Server Value Modifier [SVM]

  • I now have,

    Min/Max kills : 1 and 2

    Min/Max req. items: 1 and 2

    Max. extracts: 1

    Reward spread: 0.2

    I now get dailys with 13 scav kills. Why is that happening?

  • That shouldn't be a daily, rather a weekly, with such amount.
    You also need to apply, restart the server and the game and wait until your quests will reset, since it won't edit the ones that already persist in your profile.
    Speaking of reward spread - IIRC it is a margin of +50% or -50% in Currency rewards.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • That shouldn't be a daily, rather a weekly, with such amount.
    You also need to apply, restart the server and the game and wait until your quests will reset, since it won't edit the ones that already persist in your profile.
    Speaking of reward spread - IIRC it is a margin of +50% or -50% in Currency rewards.

    thanks for your reply!

    you are correct, I set the weekly duration to 1 day.

    so smaller value means more consisten reward? I dont really understand what you mean.

  • thanks for your reply!

    you are correct, I set the weekly duration to 1 day.

    so smaller value means more consisten reward? I dont really understand what you mean.

    Should be like that, sadly i can only recommend to fuck around and find out :D

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Hello! Is it possible for you to put a default loader.json into the mod or allow us to set the path so that Linux users can also enjoy your mod? When running the exe through Wine, it panics and thinks that SVM is out of bounds. This does not allow SVM to start, even though it is in the correct folder (user/mods) as seen in the below screenshots. Thank you very much for your consideration.

  • Hello! Is it possible for you to put a default loader.json into the mod or allow us to set the path so that Linux users can also enjoy your mod? When running the exe through Wine, it panics and thinks that SVM is out of bounds. This does not allow SVM to start, even though it is in the correct folder (user/mods) as seen in the below screenshots. Thank you very much for your consideration.

    Huh, that's interesting.
    Could you contact me in Discord? I don't have Linux environment to test any tweaking according to that, so it would be nice if you could help me testing it out.
    Same name as here, no numbers.
    Although it's 3AM for me, so i'll head off soon enough, send me FR and i'll contact you if i'll see you online.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

    Edited once, last by GhostFenixx ().

  • Heyo, informing you that i was wrong on that regard, there were changes to Elimination quest system, and now it is separated by multiple level ranges - it is in works and will be released at SVM 1.7.1

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • what i meant in the other post is, checking the Halloween event in SVM does nothing in game, i dont mean the new live event. it used to change a few things and scavs wearing pumpkin heads bot activated it this time and nothing changed

  • what i meant in the other post is, checking the Halloween event in SVM does nothing in game, i dont mean the new live event. it used to change a few things and scavs wearing pumpkin heads bot activated it this time and nothing changed

    As I pointed before, check your Hideout, if it has Halloween lighting - meaning event is active.
    SVM doesn't add features related to Halloween, only activates it, and as I pointed before - Event is on by default due to current time date.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • do you mean if i activate it in SVM the event that is on now will be on? or just the lights in hideout...

    thanks for taking time to reply m8

    It doesn't matter if you turn it on or not at the current time, it will be on by default due to current time is when Event is active in AKI, after the event is over, you can turn it back on via SVM.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • ah right thanks, not seen any of the Zarichy or however its spelt, but will look now lol

    This event do not exist in AKI, it was implemented after AKI 3.7.1

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • The_Katto added a new version:

  • hi
    im trying to fix this for about 2-3h now and i cant find a solution to the problem.
    im running a heavily modded build atm which was running fine up until i updated SVM to your newest patch

    this is my console whenever i start the aki-server. and i also added a list of the mods im using

    when i delete svm the game starts without issues and runs properly

    already let svm run in default with all changes disabled and the error for ragfair starts too

    i hope you can help me with this problem :)

  • The error is related to PMC names used for flea, have you edited any names in PMC section?
    It might be prohibited symbols or way too long name, they should behave with same logic as your profile name, less than 15 characters and no spaces or something like that.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • my bad if this is a stupid question, but, I dont have the GameFolder/user/mods/ path, is that because my folder with the game files in it is called just Game instead of GameFolder?

  • my bad if this is a stupid question, but, I dont have the GameFolder/user/mods/ path, is that because my folder with the game files in it is called just Game instead of GameFolder?

    open server, wait for it to say happy playing, open launcher follow the bits to account name etc and start game then it will create the missing folders, mods, profiles etc

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