? Rig items should be contained in that, so it would be useful to have as a point of comparison against my own version using your config settings.

    I've send you a PM with my bot inventories.

  • Unfortunately I don't have a lot of information regarding the stutter issue. -Out of curiosity, have you tried disabling the AI changes the mod makes? That's the primary culprit I can think of, once you're sure it's not a "Too many bots" issue. I'll try and look into this a bit more myself, but in the past this has been an ellusive issue that doesn't seem to affect all SPT installations equally.

    That's one of the first things I tried was disabling AI spawn changes, however I didn't disable the "all AI changes" feature on the config editor exe because I wasn't sure if this option affected difficulty changes (which is why I got the mod in the first place). I then tried running Lua spawn rework alongside to see if I could use Lua for the spawns and use FAIT for things like gear changes and difficulty. It didn't seem to matter though, I still experienced stutters and freezes.

    I also tried disabling some of the features I circled in the picture shown here. These were some of the configs I had a hunch may have been a cause but they don't seem to change much in performance at least for me.

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