Server Value Modifier [SVM]

  • TypeError: pmcData.RepeatableQuests is not iterable

    TypeError: pmcData.RepeatableQuests is not iterable

    at QuestHelper.getQuestFromDb (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\QuestHelper.ts:646:50)

    at QuestHelper.applyQuestReward (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\QuestHelper.ts:716:33)

    at QuestHelper.failQuest (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\QuestHelper.ts:603:35)

    at InRaidHelper.processFailedQuests (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\InRaidHelper.ts:235:38)

    at InRaidHelper.updateProfileBaseStats (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\InRaidHelper.ts:175:14)

    at InraidController.savePlayerScavProgress (C:\snapshot\project\src\controllers\InraidController.ts:260:38)

    at InraidController.savePostRaidProgress (C:\snapshot\project\src\controllers\InraidController.ts:95:18)

    at InraidCallbacks.saveProgress (C:\snapshot\project\src\callbacks\InraidCallbacks.ts:44:31)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\static\InraidStaticRouter.ts:20:53)

    at InraidStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\src\di\Router.ts:51:61)

    TypeError: pmcData.RepeatableQuests is not iterable

    TypeError: pmcData.RepeatableQuests is not iterable

    at QuestHelper.getQuestFromDb (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\QuestHelper.ts:646:50)

    at QuestHelper.applyQuestReward (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\QuestHelper.ts:716:33)

    at QuestHelper.failQuest (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\QuestHelper.ts:603:35)

    at InRaidHelper.processFailedQuests (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\InRaidHelper.ts:235:38)

    at InRaidHelper.updateProfileBaseStats (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\InRaidHelper.ts:175:14)

    at InraidController.savePlayerScavProgress (C:\snapshot\project\src\controllers\InraidController.ts:260:38)

    at InraidController.savePostRaidProgress (C:\snapshot\project\src\controllers\InraidController.ts:95:18)

    at InraidCallbacks.saveProgress (C:\snapshot\project\src\callbacks\InraidCallbacks.ts:44:31)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\static\InraidStaticRouter.ts:20:53)

    at InraidStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\src\di\Router.ts:51:61)

    Keep getting this error and I don't know what it means. I have realism, swag donuts, artem, gunsmith and some other minor mods installed including SVM. Can somebody tell me if its from SVM or something else?

  • cut

    Keep getting this error and I don't know what it means. I have realism, swag donuts, artem, gunsmith and some other minor mods installed including SVM. Can somebody tell me if its from SVM or something else?

    can you show us the page of quests in SVM? because i think you have some wrong value, maybe you forgot a ;

  • If you have Quests section disabled in your preset - it's a different mod that is causing the issue, easy as.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • How can i check what is causing the issue or is it just trial and error?

    Anything that can affect repeatable quests and your profile
    I can only suggest to link your profile and preset, i could try to reproduce on my side and try to fix it, no promises tho since it is not syntax error i could easily trace.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Sorry for triple posting but now i also saw this in my server:

    No PMC quest found for ID: 655202afbeeabb5942000001

    No PMC quest found for ID: 6554aedcf0dfeb9912000001

    No PMC quest found for ID: 655602fc878b7166cf000001

    No PMC quest found for ID: 655602fc878b7166cf000001

    Quest: 655686fb6334572c05000001 found in PMC profile has different status/statustimer. Scav: AvailableForStart vs PMC: 2Quest: 655686fb6334572c05000001 found in PMC profile has different status/statustimer. Scav: Started vs PMC: 1

    Processing counter: 655202afbeeabb5942000004 value:0 quest:655202afbeeabb5942000001

    Counter id: 655202afbeeabb5942000004 already exists in pmc profile! with value: 0 for quest: 655202afbeeabb5942000001

    Processing counter: 65535d5a29a764dff400000b value:0 quest:65535d5a29a764dff400000a

    Counter id: 65535d5a29a764dff400000b already exists in pmc profile! with value: 0 for quest: 65535d5a29a764dff400000a

  • The link you've posted is not in public access, you need to share the file on gdrive as public one.
    This error doesn't ring a bell for me, this is not SVM's doing, or at least not the one i ever saw.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Soz, took me a while to check myself - no errors on my side with SVM and your Preset, check your mods that you've used, given your preset - there is nothing that could cause that issue either, therefore it's not a compatibility issue, at least most likely.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • The_Katto added a new version:

  • after adding "the little drummer mod" my console puts this line at every launch

    i dont have any mods that alter playerhealth besides the realism mod and there i disabled the medical alterations

    any idea?

  • after adding "the little drummer mod" my console puts this line at every launch

    i dont have any mods that alter playerhealth besides the realism mod and there i disabled the medical alterations

    any idea?

    No clue, seems like it cannot find the structure inside your profile, no idea how that happened, it can happen if the profile was created on same run as you did those changes.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • If I change the scav pockets it doesn't always have the custom scav pockets. It started off being 50% of raids had custom and 50% were default. Now it seems to be the first raid has custom while every raid afer that has default till I close and reopen the game.

  • If I change the scav pockets it doesn't always have the custom scav pockets. It started off being 50% of raids had custom and 50% were default. Now it seems to be the first raid has custom while every raid afer that has default till I close and reopen the game.

    Huh, I've thought I've fixed that issue. Hmm....

    What are your AKI/SVM version?

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

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