Trying to make a batch file to open Server and Launcher at the same time

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    I am trying to create a batch file to launch Server.exe and Launcher.exe at the same time. My only issue is that they both crash when starting them through the batch file. They will launch fine when started normally but crash instantly when launched via a batch file.

    Has anyone tried to do this before? Does anyone have a solution to the issue?

  • First of all. They crash because you're launching them externally in the wrong environment.

    If you don't understand what this means, just understand you got to put the batch file in the same directory as server/launcher.exe

    You can always create a shortcut to the batchfile later.

    Contents should be as followed:

    Code: start.bat
    @echo off
    start "" "path\to\server.exe"
    timeout /t 6
    start "" "path\to\launcher.exe"

    Catching bugs :notlikethis:

  • You can reference my batch file to create yours.
    It's a bit convoluted, but here it is...

    I then create a shortcut to the batch file and pin it to the Start Menu.

    It also logs the activity in case you need to go back to it... it's simple, but it does what I need it to do.
    Log output looks like this...

  • kikirio

    Closed the thread.
  • kikirio

    Set the Label from In progress to Solved

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