Server Value Modifier [SVM]

  • I confirm the problem described above by the user Majuleznfs. I've had this problem with wild pockets that are reset by default after a raid since version AKI -3.5.8/SMV-1.6.5, now I have version EFT- AKI -3.7.3/SMV-1.7.2H1

  • I confirm the problem described above by the user Majuleznfs. I've had this problem with wild pockets that are reset by default after a raid since version AKI -3.5.8/SMV-1.6.5, now I have version EFT- AKI -3.7.3/SMV-1.7.2H1

    Hmm, guess I gotta rework it in the next update given I'll manage to repro myself, if that's the case, either SCAV got own callback for raid save or the SCAV fields have changed in the profile, whatever the case - I'll look into the solution, and it will be released along new version, if the fix requires minor changes - I'll include DIY method here or in comment section.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • I noticed one more feature in the latest version of SVM-1.7.2H1, after the raid, killed PMCs have melee weapons and grenades (what you took from the raid) without check marks, in previous versions of SVM this was not the case, all picked up weapons and grenades are from the corpses of enemies After the raid, in the cache (what I brought out) was marked.

  • I noticed one more feature in the latest version of SVM-1.7.2H1, after the raid, killed PMCs have melee weapons and grenades (what you took from the raid) without check marks, in previous versions of SVM this was not the case, all picked up weapons and grenades are from the corpses of enemies After the raid, in the cache (what I brought out) was marked.

    Those changes were not under my control, those changes are made by AKI team, but it does fit the idea, PMC are supposed to have Non-marked equipment.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Those changes were not under my control, those changes are made by AKI team, but it does fit the idea, PMC are supposed to have Non-marked equipment.

    Thanks for the answer. I had suspicions that this was related to AKI (I just decided to find out from you personally) since I constantly use your mod.
    P.S. Do you plan to add a function that would remove the black and white effect after using painkillers?

  • Thanks for the answer. I had suspicions that this was related to AKI (I just decided to find out from you personally) since I constantly use your mod.
    P.S. Do you plan to add a function that would remove the black and white effect after using painkillers?

    Visual effects are embed into client, there is no way I can do it via server mod.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • I don't know my AKI/SVM versons. How do I find those?

    SMH, When you start a server, it shows both the version of Aki and SVM, GFVE also has version embed in its header, it is equal to SVM version.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Hi, sorry to waste your time if this has already been asked before, I checked for a few pages but couldn't see it so I figured I'd ask.
    Does this mod have the ability to enable events and such like the Christmas and Halloween ones? It's been a while since I've played and I thought it was this mod that activated it the last time I was playing. Thanks in advance

    EDIT:* Sory, I've found the options, not sure how to delete the post :/

  • Hello! Haven't been playing in Tarkov in years. Saw 3.8.0 and decided to try. I know that 3.8.0 is not officially supported yet, but I got strange error while... compiling? server.

    TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'min')

    at MainSVM.postDBLoad (C:\Escape from Tarkov\user\mods\ServerValueModifier\src\SVM.js:2180:54)

    It is (trader.fence.presetMaxDurabilityPercentMinMax.min = Config.Traders.Fence.FenceGunDurability_Min) in "traders section".

    Does this happens because of version 3.8.0 I'm using or something else? If I disable whole traders section all together, server will compile. This happens with some other sections too, but most other sections work fine.

  • As you might've not guessed, SVM 1.7.2 is not even updated to 3.7.6, not even talking about 3.8.0.
    Yes there is an issue with numerous fields, mostly with fleamarket and traders plus lacking fields for new maps.
    Yes this error is known and already fixed, you can fix it yourself by changing the fields near the one you found to
    trader.fence.weaponDurabilityPercentMinMax.current.min = Config.Traders.Fence.FenceGunDurability_Min

    trader.fence.weaponDurabilityPercentMinMax.current.max = Config.Traders.Fence.FenceGunDurability_Max
    fence.armorMaxDurabilityPercentMinMax.current.min = Config.Traders.Fence.FenceArmorDurability_Min
    fence.armorMaxDurabilityPercentMinMax.current.max = Config.Traders.Fence.FenceArmorDurability_Max
    Mainly the structure have changed, therefore required `current` in the structure.
    Also PMC > Add all keys and Add all containers are also non functioning anymore, also because of AKI changes.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Thanks alot!

  • So I was wondering is there a way to increase the stack size of sig spear ammo stack size since its currently at 40 and the "M.Rifle Rounds" and "Rifle Rounds" don't change the value of the stack. I tried following the examples on how to change individual item property's but it keeps giving me the SVM: Custom properties failed to load, error of the code:TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props') This is the line of code I'm inputting '6529243824cbe3c74a05e5c1:Round:300' The item id is correct and the number 300 should be fine but what do I put in-between them for it to work

  • So I was wondering is there a way to increase the stack size of sig spear ammo stack size since its currently at 40 and the "M.Rifle Rounds" and "Rifle Rounds" don't change the value of the stack. I tried following the examples on how to change individual item property's but it keeps giving me the SVM: Custom properties failed to load, error of the code:TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props') This is the line of code I'm inputting '6529243824cbe3c74a05e5c1:Round:300' The item id is correct and the number 300 should be fine but what do I put in-between them for it to work

    You people are truly impatient, can't just wait neither for AKI 3.8.0 or SVM 1.8.0 to arrive with all the things you want.
    There is no such field as `Round`, there is a field called `StackObjectsCount`, this is the one you need.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • You people are truly impatient, can't just wait neither for AKI 3.8.0 or SVM 1.8.0 to arrive with all the things you want.
    There is no such field as `Round`, there is a field called `StackObjectsCount`, this is the one you need.

    Thank you very much!

  • Yeah, sorry about that. I really wanted to try new jumping system, it's really cool. But sadly, without all the mods, it's just not the same, so I revert back to 3.7.6.

  • GhostFenixx

    Changed the title of the thread from “KMC Server Value Modifier (SVM)” to “Server Value Modifier [SVM]”.
  • Thank you very much!

    My bad, was looking for usual item instead of ammo, you need to use `StackMaxSize` instead of "StackObjectCount", if that's still relevant.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

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